Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Lykkeslet, Else"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Det som sitter i veggene
Sørbø, Jan Inge; Gjengedal, Eva; Lykkeslet, Else; Sæther, Wigdis Helen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Rommet ser ut til spille en viktig rolle når man informerer om helse. Et forskningsprosjekt i samarbeid mellom Høgskolene Sør-Trøndelag, Molde og Volda har invitert en gruppe pårørende til mennesker med demens til ... -
Finding ways to carry on: stories of vulnerability in chronic illness
Synnes, Oddgeir; Orøy, Aud Jorun; Råheim, Målfrid; Bachmann, Liv; Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg; Gjengedal, Eva; Høie, Magnhild; Jørgensen, Else; Michaelsen, Ragnhild Karen Astad; Sundal, Hildegunn; Vatne, Solfrid; Lykkeslet, Else (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Purpose: In this study, we explore the lived experiences of chronic illness in four groups of patients; children with asthma, adolescents with diabetes, young adults with depression, and adult patients with chronic, ... -
A painful experience of limited understanding: healthcare professionals’ experiences with palliative care of people with severe dementia in Norwegian nursing homes
Midtbust, May Helen; Alnes, Rigmor Einang; Gjengedal, Eva; Lykkeslet, Else (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-02-13)Background: People dying with dementia have significant healthcare needs, and palliative care, with its focus on comfort and quality of life, should be made available to these patients. The aim of this study was to explore ... -
Perceived barriers and facilitators in providing palliative care for people with severe dementia : the healthcare professionals' experiences
Midtbust, May Helen; Alnes, Rigmor Einang; Gjengedal, Eva; Lykkeslet, Else (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-09-12)Background: Dementia has become a major public health issue worldwide due to its rapidly increasing prevalence and an increasing number of dementia-related deaths in long-term care facilities. The aim of this study was to ... -
Sensory stimulation-A way of creating mutual relations in dementia care
Lykkeslet, Else; Gjengedal, Eva; Skrondal, Torill Helene; Storjord, May-Britt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-07-08)The overall aim of this 2-year Norwegian action research study was to improve the interaction between care workers and patients with dementia in a nursing home by means of sensory stimulation. Furthermore, the aim was to ... -
Teater som danning i helseprofesjonene
Sæther, Wigdis Helen; Sørbø, Jan Inge; Gjengedal, Eva; Lykkeslet, Else (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Healthcare workers who watch a theatre play about dementia, gain experiential knowledge about living with dementia. In this essay we discuss the nature of this knowledge in light of the concept of bildung. This discussion ...