Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Mæland, John Gunnar"
Disability pension by occupational class - the impact of work-related factors: The Hordaland Health Study Cohort
Haukenes, Inger; Mykletun, Arnstein; Knudsen, Ann Kristin; Hansen, Hans-Tore; Mæland, John Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-05-30)Background: The social gradient in disability pension is well recognized, however mechanisms accounting for the gradient are largely unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the association between occupational class ... -
Employment status and perceived health in the Hordaland Health Study (HUSK)
Øverland, Simon Nygaard; Glozier, Nicholas; Mæland, John Gunnar; Aarø, Leif Edvard; Mykletun, Arnstein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-08-29)Background: Most western countries have disability benefit schemes ostensibly based upon requiring (1) a work inhibiting functional limitation that (2) can be attributed to a diagnosable condition, injury or disease. The ... -
Gender differences in disability after sickness absence with musculoskeletal disorders: five-year prospective study of 37,942 women and 26,307 men
Gjesdal, Sturla; Bratberg, Espen; Mæland, John Gunnar; Gjesdal, Sturla; Bratberg, Espen; Mæland, John Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-02-07)Background Gender differences in the prevalence and occupational consequences of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are consistently found in epidemiological studies. The study investigated whether gender differences also ... -
Langtidssykemeldte i Bergen 1979/80 : en "infotrygd" basert studie
Gogstad, Anders; Moltu, E.; Mæland, John Gunnar; Tveit, Johs.; Øyen, Else (Sosialdepartementets sammendragsserie; 4, Research report, 1982)Prosjektet "Langtidssykemeldte i Bergen 1979/80 - en "Infotrygd"-basert studie" er utført ved Universitetet i Bergen og Bergen Trygdekasse under ledelse av A.Chr. Gogstad, Else Øyen og Johs. Tveit. Man har kartlagt medisinske ... -
Women’s higher likelihood of disability pension: the role of health, family and work. A 5–7 years follow-up of the Hordaland Health Study
Haukenes, Inger; Gjesdal, Sturla; Rørtveit, Guri; Riise, Trond; Mæland, John Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-08-31)Background: Women’s higher risk of disability pension compared with men is found in countries with high female work participation and universal welfare schemes. The aim of the study was to examine the extent to which ...