Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Malyshev, Alexander"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Computing the distance to continuous-time instability of quadratic matrix polynomials
Malyshev, Alexander; Sadkane, Miloud (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)A bisection method is used to compute lower and upper bounds on the distance from a quadratic matrix polynomial to the set of quadratic matrix polynomials having an eigenvalue on the imaginary axis. Each bisection step ... -
Decay estimates of Green's matrices for discrete-time linear periodic systems
Malyshev, Alexander; Sadkane, M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We study periodic Lyapunov matrix equations for a general discrete-time linear periodic system Bpxp−Apxp−1=fp, where the matrix coefficients Bp and Ap can be singular. The block coefficients of the inverse operator of the ... -
Estimating the discretization dependent accuracy of perfusion in coupled capillary flow measurements
Hanson, Erik Andreas; Sandmann, Constantin; Malyshev, Alexander; Lundervold, Arvid; Modersitzki, Jan; Hodneland, Erlend (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-07-20)One-compartment models are widely used to quantify hemodynamic parameters such as perfusion, blood volume and mean transit time. These parameters are routinely used for clinical diagnosis and monitoring of disease development ... -
Numerical Method for 3D Quantification of Glenoid Bone Loss
Malyshev, Alexander; Noreika, Algirdas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Let a three-dimensional ball intersect a three-dimensional polyhedron given by its triangulated boundary with outward unit normals. We propose a numerical method for approximate computation of the intersection volume by ... -
Sur la distance à l'instabilité de polynômes matriciels quadratiques / On the distance to instability of quadratic matrix polynomials
Malyshev, Alexander; Sadkane, Miloud (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-06-27)A bisection method is developed for computing the distance to instability of quadratic matrix polynomials. The computation takes rounding errors into account.