Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Melvold, Kjetil"
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Climate in Svalbard 2100
Adakudlu, Muralidhar; Andresen, J; Bakke, Jostein; Beldring, S.; Benestad, Rasmus; Bilt, Willem van der; Bogen, J.; Borstad, Christopher Paul; Breili, Kristian; Breivik, Øyvind; Børsheim, Knut Yngve; Christiansen, Hanne H; Dobler, Andreas; Engeset, Rune; Frauenfelder, Regula; Gerland, Sebastian; Gjelten, Herdis Motrøen; Gundersen, Jeanette; Isaksen, Ketil; Jaedicke, Christian; Kierulf, Halfdan; Kohler, Jack; Li, H.; Lutz, J.; Melvold, Kjetil; Mezghani, Abdelkader; Nilsen, F.; Nilsen, Irene Brox; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie; Pavlova, O.; Ravndal, Ole; Risebrobakken, Bjørg; Saloranta, Tuomo; Sandven, Stein; Schuler, Thomas; Simpson, Matthew James Ross; Skogen, Morten D.; Smedsrud, Lars H.; Sund, Monica; Vikhamar-Schuler, D.; Westermann, Sebastian; Wong, Wai Kwok (Research report, 2019-01)This report was commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency in order to provide basic information for use in climate change adaptation in Svalbard. It includes descriptions of historical, as well as projections for ... -
Mass balance and hydrological modeling of the Hardangerjøkulen ice cap in south-central Norway
Eidhammer, Trude; Booth, Adam; Decker, Sven; Li, Lu; Barlage, Mike; Gochis, Dave; Rasmussen, Roy; Melvold, Kjetil; Nesje, Atle; Sobolowski, Stefan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)A detailed, physically based, one dimensional column snowpack model (Crocus) has been incorporated into the hydrological model, Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-Hydro, to allow for direct surface mass balance simulation ...