Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Miller, C"
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Current systematic carbon-cycle observations and the need for implementing a policy-relevant carbon observing system
Ciais, Philippe; Dolman, AJ; Bombelli, A; Duren, R; Peregon, A; Rayner, PJ; Miller, C; Gobron, N; Kinderman, G; Marland, G; Gruber, N; Chevallier, F; Andres, RJ; Balsamo, G; Bopp, L; Breon, F-M; Broquet, G; Dargaville, R; Battin, TJ; Borges, A; Bovensmann, H; Buchwitz, M; Butler, J; Canadell, JG; Cook, RB; Defries, R; Engelen, R; Gurney, KR; Heinze, Christoph; Heimann, M; Held, A; Henry, M; Law, B; Luyssaert, S; Miller, J; Moriyama, T; Moulin, C; Myneni, RB; Nussli, C; Obersteiner, M; Ojima, D; Pan, Y; Paris, J-D; Piao, SL; Poulter, B; Plummer, S; Quegan, S; Raymond, P; Reichstein, M; Rivier, L; Sabine, C; Schimel, D; Tarasova, O; Valentini, R; Wang, R; Van, Der,Werf,G; Wickland, D; Williams, M; Zehner, C (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-07-03)A globally integrated carbon observation and analysis system is needed to improve the fundamental understanding of the global carbon cycle, to improve our ability to project future changes, and to verify the effectiveness ... -
High-resolution record revealsclimate-driven environmental andsedimentary changes in an active rift
McNeill, Lisa C.; Shillington, D.J; Carter, Gareth; Everest, J.D.; Gawthorpe, Rob; Miller, C; Phillips, M.P.; Collier, Richard E.L.I.; Le Ber, E; Cvetkoska, A; De Gelder, G; Diz, P; Doan, M-L; Ford, Mary; Geraga, M; Gillespie, J; Hemelsdael, Romain; Herrero-Bervera, Emilio; Ismaiel, M; Janikian, L; Kouli, K.; Machlus, M.L; Maffione, Marco; Mahoney, C; Michas, G; Nixon, Casey William; Oflaz, S.A.; Omale, A.P.; Panagiotopoulos, K; Pechlivanidou, Sofia; Sauer, Simone; Seguin, Joana; Zakharova, N.V.; Green, S (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-02-28)Young rifts are shaped by combined tectonic and surface processes and climate, yet few records exist to evaluate the interplay of these processes over an extended period of early rift-basin development. Here, we present ...