Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Miller, Christopher"
Burning, dumping, and site use during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic at Hohle Fels Cave, SW Germany
Marcazzan, Diana; Miller, Christopher; Conard, Nicholas J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Dumped deposits are a valuable source of information for inferring past behaviour. They provide insights into site maintenance, social organization and settlement dynamics. Hohle Fels Cave in SW Germany offers a unique ... -
The effect of formation processes on the frequency of palaeolithic cave sites in semiarid zones: Insights from Kazakhstan
Varis, Aristeidis; Miller, Christopher; Cuthbertson, Patrick; Namen, Abay; Taimagambetov, Zhaken; Iovita, Radu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Central Asian caves with Palaeolithic deposits are few, but they provide a rich record of human fossils and cultural assemblages that has been used to model Late Pleistocene hominin dispersals. However, previous research ... -
Heat-induced alteration of glauconitic minerals in the Middle Stone Age levels of Blombos Cave, South Africa: Implications for evaluating site structure and burning events
Haaland, Magnus Mathisen; Friesem, David; Miller, Christopher; Henshilwood, Christopher (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-10)In this paper we conduct geochemical and colourimetric measurements of glauconite grains in micromorphological thin sections from the Middle Stone Age site of Blombos Cave, South Africa, to investigate the formation, ... -
High-resolution sediment analysis reveals Middle Bronze Age byre-houses at the site of Oppeano (Verona province, NE Italy)
Nicosia, Cristiano; Polisca, Federico; Miller, Christopher; Ligouis, Bertrand; Mentzer, Susan; Mangani, Claudia; Gonzato, Federica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-31)High-resolution sediment analysis allowed us to identify two Middle Bronze Age (MBA 1, 1650–1550 cal a BCE) byre-houses at the waterlogged site of Oppeano “4D”, south of Verona (Veneto region, NE Italy). The site lies in ... -
Hunter-gatherer environments at the Late Pleistocene sites of Mwanganda's Village and Bruce, northern Malawi
Schilt, Flora; Miller, Christopher; Wright, David K.; Mentzer, Susan M.; Mercader, Julio; Moss, Patrick; Choi, Jeong-Heon; Siljedal, Gunnar Joakim; Clarke, Siobhán; Mwambwiga, Aloyce; Thomas, Kelly; Barbieri, Alvise; Kaliba, Potiphar; Gomani-Chindebvu, Elizabeth; Thompson, Jessica C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Mwanganda's Village (MGD) and Bruce (BRU) are two open-air site complexes in northern Malawi with deposits dating to between 15 and 58 thousand years ago (ka) and containing Middle Stone Age (MSA) lithic assemblages. The ... -
An infant burial from Arma Veirana in northwestern Italy provides insights into funerary practices and female personhood in early Mesolithic Europe
Hodgkins, Jamie; Orr, Caley M.; Gravel-Miguel, Claudine; Riel-Salvatore, Julien; Miller, Christopher; Bondioli, Luca; Nava, Alessia; Lugli, Federico; Talamo, Sahra; Hajdinjak, Mateja; Cristiani, Emanuela; Romandini, Matteo; Meyer, Dominique; Drohobytsky, Danylo; Kuester, Falko; Pothier-Bouchard, Geneviève; Buckley, Mike; Mancini, Lucia; Baruffaldi, Fabio; Silvestrini, Sara; Arrighi, Simona; Keller, Hannah M.; Griggs, Rocío Belén; Peresani, Marco; Strait, David S.; Benazzi, Stefano; Negrino, Fabio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The evolution and development of human mortuary behaviors is of enormous cultural significance. Here we report a richly-decorated young infant burial (AVH-1) from Arma Veirana (Liguria, northwestern Italy) that is directly ... -
An interdisciplinary approach to the study of kiln firing: a case study from the Campus Galli open-air museum (southern Germany)
Amicone, Silvia; Memmesheimer, Alisa; Solard, Baptiste; Gur-Arieh, Shira; Rogier, Martin; Qarni, Awais Mohammed; Seidler, Johannes; Sconzo, Paola; Heinze, Lars; Morandi, Lionello F.; Kiemle, Tobias; Miller, Christopher; Nickel, Klaus G.; Berthold, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Pottery kilns are a common feature in the archaeological record of different periods. However, these pyrotechnological installations are still seldom the target of interdisciplinary investigations. To fill this gap in our ... -
Issues of theory and method in the analysis of Paleolithic mortuary behavior: A view from Shanidar Cave
Pomeroy, Emma; Hunt, Chris O.; Reynolds, Tim; Abdulmutalb, Dlshad; Asouti, Eleni; Bennett, Paul; Bosch, Marjolein; Burke, Ariane; Farr, Lucy; Foley, Robert; French, Charles; Frumkin, Amos; Goldberg, Paul; Hill, Evan; Kabukcu, Ceren; Lahr, Marta Mirazón; Lane, Ross; Marean, Curtis; Maureille, Bruno; Mutri, Giuseppina; Miller, Christopher; Mustafa, Kaify Ali; Nymark, Andreas; Pettitt, Paul; Sala, Nohemi; Sandgathe, Dennis; Stringer, Chris; Tilby, Emily; Barker, Graeme (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Mortuary behavior (activities concerning dead conspecifics) is one of many traits that were previously widely considered to have been uniquely human, but on which perspectives have changed markedly in recent years. Theoretical ... -
A micro-geoarchaeological view on stratigraphy and site formation processes in the Middle, Upper and Epi-Paleolithic layers of Sefunim Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israel
Friesem, David E.; Shimelmitz, Ron; Schumacher, Mara L.; Miller, Christopher; Kandel, Andrew W. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This paper presents a micro-geoarchaeological study carried out on the sedimentary sequence exposed at the entrance of Sefunim Cave, Israel, a sequence that spans from the Middle Paleolithic to the early Epipaleolithic ... -
Microstratigraphic preservation of ancient faunal and hominin DNA in Pleistocene cave sediments
Massilani, Diyendo; Morley, Mike W.; Mentzer, Susan M.; Aldeias, Vera; Vernot, Benjamin; Miller, Christopher; Stahlschmidt, Mareike; Kozlikin, Maxim B.; Shunkov, Michael V.; Derevianko, Anatoly P.; Conard, Nicholas J.; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Henshilwood, Christopher Stuart; Vasquez, Javi; Essel, Elena; Nagel, Sarah; Richter, Julia; Nickel, Birgit; Roberts, Richard G.; Paabo, Svante; Slon, Viviane; Meyer, Matthias; Goldberg, Paul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Ancient DNA recovered from Pleistocene sediments represents a rich resource for the study of past hominin and environmental diversity. However, little is known about how DNA is preserved in sediments and the extent to which ... -
Middle and Upper Paleolithic occupations of Fumane Cave (Italy): a geoarchaeological investigation of the anthropogenic features
Marcazzan, Diana; Miller, Christopher; Ligouis, Bertrand; Duches, Rossella; Conard, Nicholas J.; Peresani, Marco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Here we present the results of a microcontextual analysis of purported combustion features recovered from Middle and Upper Paleolithic occupations at the cave site of Fumane, Italy. Our analyses, which integrate micromorphology ... -
Multiple phases of human occupation in Southeast Arabia between 210,000 and 120,000 years ago
Bretzke, K.; Preusser, F.; Jasim, S.; Miller, Christopher; Preston, G.; Raith, K.; Underdown, S.J.; Parton, A.; Parker, A.G. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Changing climatic conditions are thought to be a major control of human presence in Arabia during the Paleolithic. Whilst the Pleistocene archaeological record shows that periods of increased monsoon rainfall attracted ... -
The Ornaments of the Arma Veirana Early Mesolithic Infant Burial
Gravel-Miguel, C.; Cristiani, E.; Hodgkins, J.; Orr, C.M.; Strait, D.S.; Peresani, M.; Benazzi, S.; Pothier-Bouchard, G.; Keller, H.M.; Meyer, D.; Drohobytsky, D.; Talamo, S.; Panetta, D.; Zupancich, A.; Miller, Christopher; Negrino, F.; Riel-Salvatore, J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Personal ornaments are widely viewed as indicators of social identity and personhood. Ornaments are ubiquitous from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene, but they are most often found as isolated objects within archaeological ... -
Reconstructing formation processes at the Canary Islands indigenous site of Belmaco Cave (La Palma, Spain) through a multiproxy geoarchaeological approach
Fernández-Palacios, Enrique; Jambrina-Enríquez, Margarita; Mentzer, Susan M.; Rodríguez de Vera, Caterina; Dinckal, Ada; Égüez, Natalia; Herrera-Herrera, Antonio V.; Navarro Mederos, Juan Francisco; Marrero Salas, Efraín; Miller, Christopher; Mallol, Carolina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The indigenous populations of La Palma (Canary Islands), who arrived on the island from Northwest Africa ca. 2000 years B.P., were predominantly pastoralists. Yet, many aspects of their subsistence economy such as the ... -
A site formation model for Cuncaicha rock shelter: Depositional and postdepositional processes at the high‐altitude keysite in the Peruvian Andes
Meinekat, Sarah Ann; Miller, Christopher; Rademaker, Kurt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We report results from geoarchaeological investigations at Cuncaicha rock shelter (4480 m above sea level) in the high Andes of southern Peru. Using field observations, geomorphological, micromorphological, micro-Fourier ...