• Application of Wavenet to financial times series prediction 

      Moen, Endre (Master thesis, 2024-02-15)
      This thesis explores the application of the WaveNet model utilizing dilated causal convolutions, originally designed for text-to-speech synthesis on univariate time series. Here it is adapted to predicting on multivariate ...
    • Automatic interpretation of otoliths using deep learning 

      Moen, Endre; Handegard, Nils Olav; Allken, Vaneeda; Albert, Ole Thomas; Harbitz, Alf; Malde, Ketil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-12-17)
      The age structure of a fish population has important implications for recruitment processes and population fluctuations, and is a key input to fisheries-assessment models. The current method of determining age structure ...
    • Automatic interpretation of salmon scales using deep learning 

      Vabø, Rune; Moen, Endre; Smolinski, Szymon; Husebø, Åse; Handegard, Nils Olav; Malde, Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      For several fish species, age and other important biological information is manually inferred from visual scrutinization of scales, and reliable automatic methods are not widely available. Here, we apply Convolutional ...
    • DeepOtolith v1.0: An Open-Source AI Platform for Automating Fish Age Reading from Otolith or Scale Images 

      Politikos, Dimitris V.; Sykiniotis, Nikolaos; Petasis, Georgios; Dedousis, Pavlos; Ordonez, Alba; Vabø, Rune; Anastasopoulou, Aikaterini; Moen, Endre; Mytilineou, Chryssi; Salberg, Arnt-Børre; Chatzispyrou, Archontia; Malde, Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-29)
      Every year, marine scientists around the world read thousands of otolith or scale images to determine the age structure of commercial fish stocks. This knowledge is important for fisheries and conservation management. ...