• Are white matter hyperintensities associated with neuroborreliosis? The answer is twofold 

      Lindland, Elisabeth Margrete Stokke; Røvang, Martin Soria; Solheim, Anne Marit; Andreassen, Silje; Skarstein, Ingerid; Dareez, Nazeer; MacIntosh, Bradley J.; Eikeland, Randi; Ljøstad, Unn; Mygland, Åse; Bos, Steffan D.; Ulvestad, Elling; Reiso, Harald; Lorentzen, Åslaug R.; Harbo, Hanne F.; Bjørnerud, Atle; Beyer, Mona K. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Purpose Many consider white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) to be important imaging findings in neuroborreliosis. However, evidence regarding association with WMHs is of low quality. The objective was to investigate WMHs ...
    • European neuroborreliosis: neuropsychological findings 30 months post-treatment 

      Eikeland, Randi; Ljøstad, Unn; Mygland, Åse; Herlofson, Karen; Løhaugen, G. C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)
      Background: The aim of this study was to compare neuropsychological (NP) functioning in patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) 30 months after treatment to matched controls. Methods: We tested 50 patients with LNB and ...
    • Functional Level During the First Year After Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Course and Predictors of Outcome 

      Sandhaug, Maria; Andelic, Nada; Berntsen, Svein A.; Seiler, Stephen; Mygland, Åse (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-06)
      Background: The objective of this study was to describe the functional level during the first year after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), and to evaluate the predictive impact of pre-injury and injury-related ...
    • Human seroprevalence of antibodies to tick-borne microbes in southern Norway 

      Thortveit, Erik Thomas; Aase, Audun; Petersen, Lizette Balle; Lorentzen, Åslaug Rudjord; Mygland, Åse; Ljøstad, Unn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The tick Ixodes ricinus is widespread along the coastline of southern Norway, but data on human exposure to tick-borne microbes are scarce. We aimed to assess the seroprevalence of IgG antibodies to various tick-borne ...
    • Imaging in Lyme neuroborreliosis 

      Lindland, Elisabeth Margrete Stokke; Solheim, Anne Marit; Andreassen, Silje; Paulsen, Else Quist; Eikeland, Randi; Ljøstad, Unn; Mygland, Åse; Elsais, Ahmed; Nygaard, Gro Owren; Lorentzen, Åslaug Rudjord; Harbo, Hanne Flinstad; Beyer, Mona K. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-10)
      Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) is a tick-borne spirochetal infection with a broad spectrum of imaging pathology. For individuals who live in or have travelled to areas where ticks reside, LNB should be considered among ...
    • Patient-reported outcome after treatment for definite Lyme neuroborreliosis 

      Eikeland, Randi; Ljøstad, Unn; Helgeland, Geir; Sand, Geir; Flemmen, Heidi Øyen; Bø, Margrete Halvorsen; Nordaa, Ludmila; Owe, Jone Furulund; Mygland, Åse; Lorentzen, Åslaug Rudjord (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Objective To chart patient‐reported outcome measures (PROMs) in Norwegian patients treated for definite neuroborreliosis (NB). Material and Methods Adult patients treated for definite NB 1–10 years earlier supplied ...
    • Risk factors for a non-favourable outcome after treated European Neuroborreliosis 

      Eikeland, Randi; Mygland, Åse; Herlofson, Karen; Ljøstad, Unn (Journal article, 2011)
      Aim: To identify risk factors for a non-favourable long term outcome with respect to Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and fatigue after treated Lyme Neuroborreliosis (LNB). Methods: We followed 50 LNB patients, and ...
    • Serum neurofilament light chain associates with symptom burden in Lyme neuroborreliosis patients: a longitudinal cohort study from Norway 

      Skarstein, Ingerid; Ulvestad, Elling; Solheim, Anne Marit; Vedeler, Christian; Ljøstad, Unn; Mygland, Åse; Eikeland, Randi; Reiso, Harald; Lorentzen, Åslaug Rudjord; Bos-Haugen, Steffan Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Objectives: Serum neurofilament light chain (sNfL), an indicator of neuronal damage, is increasingly recognized as a potential biomarker for disease activity in neurodegenerative disorders. In this study, we wanted to ...
    • Six versus two weeks treatment with doxycycline in Lyme neuroborreliosis: the protocol of a multicentre, non-inferiority, double-blinded and randomised controlled trial 

      Solheim, Anne Marit; Ljøstad, Unn; Mygland, Åse (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Introduction: Current treatment guidelines for European Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) recommend cephalosporins, penicillin or doxycycline for 14–28 days but evidence for optimal treatment length is poor. Treatment lengths ...
    • Subjective health complaints and exposure to tick-borne infections in southern Norway 

      Thortveit, Erik Thomas; Aase, Audun; Petersen, Lizette Balle; Lorentzen, Åslaug Rudjord; Mygland, Åse; Ljøstad, Unn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Objectives: Whether tick‐borne infections can cause chronic subjective health complaints is heavily debated. If such a causal connection exists, one would expect to find more health complaints among individuals exposed to ...
    • Web-based vestibular rehabilitation in persistent postural-perceptual dizziness 

      Eldøen, Guttorm; Kvalheim, Stine E.; Thesen, Terje; Mygland, Åse; Ljøstad, Unn; Bakke, Siri; Holo, Marit Horsgaard; Løge, Ingard; Jonsbu, Egil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objectives: The aims of the study were to investigate the feasibility and preliminary outcome of a Norwegian web-based self-help application for vestibular rehabilitation (VR) among patients with high symptom burden of ...