Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Nærde, Ane"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Bullying Victimization and Trauma
Idsoe, Thormod; Vaillancourt, T; Dyregrov, Atle; Hagen, Kristine Amlund; Ogden, Terje; Nærde, Ane (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Bullying victimization and trauma research traditions operate quite separately. Hence, it is unclear from the literature whether bullying victimization should be considered as a form of interpersonal trauma. We review ... -
Pandemic-Related Stress Symptoms Among Norwegian Parents of Adolescents in Grades 6 to 8
Idsoe, Thormod; Dyregrov, Atle; Janson, Harald; Nærde, Ane (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We investigated pandemic-related stress symptoms during the first COVID-19 lockdown period in spring 2020 among parents of adolescents that were 11 to 13 years old in the study period. We also investigated whether parental ... -
Parental stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: A one-year follow-up
Bjørknes, Ragnhild; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Nærde, Ane; Sandal, Gro Mjeldheim; Haug, Ellen Merethe Melingen; Mæland, Silje; Fadnes, Lars Thore; Lehmann, Stine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-06)Objective: This two-wave longitudinal study aimed at increasing knowledge about levels of parental stressors and rewards among mothers and fathers of children aged 1–18 during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in ...