Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Nesse, Hilde"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Energetic Electron Precipitation During Slot Region Filling Events
Nesse, Hilde; Babu, Eldho Midhun; Salice, Josephine Alessandra; Funke, B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The slot region marks the equatorward boundary of the energetic electron precipitation (EEP). There are, however, numerous reports where energetic electrons cross these boundaries and fill the slot region. The ensuing EEP ... -
Exploring the Predictability of the High-Energy Tail of MEE Precipitation Based on Solar Wind Properties
Salice, Josephine Alessandra; Nesse, Hilde; Babu, Eldho Midhun; Smith-Johnsen, Christine; Richardson, Ian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Medium Energy Electron (MEE) precipitation (≳30 keV) ionizes the mesosphere and initiates chemical reactions, which ultimately can reduce mesospheric and stratospheric ozone. Currently, there are considerable differences ... -
The Mansurov effect: Seasonal and solar wind sector structure dependence
Edvartsen, Jone Øvretvedt; Maliniemi, Ville Aleksi; Nesse, Hilde; Hatch, Spencer Mark (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We investigate the connection between the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By-component and polar surface pressure, also known as the Mansurov effect. The aim of the investigation is to unravel potential dependencies ... -
Nærvær i arbeidslivet - en survey undersøkelse av forpleiningsansatte i Nordsjøen. Er der sammenhenger mellom langtidsnærvær på jobben og mestring, jobbengasjement, organisatorisk rettferdighet, krav, kontroll og sosial støtte?
Nesse, Hilde (Master thesis, 2008)Both at the workplace and within the legislation in Norway there have been a focus change in recent years where emphasis on the functioning and presenteeism of the employees have gained more attention rather than the ... -
An Updated Geomagnetic Index-Based Model for Determining the Latitudinal Extent of Energetic Electron Precipitation
Babu, Eldho Midhun; Nesse, Hilde; Hatch, Spencer Mark; Olsen, Nils; Salice, Josephine Alessandra; Richardson, Ian G. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Energetic Electron Precipitation (EEP) from the Earth's plasma sheet and the radiation belts is an important feature of atmospheric dynamics through their destruction of ozone in the lower thermosphere and mesosphere. ...