Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Oldeide, Olin Blaalid"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Allocating municipal services to individuals with complex rehabilitation needs – a discourse analysis of individual administrative decision letters
Ekenes, Maren Beate Holck; Oldeide, Olin Blaalid; Wehling, Eike (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Rehabilitation is considered paramount for enhancing quality of life and reducing healthcare costs. As a result of healthcare reforms, Norwegian municipalities have been given greater responsibility for allocating ... -
Collaboration for drug prevention: Is it possible in a “siloed” governmental structure?
Oldeide, Olin Blaalid; Fosse, Elisabeth; Holsen, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Purpose: Norwegian municipalities report that drug misuse is the most important public health challenge. The municipalities play a unique role in drug prevention aimed at youth, since young people rely on several services ... -
Exploring experiences and challenges in implementing youth participatory action research in Norwegian lower secondary schools
Holsen, Ingrid; Oldeide, Olin Blaalid; Fosen, Margrethe; Jørstad, Ingvild; Roaldsen-Skadberg, , Emma; Kjosås, Reidun; Finne, Anita (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Most empirical knowledge on the processes and challenges of conducting youth participatory action research (YPAR) in the school setting stems from research in the US; only a few studies exist among European youth. In ... -
Implementing the Public Health Act in a local setting: Addressing the social inequities in health in a Norwegian municipality
Oldeide, Olin Blaalid (Master thesis, 2014-05-20)Background: The increasing presence of social inequities in health defies the values of solidarity and justice. In an attempt to address this challenge The Public Health Act was adopted 2012 in Norway. The Act proposes to ... -
Kunnskapsbasert folkehelsearbeid i kommuner - Rapport fra delprosjekt av Folkekommune
Fosse, Elisabeth; Oldeide, Olin Blaalid (HEMIL-rapport;1/2024, Research report, 2024) -
Lessons Learned from an Intersectoral Collaboration between the Public Sector, NGOs, and Sports Clubs to Meet the Needs of Vulnerable Youths
Tell, Disa; Oldeide, Olin Blaalid; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Haug, Ellen Merethe Melingen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The Norwegian Government emphasizes intersectoral collaboration to achieve health goals such as reducing social health differences. However, research shows that achieving fruitful collaboration between different organizations ... -
Local drug prevention - From policy to practice : A qualitative case study of policy makers, outreach social workers and at-risk youths
Oldeide, Olin Blaalid (Doctoral thesis, 2021-10-01)The overall aim of this thesis is devoted to understanding a local drug prevention strategy and its implementation through the eyes of policy makers, outreach social workers and at-risk youths. In Norway, municipalities ... -
Local drug prevention strategies through the eyes of policy makers and outreach social workers in Norway
Fosse, Elisabeth; Holsen, Ingrid; Oldeide, Olin Blaalid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)More than half of the municipalities in Norway report drug misuse as the most important public health challenge. Following a whole‐of‐government tradition, the ambition is to achieve horizontal and vertical coordination ... -
Sosial berekraft i Vestland. En dokumentanalyse av kommunale plandokument
Oldeide, Olin Blaalid; Johansen, Malin Schrøen; Fosse, Elisabeth (HEMIL-rapport;2/2024, Research report, 2024)Sosial berekraft er eit nyord innan folkehelsearbeidet. Denne rapporten vil skildra korleis dette omgrepet vert nytta i kommunale plandokument i Vestland fylkeskommune. Rapporten byggjer på ein dokumentanalyse frå prosjektet ... -
Youth perspective on outreach service: A safety net for at-risk youth in a municipality
Oldeide, Olin Blaalid; Holsen, Ingrid; Fosse, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09)At-risk youth often rely on different municipal services, such as child welfare services, social services and medical services. All of these services play an important role in preventing drug use and promoting well-being, ...