Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Onarheim, Kristine Husøy"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Etiske dilemmaer for sykehjemsleger under covid-19-pandemien
Mclean, Emily; Onarheim, Kristine Husøy; Schanche, Elisabeth; Schaufel, Margrethe Aase; Miljeteig, Ingrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Bakgrunn: Sykehjemsbeboere var ekstra sårbare for et alvorlig forløp av covid-19. Tidlig i pandemien ble det derfor bestemt at sykehjemmene måtte beskyttes gjennom tiltak som besøksforbud og testing- og isolasjonsregimer. ... -
Health and social needs of migrant construction workers for big sporting events
Onarheim, Kristine Husøy; Phua, Kai Hong; Babar, Zahra R; Flouris, Andreas D; Hargreaves, Sally (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
‘I wanted to go, but they said wait’: Mothers’ bargaining power and strategies in careseeking for ill newborns in Ethiopia
Onarheim, Kristine Husøy; Moland, Karen Marie Ingeborg; Molla, Mitike; Miljeteig, Ingrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Introduction To prevent the 2.6 million newborn deaths occurring worldwide every year, health system improvements and changes in care-taker behaviour are necessary. Mothers are commonly assumed to be of particular importance ... -
Impact of a peer-counseling intervention on breastfeeding practices in different socioeconomic strata: results from the equity analysis of the PROMISE-EBF trial in Uganda
Eide, Kristiane Tislevoll; Fadnes, Lars Thore; Engebretsen, Ingunn Marie S.; Onarheim, Kristine Husøy; Wamani, Henry; Tumwine, James K; Norheim, Ole Frithjof (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-07-28)Background: Undernutrition is highly prevalent among infants in Uganda. Optimal infant feeding practices may improve nutritional status, health, and survival among children. Objective: Our study evaluates the socioeconomic ... -
Improving the evidence on health inequities in migrant construction workers preparing for big sporting events
Flouris, Andreas D; Babar, Zahra; Ioannou, Leonidas G; Onarheim, Kristine Husøy; Phua, Kai H; Hargreaves, Sally (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Newborn health benefits or financial risk protection? An ethical analysis of a real-life dilemma in a setting without universal health coverage
Onarheim, Kristine Husøy; Norheim, Ole Frithjof; Miljeteig, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Introduction: High healthcare costs make illness precarious for both patients and their families’ economic situation. Despite the recent focus on the interconnection between health and financial risk at the systemic level, ... -
Prioritizing Child Health Interventions in Ethiopia: Modeling Impact on Child Mortality, Life Expectancy and Inequality in Age at Death
Onarheim, Kristine Husøy; Tessema, Solomon; Johansson, Kjell Arne; Eide, Kristiane Tislevoll; Norheim, Ole Frithjof; Miljeteig, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-08-07)Background: The fourth Millennium Development Goal calls for a two-thirds reduction in under-5 mortality between 1990 and 2015. Under-5 mortality rate is declining, but many countries are still far from achieving the goal. ... -
Priority setting and migration health policies for European countries
Kumar, Bernadette. N; Bhopal, Anand; Blanchet, Karl; Wickramage, Kolitha; Onarheim, Kristine Husøy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda has committed to ‘ensuring that no one is left behind’. Applying the right to health of non-citizens and international migrants is challenging in today's highly polarized ... -
Priority to the newborn? Real-life priority setting and intra-household resource allocation for newborn health in Ethiopia
Onarheim, Kristine Husøy (Doctoral thesis, 2018-04-13)Background: Worldwide, 2.6 million newborns die every year. Despite attention to newborn health in policies and plans in Ethiopia, coverage of services remains low, and the decline in mortality is slower than it has been ... -
Priority-setting dilemmas, moral distress and support experienced by nurses and physicians in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway
Miljeteig, Ingrid; Forthun, Ingeborg; Hufthammer, Karl Ove; Engelund, Inger Elise; Schanche, Elisabeth; Schaufel, Margrethe Aase; Onarheim, Kristine Husøy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background: The global COVID-19 pandemic has imposed challenges on healthcare systems and professionals worldwide and introduced a ´maelstrom´ of ethical dilemmas. How ethically demanding situations are handled affects ... -
Selling my sheep to pay for medicines – household priorities and coping strategies in a setting without universal health coverage
Onarheim, Kristine Husøy; Sisay, Mitike Molla; Gizaw, Muluken; Moland, Karen Marie; Norheim, Ole Frithjof; Miljeteig, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-03-02)Background: The first month of life is the period with the highest risk of dying. Despite knowledge of effective interventions, newborn mortality is high and utilization of health care services remains low in Ethiopia. In ... -
Stretching oneself too thin and facing ethical challenges: Healthcare professionals’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
Schaufel, Margrethe Aase; Schanche, Elisabeth; Onarheim, Kristine Husøy; Forthun, Ingeborg; Hufthammer, Karl Ove; Engelund, Inger Elise; Miljeteig, Ingrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Backgrounds: Most countries are facing increased pressure on healthcare resources. A better understanding of how healthcare providers respond to new demands is relevant for future pandemics and other crises. Objectives: ... -
A systematic review of the effects of intimate partner violence on HIV-positive pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa
Yonga, Ashley Magero; Kiss, Ligia; Onarheim, Kristine Husøy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects more than one in three women in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It is associated with both pregnancy and HIV, adversely affecting women in this region. This is the first ... -
Towards universal health coverage for reproductive health services in Ethiopia: two policy recommendations
Onarheim, Kristine Husøy; Tolla, Mieraf Taddesse; Norheim, Ole Frithjof; Abdullah, Muna; Miljeteig, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-09-30)Abstract Reproductive health services are crucial for maternal and child health, but universal health coverage is still not within reach in most societies. Ethiopia’s goal of universal health coverage promises access to ... -
What if the baby doesn't survive? Health-care decision making for ill newborns in Ethiopia
Onarheim, Kristine Husøy; Sisay, Mitike Molla; Gizaw, Muluken; Moland, Karen Marie; Miljeteig, Ingrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-12)Despite efforts to improve access to and quality of care for newborns, the first month after birth remains the most dangerous period of life. Given high neonatal mortality in low-income countries, saving newborn lives is ...