Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Papanastasiou, Stefanos"
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Child Poverty, Youth (Un)Employment, and Social Inclusion
Petmesidou, Maria; Delamónica, Enrique; Papatheodorou, Christos; Henry-Lee, Aldrie; Bastos, Amélia; Papanastasiou, Stefanos; Minujín, Alberto; Born, Diego; Lombardía, María Laura; Garrido, Luis; Gutiérrez, Rodolfo; Guillén, Ana M.; Dedoussopoulos, Apostolos; Papachristopoulou, Eva Maria; Adam, Sofia; Schenck, Catherina J.; Blaauw, Phillip F.; Viljoen, Jacoba M. M.; Fang, I-Chieh (CROP International Poverty Studies ; vol. 1, Book; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-06)Worldwide child and youth poverty remain the biggest barrier to achieving a better life in adulthood. Progress in lifting children out of poverty in the last decades has been slow and limited in the developing world, while ...