Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Sævik, Pål Næverlid"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
A 3D computational study of effective medium methods applied to fractured media
Sævik, Pål Næverlid; Berre, Inga; Jakobsen, Morten; Lien, Martha (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-10)This work evaluates and improves upon existing effective medium methods for permeability upscaling in fractured media. Specifically, we are concerned with the asymmetric self-consistent, symmetric self-consistent, and ... -
Analytical Methods for Upscaling of Fractured Geological Reservoirs
Sævik, Pål Næverlid (Doctoral thesis, 2015-10-16)Numerical simulations have become an essential tool for planning well operations in the subsurface, whether the application is petroleum production, geothermal energy, groundwater utilization or waste disposal and leakage. ... -
Electrical conductivity of fractured media: A computational study of the self-consistent method
Sævik, Pål Næverlid; Berre, Inga; Jakobsen, Morten; Lien, Martha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Effective medium theory can be used to link conductivity estimation methods with prior knowledge about the distribution of fractures in the investigated geological structure. In the literature, little work has been presented ... -
The impact of anti-sea lice pesticides, azamethiphos and deltamethrin, on European lobster (Homarus gammarus) larvae in the Norwegian marine environment
Parsons, Aoife Elizabeth; Escobar, Rosa; Sævik, Pål Næverlid; Samuelsen, Ole Bent; Agnalt, Ann-Lisbeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Anti-sea lice pesticides, used in the salmonid aquaculture industry, are a growing environmental concern due to their potential to adversely affect non-target crustaceans. Azamethiphos and deltamethrin are two bath treatment ... -
Parasite development affect dispersal dynamics; infectivity, activity and energetic status in cohorts of salmon louse copepodids
Skern-Mauritzen, Rasmus; Sissener, Nini; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Meier, Sonnich; Sævik, Pål Næverlid; Skogen, Morten D.; Vågseth, Tone; Dalvin, Sussie; Skern-Mauritzen, Mette; Bui, Samantha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, is a parasitic copepod infecting wild and farmed salmonid fishes in the northern hemisphere. It has a direct lifecycle with a planktonic dispersal phase and an infective copepodid ... -
Reactive Transport in Porous Media
Sævik, Pål Næverlid (Master thesis, 2011-08-01)In this thesis, we show how the common equations for flow in porous media can be expanded to account for geochemical reactions. Furthermore, the complications arising when solving the new equations numerically are described ... -
Simulating particle organic matter dispersal beneath Atlantic salmon fish farms using different resuspension approaches
Carvajalino-Fernandez, Marcos Antonio; Sævik, Pål Næverlid; Johnsen, Ingrid Askeland; Albretsen, Jon; Keeley, Nigel B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-08)An accurate representation of the particle organic matter (POM) footprint is necessary in order to effectively predict impacts upon benthic communities and the risk of excessive organic enrichment beneath aquaculture ...