Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Sørensen, Karen Galta"
Asthma, atopy and lung function in young adults after hospitalisation for bronchiolitis in infancy: impact of virus and sex
Sørensen, Karen Galta; Øymar, Knut Asbjørn Alexander; Dalen, Ingvild; Halvorsen, Thomas; Mikalsen, Ingvild Bruun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: Hospitalisation for bronchiolitis is a risk factor for asthma and impaired lung function during childhood, but outcomes in young adults are poorly described. Our primary aim was to study the prevalence of asthma ... -
Asthma, atopy, and lung function in young adults after hospitalization for bronchiolitis in infancy
Sørensen, Karen Galta (Doctoral thesis, 2023-10-06)Bakgrunn: Bronkiolitt er en viral nedre luftveisinfeksjon som ofte rammer spedbarn. Respiratorisk syncytialt virus er det vanligste viruset ved bronkiolitt, etterfulgt av rhinovirus. Bronkiolitt er assosiert med økt risiko ... -
Blood eosinophils during bronchiolitis: Associations with atopy, asthma and lung function in young adults
Sørensen, Karen Galta; Øymar, Knut Asbjørn Alexander; Dalen, Ingvild; Halvorsen, Thomas; Mikalsen, Ingvild Bruun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Aim: To study if blood eosinophils during bronchiolitis were associated with atopy, asthma and lung function in young adults and if these associations differed between respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis and ... -
Half of children with recurrent or chronic wet cough before three years of age were symptom-free by age seven
Sørensen, Karen Galta; Mikalsen, Ingvild Bruun; Neven, Axel; Øymar, Knut (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Aim We aimed to study the natural course of recurrent episodic and chronic wet cough in preschool children, the proportion and age of resolution, and risk factors for persistent symptoms. Methods Parents of children ... -
Lung function and bronchial hyperreactivity from 11 to 18 years in children with bronchiolitis in infancy
Sørensen, Karen Galta; Øymar, Knut; Dalen, Ingvild; Halvorsen, Thomas; Mikalsen, Ingvild Bruun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Various trajectories for lung function and bronchial hyper‐reactivity (BHR) from early childhood to adulthood are described, including puberty as a period with excessive lung growth. Bronchiolitis in infancy ...