Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Sakariassen, Hilde"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
A digital public sphere: Just in theory or a perceived reality for users of social network sites?
Sakariassen, Hilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Social network sites (SNS) have the potential of providing new and more egalitarian spaces for public deliberation, and researchers, media and politicians often discuss them in those terms. Still, little attention is given ... -
Facebook as a public arena for women: infringing on democratic ideals and a cause of worry
Sakariassen, Hilde (Journal article, 2022)Facebook allows users to engage in public discourse. However, debates on social network sites are criticised for damaging democracy by adding to polarisation, limiting perspectives, and promoting a derogatory tone driven ... -
I nettdatingens alder - en studie av digitale forutsetninger og syn på nettdating på tvers av det digitale skillet
Sakariassen, Hilde (Master thesis, 2016-05-16)Vi lever i et samfunn der digitale medier har blitt helt vanlig, og sosiale medier har hatt en særlig fremvekst og økt popularitet. Mens rundt 90 % av ungdommer og unge voksne brukte et nettsamfunn i løpet av en gjennomsnittsuke ... -
Samfunnsarbeid i digitale nabolag: Tre perspektiver på unge kvinner med innvandrerbakgrunn sine vilkår for deltakelse på sosiale nettverkssider
Agdal, Rita; Sakariassen, Hilde; Spjeldnæs, Ingrid Onarheim (Chapter, 2022) -
Social network sites as arenas for public discourse : - perception, participation and experience
Sakariassen, Hilde (Doctoral thesis, 2022-02-03)Social network sites (SNS) and Facebook, in particular, are often discussed and referred to as public spaces in popular discourse, by politicians and the media and are often theorised as such in the research literature. ... -
Why so quiet? Exploring inhibition in digital public spaces
Sakariassen, Hilde; Meijer, Irene Costera (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Social network sites have been considered as important arenas for public debate, but as a large proportion of users do not actively participate, there is a need to further our understanding of a phenomenon as hidden, ... -
Women's emotion work on Facebook: Strategic use of emotions in public discourse
Sakariassen, Hilde (Journal article, 2021)Debates on Facebook are frequently accused of being too emotional, and rational arguments give way to anger, outrage, and polarisation. Emotions are often juxtaposed against reasoning in public deliberation, as they are ...