Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Adaptive evolution of viruses infecting marine microalgae (haptophytes), from acute infections to stable coexistence
Sandaa, Ruth-Anne; Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen; Dahle, Håkon; Wang, Haina; Våge, Selina; Blanc-Mathieu, Romain; Steen, Ida Helene; Grimsley, Nigel; Edvardsen, Bente; Ogata, Hiroyuki; Lawrence, Janice (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Collectively known as phytoplankton, photosynthetic microbes form the base of the marine food web, and account for up to half of the primary production on Earth. Haptophytes are key components of this phytoplankton community, ... -
Characterizing the Infectious Pattern of Viruses Infecting the Haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi
Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen (Master thesis, 2019-06-21)Marine viruses play an important role in biodiversity, population abundance and biogeochemical cycling of elements in the environment. They exhibit a broad range of infectious patterns and it is of ecological interest to ... -
Ecological significance of extracellular vesicles in modulating host-virus interactions during algal blooms
Schatz, Daniella; Schleyer, Guy; Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen; Sandaa, Ruth-Anne; Feldmesser, Ester; Vardi, Assaf (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Extracellular vesicles are produced by organisms from all kingdoms and serve a myriad of functions, many of which involve cell-cell signaling, especially during stress conditions and host-pathogen interactions. In the ... -
Grazing on Marine Viruses and Its Biogeochemical Implications
Mayers, Kyle; Kuhlisch, Constanze; Basso, Jonelle T. R.; Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen; Buchan, Alison; Sandaa, Ruth-Anne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Viruses are the most abundant biological entities in the ocean and show great diversity in terms of size, host specificity, and infection cycle. Lytic viruses induce host cell lysis to release their progeny and thereby ... -
Removal of large viruses and their dispersal through fecal pellets of the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica during Emiliania huxleyi bloom conditions
Mayers, Kyle; Lawrence, Janice; Skaar, Katrine Sandnes; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Petelenz-Kurdziel, Elzbieta Anna; Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen; Sandaa, Ruth-Anne; Larsen, Aud; Bratbak, Gunnar; Ray, Jessica Louise (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Despite their importance in shaping the structure and function of marine microbial food webs, little is known about factors regulating marine virus abundance. Previous work demonstrated clearance of laboratory-cultured ...