Panieri, Giuliana; Argentino, Claudio; Ramalho, Sofia P.; Vulcano, Francesca; Savini, Alessandra; Fallati, Luca; Brekke, Trond; Galimberti, Giulia; Riva, Federica; Balsa, João; Eilertsen, Mari Heggernes; Stokke, Runar; Steen, Ida Helene; Sahy, Diana; Kalenitchenko, Dimitri Stanislas Desire; Bünz, Stefan; Mattingsdal, Rune (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
Due to climate change, decreasing ice cover and increasing industrial activities, Arctic marine ecosystems are expected to face higher levels of anthropogenic stress. To sustain healthy and productive ocean ecosystems, it ...