Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Shilling, Paul D."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
The association between lithium use and neurocognitive performance in patients with bipolar disorder
Burdick, Katherine E.; Millett, Caitlin E.; Russo, Manuela; Alda, Martin; Alliey-Rodriguez, Ney; Anand, Amit; Balaraman, Yokesh; Berrettini, Wade H.; Bertram, Holli; Calabrese, Joseph R.; Calkin, Cynthia V.; Conroy, Carla; Coryell, William; DeModena, Anna; Feeder, Scott; Fisher, Carrie; Frazier, Nicole; Frye, Mark; Gao, Keming; Garnham, Julie; Gershon, Elliot S.; Glazer, Kara; Goes, Fernando S.; Goto, Toyomi; Harrington, Gloria J.; Jakobsen, Petter; Kamali, Masoud; Kelly, Marisa; Leckband, Susan G.; Løberg, Else-Marie; Lohoff, Falk W.; Maihofer, Adam X.; McCarthy, Michael J.; McInnis, Melvin; Morken, Gunnar; Nievergelt, Caroline M.; Nurnberger, John I.; Oedegaard, Ketil J.; Ortiz, Abigail; Ritchey, Megan; Ryan, Kelly; Schinagle, Martha; Schwebel, Candice; Shaw, Martha; Shilling, Paul D.; Slaney, Claire; Stapp, Emma; Tarwater, Bruce; Zandi, Peter P.; Kelsoe, John R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Lithium remains the gold standard for the treatment of bipolar disorder (BD); however, its use has declined over the years mainly due to the side effects and the subjective experience of cognitive numbness reported by ... -
Chronotype and cellular circadian rhythms predict the clinical response to lithium maintenance treatment in patients with bipolar disorder
McCarthy, Michael J.; Stautland, Andrea; Jakobsen, Petter; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Djurovic, Srdjan; Morken, Gunnar; Schøyen, Helle Kristine; McInnis, Melvin G.; Alda, Martin; Gage, Fred H.; Calabrese, Joseph R.; Zandi, Peter P.; Nievergelt, Caroline M.; Shilling, Paul D.; Kelsoe, John R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Bipolar disorder (BD) is a serious mood disorder associated with circadian rhythm abnormalities. Risk for BD is genetically encoded and overlaps with systems that maintain circadian rhythms. Lithium is an effective mood ... -
Clinical predictors of non-response to lithium treatment in the Pharmacogenomics of Bipolar Disorder (PGBD) study
Lin, Yan; Maihofer, Adam X.; Stapp, Emma; Ritchey, Megan; Alliey-Rodriguez, Ney; Anand, Amit; Balaraman, Yokesh; Berrettini, Wade H; Bertram, Holli; Bhattacharjee, Abesh; Calkin, Cynthia V.; Conroy, Carla; Coryell, William; D´Arcangelo, Nicole; DeModena, Anna; Biernacka, Joanna M.; Fisher, Carrie; Frazier, Nicole; Frye, Mark; Gao, Keming; Garnham, Julie; Gershon, Elliot; Glazer, Kara; Goes, Fernando S; Goto, Toyomi; Karberg, Elizabeth; Harrington, Gloria J.; Jakobsen, Petter; Kamali, Masoud; Kelly, Marisa; Leckband, Susan G.; Lohoff, Falk W.; Stautland, Andrea; McCarthy, Michael J.; McInnis, Melvin G.; Mondimore, Francis; Morken, Gunnar; Nurnberger, John I.; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim; Syrstad, Vigdis Elin Giæver; Ryan, Kelly; Schinagle, Martha; Schøyen, Helle Kristine; Andreassen, Ole; Shaw, Martha; Shilling, Paul D.; Slaney, Claire; Tarwater, Bruce; Calabrese, Joseph R.; Alda, Martin; Nievergelt, Caroline M.; Zandi, Peter P.; Kelsoe, John R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background Lithium is regarded as a first-line treatment for bipolar disorder (BD), but partial response and non-response commonly occurs. There exists a need to identify lithium non-responders prior to initiating treatment. ... -
Focal adhesion is associated with lithium response in bipolar disorder: evidence from a network-based multi-omics analysis
Niemsiri, Vipavee; Rosenthal, Sara Brin; Nievergelt, Caroline M.; Maihofer, Adam X.; Marchetto, Maria C.; Santos, Renata; Shekhtman, Tatyana; Alliey-Rodriguez, Ney; Anand, Amit; Balaraman, Yokesh; Berrettini, Wade H.; Bertram, Holli; Burdick, Katherine E.; Calabrese, Joseph R.; Calkin, Cynthia V.; Conroy, Carla; Coryell, William H.; DeModena, Anna; Eyler, Lisa T.; Feeder, Scott; Fisher, Carrie; Frazier, Nicole; Frye, Mark A.; Gao, Keming; Garnham, Julie; Gershon, Elliot S.; Goes, Fernando S.; Goto, Toyomi; Harrington, Gloria J.; Jakobsen, Petter; Kamali, Masoud; Kelly, Marisa; Leckband, Susan G.; Lohoff, Falk W.; McCarthy, Michael J.; McInnis, Melvin G.; Craig, David; Millett, Caitlin E.; Mondimore, Francis; Morken, Gunnar; Nurnberger, John I.; Donovan, Claire O’; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim; Ryan, Kelly; Schinagle, Martha; Shilling, Paul D.; Slaney, Claire; Stapp, Emma K.; Stautland, Andrea; Tarwater, Bruce; Zandi, Peter P.; Alda, Martin; Fisch, Kathleen M.; Gage, Fred H.; Kelsoe, John R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Lithium (Li) is one of the most effective drugs for treating bipolar disorder (BD), however, there is presently no way to predict response to guide treatment. The aim of this study is to identify functional genes and ... -
Genome-wide association study identifies 30 loci associated with bipolar disorder
Stahl, Eli A.; Breen, Gerome; Forstner, Andreas J.; McQuillin, Andrew; Ripke, Stephan; Trubetskoy, Vassily; Mattheisen, Manuel; Wang, Yunpeng; Coleman, Jonathan R.I.; Gaspar, Héléna A.; de Leeuw, Christiaan A.; Steinberg, Stacy; Pavlides, Jennifer M. Whitehead; Trzaskowski, Maciej; Byrne, Enda M.; Pers, Tune H.; Holmans, Peter A.; Richards, Alexander L.; Abbott, Liam; Agerbo, Esben; Akil, Huda; Albani, Diego; Alliey-Rodriguez, Ney; Als, Thomas D.; Anjorin, Adebayo; Antilla, Verneri; Awasthi, Swapnil; Badner, Judith A.; Bækvad-Hansen, Marie; Barchas, Jack D.; Bass, Nicholas; Bauer, Michael; Belliveau, Richard; Bergen, Sarah E.; Pedersen, Carsten Bøcker; Bøen, Erlend; Boks, Marco P.; Boocock, James; Budde, Monika; Bunney, William; Burmeister, Margit; Bybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas; Byerley, William; Casas, Miquel; Cerrato, Felecia; Cervantes, Pablo; Chambert, Kimberly; Charney, Alxander W.; Chen, Danfeng; Churchhouse, Claire; Clarke, Toni-Kim; Coryell, William; Craig, David W.; Cruceanu, Cristiana; Curtis, David; Czerski, Piotr M.; Dale, Anders; de Jong, Simone; Degenhardt, Franziska; Del-Favero, Jurgen; Depaulo, J. Raymond; Djurovic, Srdjan; Dobbyn, Amanda L.; Dumont, Ashley; Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn; Escott-Price, Valentina; Fan, Chun Chieh; Fischer, Sascha B.; Flickinger, Matthew; Foroud, Tatiana M.; Forty, Liz; Frank, Josef; Fraser, Christine; Freimer, Nelson B.; Frisén, Louise; Gade, Katrin; Gage, Diane; Garnham, Julie; Giambartolomei, Claudia; Pedersen, Marianne Giørtz; Goldstein, Jaqueline; Gordon, Scott D.; Gordon-Smith, Katherine; Green, Elaine K.; Green, Melissa J.; Greenwood, Tifany A.; Grove, Jakob; Guan, Weihua; Guzman-Parra, José; Hamshere, Marian L.; Hautzinger, Martin; Heilbronner, Urs; Herms, Stefan; Hipolito, Maria; Hoffmann, Per; Holland, Dominic; Huckins, Laura; Jamain, Stéphane; Johnson, Jessica S.; Juréus, Anders; Kandaswamy, Radhika; Karlsson, Robert; Kennedy, James L.; Kittel-Schneider, Sarah; Knowles, James A.; Kogevinas, Manolis; Koller, Anna C.; Kupka, Ralph; Lavebratt, Catharina; Lawrence, Jacob; Lawson, William B.; Leber, Markus; Lee, Phil H.; Levy, Shawn E.; Li, Jun Z.; Liu, Chunyu; Lucae, Susanne; Maaser, Anna; MacIntyre, Donald J.; Mahon, Pamela B.; Maier, Wolfgang; Martinsson, Lina; McCarroll, Steve; McGuffin, Peter; McInnis, Melvin G.; McKay, James D.; Medeiros, Helena; Medland, Sarah E.; Meng, Fan; Milani, Lili; Montgomery, Grant W.; Morris, Derek W.; Mühleisen, Thomas W.; Mullins, Niamh; Nguyen, Hoang; Nievergelt, Caroline M.; Adolfsson, Annelie Nordin; Nwulia, Evaristus A.; O'Donovan, Claire; Loohuis, Loes M. Olde; Ori, Anil P.S.; Oruc, Lilijana; Ösby, Urban; Perlis, Roy H.; Perry, Amy; Pfennig, Andrea; Potash, James B.; Purcell, Shaun M.; Regeer, Eline J.; Reif, Andreas; Reinbold, Céline S.; Rice, John P.; Rivas, Fabio; Rivera, Margarita; Roussos, Panos; Ruderfer, Douglas M.; Ryu, Euijung; Sánchez-Mora, Cristina; Schatzberg, Alan F.; Scheftner, William A.; Schork, Nicholas J.; Shannon Weickert, Cynthia; Shehktman, Tatyana; Shilling, Paul D.; Sigurdsson, Engilbert; Slaney, Claire; Smeland, Olav Bjerkehagen; Sobell, Janet L.; Søholm Hansen, Christine; Spijker, Anne T.; St Clair, David; Steffens, Michael; Strauss, John S.; Streit, Fabian; Strohmaier, Jana; Szelinger, Szabolcs; Thompson, Robert C.; Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E; Treutlein, Jens; Vedder, Helmut; Wang, Weiqing; Watson, Stanley J.; Weickert, Thomas W.; Witt, Stephanie H.; Xi, Simon; Xu, Wei; Young, Allan H.; Zandi, Peter; Zhang, Peng; Zöllner, Sebastian; Adolfsson, Rolf; Agartz, Ingrid; Alda, Martin; Backlund, Lena; Baune, Bernhard T.; Bellivier, Frank; Berrettini, Wade H.; Biernacka, Joanna M.; Blackwood, Douglas H.R.; Boehnke, Michael; Børglum, Anders D.; Corvin, Aiden; Craddock, Nicholas; Daly, Mark J.; Dannlowski, Udo; Esko, Tõnu; Etain, Bruno; Frye, Mark; Fullerton, Janice M.; Gershon, Elliot S.; Gill, Michael; Goes, Fernando; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Maria; Hauser, Joanna; Hougaard, David M.; Hultman, Christina M.; Jones, Ian; Jones, Lisa A.; Kahn, René S.; Kirov, George; Landén, Mikael; Leboyer, Marion; Lewis, Cathryn M.; Li, Qingqin S.; Lissowska, Jolanta; Martin, Nicholas G.; Mayoral, Fermin; McElroy, Susan L.; McIntosh, Andrew M.; McMahon, Francis J.; Melle, Ingrid; Metspalu, Andres; Mitchell, Philip B.; Morken, Gunnar; Mors, Ole; Mortensen, Preben Bo; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram; Myers, Richard M.; Neale, Benjamin M.; Nimgaonkar, Vishwajit; Nordentoft, Merete; Nöthen, Markus M.; O'Donovan, Michael C; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim; Owen, Michael J.; Paciga, Sara A.; Pato, Carlos; Pato, Michele T.; Posthuma, Danielle; Ramos-Quiroga, Josep Antoni; Ribasés, Marta; Rietschel, Marcella; Rouleau, Guy A.; Schalling, Martin; Schofield, Peter R.; Schulze, Thomas G.; Serretti, Alessandro; Smoller, Jordan W.; Stefansson, Hreinn; Stefansson, Kari; Stordal, Eystein; Sullivan, Patrick F.; Turecki, Gustavo; Vaaler, Arne; Vieta, Eduard; Vincent, John B.; Werge, Thomas; Nurnberger, John I.; Wray, Naomi R.; Di Florio, Arianna; Edenberg, Howard J.; Cichon, Sven; Ophoff, Roel A.; Scott, Laura J.; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Kelsoe, John; Sklar, Pamela (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Bipolar disorder is a highly heritable psychiatric disorder. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) including 20,352 cases and 31,358 controls of European descent, with follow-up analysis of 822 variants with ... -
The Pharmacogenomics of Bipolar Disorder study (PGBD): Identification of genes for lithium response in a prospective sample
Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim; Alda, Martin; Anand, Anit; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Balaraman, Yokesh; Berrettini, Wade H.; Bhattacharjee, Abesh; Brennand, Kristen J.; Burdick, Katherine E.; Calabrese, Joseph R.; Calkin, Cynthia V.; Claasen, Ana; Coryell, William H.; Craig, David; DeModena, Anna; Frye, Mark A.; Gage, Fred H.; Gao, Keming; Garnham, Julie; Gershon, Elliot; Jakobsen, Petter; Leckband, Susan G.; McCarthy, Michael J.; McInnis, Melvin G.; Maihofer, Adam X.; Mertens, Jerome; Morken, Gunnar; Nievergelt, Caroline M.; Nurnberger, John I.; Pham, Son; Schøyen, Helle Kristine; Shekhtman, Tatyana; Shilling, Paul D.; Szelinger, Szabolcs; Tarwater, Bruce; Yao, Jun; Zandi, Peter P.; Kelsoe, John R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-05-05)Background: Bipolar disorder is a serious and common psychiatric disorder characterized by manic and depressive mood switches and a relapsing and remitting course. The cornerstone of clinical management is stabilization ...