Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Skaar, Øystein Olav"
Development of inclusive practice – the art of balancing emotional support and constructive feedback
Øen, Kristian; Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Skaar, Øystein Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-17)Inclusive education in the context of challenging behavior is one of the most demanding challenges for teachers. Good support systems help teachers become more positive about inclusion and gain greater confidence in realizing ... -
Effects of Facial Symmetry and Gaze Direction on Perception of Social Attributes: A Study in Experimental Art History
Folgerø, Per Olav; Hodne, Lasse; Johansson, Christer; Andresen, Alf Edgar; Sætren, Lill Charlotte; Specht, Karsten; Skaar, Øystein Olav; Reber, Rolf (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This article explores the possibility of testing hypotheses about art production in the past by collecting data in the present. We call this enterprise “experimental art history”. Why did medieval artists prefer to paint ... -
Experiences of WNGER II Ph.D.Fellows During the COVID-19 Pandemic – A Case Study
Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Skaar, Øystein Olav; Røkenes, Fredrik Mørk; Solstad, Stein Helge; Høydal, Kjetil L (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Since January 2020 there have been over 97 million reported cases and 2 million deaths worldwide from COVID-19 and it is not over yet. In many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic is a slow-motion disaster and an ‘external intervention’ ... -
Inclusion in the heat of the moment: Balancing participation and mastery
Øen, Kristian; Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Skaar, Øystein Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Individual and social explanatory models provide different frameworks for teachers’ practice. This study addresses how teachers’ understanding of inclusion and challenging behaviors affects their work with an inclusive ... -
Infodemi og pandemisk risikopersepsjon
Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Skaar, Øystein Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Subkulturer som finner fellesskap gjennom konspirasjonsteorier, kan forklare noe av den pågående vaksinemotstanden internasjonalt. For fremtidig kriseberedskap blir det viktig å kartlegge hvordan digitalt utenforskap spiller ... -
Multimedia discrepancies - plenary lectures as perceived by students
Skaar, Øystein Olav; Krumsvik, Rune Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Artikkelen ynskjer å skildre studentar i høgare utdanning sine haldningar til og oppfatningar av førelesing, og særskilt bruk av multimodale presentasjonsprogram (t.d. PowerPoint) og tradisjonell tavleundervising. Det vart ... -
The Multimedia Expanse: Students' perceived learning outcome from, and attitudes toward, multimodal and traditional lectures
Skaar, Øystein Olav (Master thesis, 2013-05-15)The purpose of this study was to examine students' attitudes toward multimodal presentations (AtMP) and traditional lectures (AtTL). A literature review of current research on this topic suggests that students generally ...