Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Stavrum, Anne-Kristin"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Cannabis Use Is Associated With Increased Levels of Soluble gp130 in Schizophrenia but Not in Bipolar Disorder
Szabo, Attila; Akkouh, Ibrahim; Ueland, Thor; Lagerberg, Trine Vik; Dieset, Ingrid; Bjella, Thomas; Aukrust, Pål; Le Hellard, Stephanie; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin; Melle, Ingrid; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Djurovic, Srdjan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The complex effects of plant cannabinoids on human physiology is not yet fully understood, but include a wide spectrum of effects on immune modulation. The immune system and its inflammatory effector pathways are recently ... -
Gene expression response in peripheral blood cells of petroleum workers exposed to sub-ppm benzene levels
Jørgensen, Katarina Mariann; Mosleth, Ellen Færgestad; Liland, Kristian Hovde; Hopf, Nancy Brenna; Holdhus, Rita; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin; Gjertsen, Bjørn Tore; Kirkeleit, Jorunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-10-27)Altered gene expression in pathways relevant to leukaemogenesis, as well as reduced levels of circulating lymphocytes, have been reported in workers that were exposed to benzene concentrations below 1 ppm. In this study, ... -
Genome-wide transcription analysis of histidine-related cataract in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L)
Tröße, Christiane; Waagbø, Rune; Breck, Olav; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin; Petersen, Kjell; Olsvik, Pål A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-07-09)Purpose: Elevated levels of dietary histidine have previously been shown to prevent or mitigate cataract formation in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L). The aim of this study was to shed light on the mechanisms by ... -
The influence of the NOD Nss1/Idd5 loci on sialadenitis and gene expression in salivary glands of congenic mice
Hjelmervik, Trond Ove R.; Linqvist, Anne-Karin; Petersen, Kjell; Johannesson, Martina; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin; Johansson, Åsa; Jonsson, Roland; Holmdahl, Rikard; Bolstad, Anne Isine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007-09-27)The nonobese diabetic (NOD) Nss1 and Idd5 loci have been associated with sialadenitis development in mice. In this study the NOD Nss1 and Idd5 loci were backcrossed onto the healthy control strain B10.Q by using the speed ... -
Interactively illustrating polymerization using three-level model fusion
Kolesar, Ivan; Parulek, Julius; Viola, Ivan; Bruckner, Stefan; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin; Hauser, Helwig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-10-14)Background: Research in cell biology is steadily contributing new knowledge about many aspects of physiological processes, both with respect to the involved molecular structures as well as their related function. Illustrations ... -
Modulation of Transcriptional and Inflammatory Responses in Murine Macrophages by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mammalian Cell Entry (Mce) 1 Complex
Stavrum, Ruth; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin; Valvatne, Håvard; Riley, Lee W.; Ulvestad, Elling; Jonassen, Inge; Assmus, Jørg; Doherty, Tanya Mark; Grewal, Harleen M. S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-10-24)The outcome of many infections depends on the initial interactions between agent and host. Aiming at elucidating the effect of the M. tuberculosis Mce1 protein complex on host transcriptional and immunological responses ... -
Pharmacokinetics and transcriptional effects of the anti-salmon lice drug emamectin benzoate in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
Olsvik, Pål Asgeir; Lie, Kai Kristoffer; Mykkeltvedt, Eva; Samuelsen, Ole Bent; Petersen, Kjell; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008-09-11)Background: Emamectin benzoate (EB) is a dominating pharmaceutical drug used for the treatment and control of infections by sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L). Fish with an initial mean ... -
SBMLmod: a Python-based web application and web service for efficient data integration and model simulation
Schäuble, Sascha; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin; Bockwoldt, Mathias; Puntervoll, Pål; Heiland, Ines (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-06-24)Background: Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is the standard model representation and description language in systems biology. Enriching and analysing systems biology models by integrating the multitude of available ... -
Switch from stress response to homeobox transcription factors in Adipose tissue after profound fat loss
Dankel, Simon N; Fadnes, Dag J.; Stavrum, Anne-Kristin; Stansberg, Christine; Holdhus, Rita; Hoang, Tuyen Thi Van; Veum, Vivian L.; Christensen, Bjørn Jostein; Våge, Villy; Sagen, Jørn V.; Steen, Vidar Martin; Mellgren, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-06-09)Background In obesity, impaired adipose tissue function may promote secondary disease through ectopic lipid accumulation and excess release of adipokines, resulting in systemic low-grade inflammation, insulin resistance ...