Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Stieber, Daniel"
Bevacizumab treatment induces metabolic adaptation toward anaerobic metabolism in glioblastomas
Fack, Fred; Espedal, Heidi; Keunen, Olivier; Golebiewska, Anna; Obad, Nina; Harter, Patrick N.; Mittelbronn, Michel; Bähr, Oliver; Weyerbrock, Astrid; Stuhr, Linda Elin Birkhaug; Miletic, Hrvoje; Sakariassen, Per Øystein; Stieber, Daniel; Rygh, Cecilie Brekke; Lund-Johansen, Morten; Zheng, Liang; Gottlieb, Eyal; Niclou, Simone P.; Bjerkvig, Rolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-01)Anti-angiogenic therapy in glioblastoma (GBM) has unfortunately not led to the anticipated improvement in patient prognosis. We here describe how human GBM adapts to bevacizumab treatment at the metabolic level. By performing ... -
Glioblastomas are composed of genetically divergent clones with distinct tumourigenic potential and variable stem cell-associated phenotypes
Stieber, Daniel; Golebiewska, Anna; Evers, Lisa; Lenkiewicz, Elizabeth; Brons, Nicolas H.C.; Nicot, Nathalie; Oudin, Anaïs; Bougnaud, Sébastien; Hertel, Frank; Bjerkvig, Rolf; Vallar, Laurent; Barrett, Michael T.; Niclou, Simone P. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-02)Glioblastoma (GBM) is known to be a heterogeneous disease; however, the genetic composition of the cells within a given tumour is only poorly explored. In the advent of personalised medicine the understanding of intra-tumoural ... -
In vitro treatment of melanoma brain metastasis by simultaneously targeting the MAPK and PI3K signaling pathways
Daphu, Inderjit Kaur; Horn, Sindre August; Stieber, Daniel; Varughese, Jobin K.; Spriet, Endy; Dale, Hege Avsnes; Skaftnesmo, Kai Ove; Bjerkvig, Rolf; Thorsen, Frits Alan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-05-16)Malignant melanoma is the most lethal form of skin cancer, with a high propensity to metastasize to the brain. More than 60% of melanomas have the BRAFV600E mutation, which activates the mitogen-activated protein kinase ... -
Patient-derived organoids and orthotopic xenografts of primary and recurrent gliomas represent relevant patient avatars for precision oncology
Golebiewska, Anna; Hau, Ann-Christin; Oudin, Anaïs; Stieber, Daniel; Yabo, Yahaya A.; Baus, Virginie; Barthelemy, Vanessa; Klein, Eliane; Bougnaud, Sébastien; Keunen, Olivier; Wantz, May; Michelucci, Alessandro; Neirinckx, Virginie; Muller, Arnaud; Kaoma, Tony; Nazarov, Petr V.; Azuaje, Francisco; De Falco, Alfonso; Flies, Ben; Richart, Lorraine; Poovathingal, Suresh K; Arns, Thais; Grzyb, Kamil; Mock, Andreas; Herold-Mende, Christel; Steino, Anne; Brown, Dennis; May, Patrick; Miletic, Hrvoje; Malta, Tathiane M.; Noushmehr, Houtan; Kwon, Yong-Jun; Jahn, Winnie; Klink, Barbara; Tanner, Georgette; Stead, Lucy F.; Mittelbronn, Michel; Skupin, Alexander; Hertel, Frank; Bjerkvig, Rolf; Niclou, Simone Pierrette (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Patient-based cancer models are essential tools for studying tumor biology and for the assessment of drug responses in a translational context. We report the establishment a large cohort of unique organoids and patient-derived ... -
Stem cell-associated heterogeneity in Glioblastoma results from intrinsic tumor plasticity shaped by the microenvironment
Dirkse, Anna; Golebiewska, Anna; Buder, Thomas; Nazarov, Petr V.; Muller, Arnaud; Poovathingal, Suresh K.; Brons, Nicolaas H. C.; Leite, Sonia; Sauvageot, Nicolas; Sarkisjan, Dzjemma; Seyfrid, Mathieu; Fritah, Sabrina; Stieber, Daniel; Michelucci, Alesandro; Hertel, Frank; Herold-Mende, Christel; Azuaje, Francisco; Skupin, Alexander; Bjerkvig, Rolf; Deutsch, Andreas; Voss-Böhme, Anja; Niclou, Simone Pierrette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04-16)The identity and unique capacity of cancer stem cells (CSC) to drive tumor growth and resistance have been challenged in brain tumors. Here we report that cells expressing CSC-associated cell membrane markers in Glioblastoma ... -
U-251 revisited: genetic drift and phenotypic consequences of long-term cultures of glioblastoma cells
Torsvik, Anja; Stieber, Daniel; Enger, Per Øyvind; Golebiewska, Anna; Molven, Anders; Svendsen, Agnete; Westermark, Bengt; Niclou, Simone P.; Olsen, Thale Kristin; Chekenya, PhD, Dr Philos, Dr. Martha; Bjerkvig, Rolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-08)It is well known that in vitro subculture represents a selection pressure on cell lines, and over time this may result in a genetic drift in the cancer cells. In addition, long-term cultures harbor the risk of cross-contamination ...