Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Strand, Roger"
Applying Principles of Sociotechnical Systems onto Working Environment Research
Thomassen, Ole Jacob; Heggen, Kristin; Strand, Roger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The sociotechnical system approach induced a consistent system thinking into the Scandinavian working life research. Workers’ social and psychological needs and technical/systemic conditions were seen as deeply interdependent. ... -
Cancer Biomarkers: Ethics, Economics and Society
Blanchard, Anne; Strand, Roger; Cairns, John Alexander; Tranvåg, Eirik Joakim; Norheim, Ole Frithjof; Seo, Mikyung Kelly; Wik, Elisabeth; Engen, Caroline Benedicte Nitter; Blasimme, Alessandro; Fleck, Leonard M. (Book, 2017) -
“The challenge is the complexity” – A qualitative study about decision-making in advanced lung cancer treatment
Orstad, Silje; Fløtten, Øystein; Madebo, Tesfaye; Gulbrandsen, Pål; Strand, Roger; Lindemark, Frode; Fluge, Sverre; Tilseth, Rune Hørgård; Schaufel, Margrethe Aase (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction The value of shared decision-making and decision aids (DA) has been well documented yet remain difficult to integrate into clinical practice. We wanted to investigate needs and challenges regarding ... -
The Circular Economy in Europe.Critical Perspectives on Policies and Imaginaries
Strand, Roger; Kovacic, Zora; Völker, Thomas (Book; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
Conversations About Responsible Nanoresearch
Kjølberg, Kamilla Anette Lein; Strand, Roger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-04-03)There is currently a strong focus on responsible research in relation to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology. This study presents a series of conversations with nanoresearchers, with the ‘European Commission ... -
Exploring the Concept of Integrity—Toward a Craft-Inspired Interpretation
Thomassen, Ole Jacob; Strand, Roger; Heggen, Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The concept of integrity is used as a psychosocial concept to describe tensions and dilemmas experienced by professional and semi-professional workers in a neoliberal working life. In Norway, the concept has even been ... -
Filled with Desire, Perceive Molecules
Strand, Roger; Engen, Caroline Benedicte Nitter (Chapter, 2022)Could there be a Taoist philosophy of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)? This chapter discusses why a molecular treatment of AML has been so hard to find but still so intensely researched, and exposes some of the ethical ... -
Indicator development as a site of collective imagination? The case of European Commission policies on the circular economy
Strand, Roger; Kovacic, Zora; Völker, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In recent years the concept of the circular economy gained prominence in EU policy-making. The circular economy promotes a future in which linear ‘make-use-dispose’ cultures are replaced by more circular models. In this ... -
Insect feeds in salmon aquaculture: sociotechnical imagination and responsible story-telling
Strand, Roger; Gamboa, Gonzalo; Dankel, Dorothy Jane; Giampietro, Mario (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Salmon aquaculture is a growing industry with increasing challenges of feed sustainability and availability. This global sustainability issue has led to calls for novel feeds. Aquafly, a Norwegian research project, has ... -
Living With Ovarian Cancer: Transitions Lost in Translation
Gissum, Karen Rosnes; Drageset, Sigrunn; Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Bjørge, Line; Strand, Roger (Journal article, 2022)Background: Living with ovarian cancer involves uncertainty, fear of recurrence, and premature death while preparing for a life after treatment. The women depend on health care professionals while moving from being healthy ... -
Making common sense of vaccines: an example of discussing the recombinant attenuated salmonella vaccine with the public
Dankel, Dorothy Jane; Roland, Kenneth L.; Fisher, Michael; Brenneman, Karen; Delgado Alemán, Ana; Santander, Javier; Baek, Chang-Ho; Clark-Curtiss, Josephine; Strand, Roger; Curtiss, Roy III (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-07-10)Researchers have iterated that the future of synthetic biology and biotechnology lies in novel consumer applications of crossing biology with engineering. However, if the new biology’s future is to be sustainable, early ... -
Medisinsk revolusjon, kunstig intelligens og milliardindustri Dominerende sosiotekniske forestillinger i medieringen av kreftfeltet
Nilsen, Irmelin Wilhelmsen; Helland, Knut; Strand, Roger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Begrepet sosiotekniske forestillinger forstås som kollektive visjoner om en samfunnsmessig, vitenskapelig og teknologisk god fremtid. I denne artikkelen bruker vi begrepet for å analysere visjoner innenfor vitenskap og ... -
Multi-scale integrated evaluation of the sustainability of large-scale use of alternative feeds in salmon aquaculture
Strand, Roger; Cadillo-Benalcazar, Juan J.; Giampietro, Mario; Bukkens, Sandra G. F. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The steady increase in production volume of salmon aquaculture has sharpened concerns about its sustainability. In particular the production of salmon feed is a reason for concern given its reliance on scarce natural ... -
The Nexus Times
Bukkens, Sandra G. F.; Dunlop, Tessa; Di Felice, Louisa Jane; Kovacic, Zora; Nilsen, Irmelin Wilhelmsen; Strand, Roger; Völker, Thomas; Zamarioli, Luis (Book, 2020) -
Precision medicine and the principle of equal treatment: a conjoint analysis
Tranvåg, Eirik Joakim; Strand, Roger; Ottersen, Trygve; Norheim, Ole Frithjof (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background: In precision medicine biomarkers stratify patients into groups that are offered different treatments, but this may conflict with the principle of equal treatment. While some patient characteristics are seen as ... -
Rationing of Personalised Cancer Drugs: Rethinking the Co-production of Evidence and Priority Setting Practices
Tranvåg, Eirik Joakim; Strand, Roger (Chapter, 2022)Rising health care costs is a challenge for all health care systems, and new and expensive cancer drugs is an important contributor to this. Many countries – like Norway – have therefore established priority setting ... -
Reframing cancer: challenging the discourse on cancer and cancer drugs—a Norwegian perspective
Stenmarck, Mille Sofie; Engen, Caroline Benedicte Nitter; Strand, Roger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background As the range of therapeutic options in the field of oncology increases, so too does the strain on health care budgets. The imbalance between what is medically possible and financially feasible is frequently ... -
The response of a boreal deep-sea sponge holobiont to acute thermal stress
Strand, Roger; Whalan, Stephen; Webster, Nicole S.; Kutti, Tina; Fang, James Kar-Hei; Luter, Heidi M.; Bannister, Raymond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-05-22)Effects of elevated seawater temperatures on deep-water benthos has been poorly studied, despite reports of increased seawater temperature (up to 4 °C over 24 hrs) coinciding with mass mortality events of the sponge Geodia ... -
The role of metrics in the governance of the water-energy-food nexus within the European Commission
Voelker, Thomas; Blackstock, Kirsty; Kovacic, Zora; Sindt, Jan; Strand, Roger; Waylen, Kerry A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-26)Abstract Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus in both academia and policy. This concept draws attention to the link between different environmental and societal domains, and ... -
Transformative Translations? Challenges and tensions in territorial innovation governance
Völker, Thomas; Slaattelid, Rasmus Tore; Strand, Roger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Since the 1990s, changing ways of producing and circulating knowledge have been accompanied by debates that diagnose and call for change in the relationship between science, society, politics, and innovation. Most recently ...