Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Tang, B.B."
Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Electron Bernstein waves driven by electron crescents near the electron diffusion region
Li, Wenya; Graham, D. B.; Khotyaintsev, Yuri V.; Vaivads, Andris; André, Mats; Min, K.; Liu, K.; Tang, B.B.; Wang, C.; Fujimoto, K.; Norgren, Astrid Elisabet Cecilia; Toledo-Redondo, Sergio; Lindqvist, Per-Arne; Ergun, R.E.; Torbert, Roy B.; Rager, A.C.; Dorelli, J.C.; Gershman, D.J.; Giles, B. L.; Lavraud, B.; Plaschke, F.; Magnes, W.; Le Contel, Olivier; Russell, Christopher T.; Burch, J. L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) spacecraft encounter an electron diffusion region (EDR) of asymmetric magnetic reconnection at Earth’s magnetopause. The EDR is characterized by agyrotropic electron velocity distributions ...