• Cortical thickness and resting‐state cardiac function across the lifespan: A cross‐sectional pooled mega‐analysis 

      Koenig, Julian; Abler, Birgit; Agartz, Ingrid; Åkerstedt, Torbjørn; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Anthony, Mia; Bär, Karl-Jürgen; Bertsch, Katja; Brown, Rebecca C.; Brunner, Romuald; Carnevali, Luca; Critchley, Hugo D.; Cullen, Kathryn R; de Geus, Eco J C; de la Cruz, Feliberto; Dziobek, Isabel; Ferger, Marc D.; Fischer, Håkan; Flor, Herta; Gaebler, Michael; Gianaros, Peter J.; Giummarra, Melita J.; Greening, Steven G.; Guendelman, Simon; Heathers, James A. J.; Herpertz, Sabine C.; Hu, Mandy X.; Jentschke, Sebastian; Kaess, Michael; Kaufmann, Tobias; Klimes-Dougan, Bonnie; Koelsch, Stefan; Krauch, Marlene; Kumral, Deniz; Lamers, Femke; Lee, Tae‐Ho; Lekander, Mats; Lin, Feng; Lotze, Martin; Makovac, Elena; Mancini, Matteo; Mancke, Falk; Månsson, Kristoffer N. T.; Manuck, Stephen B.; Mather, Mara; Meeten, Frances; Min, Jungwon; Mueller, Bryon A.; Muench, Vera; Nees, Frauke; Nga, Lin; Nilsonne, Gustav; Ordonez Acuna, Daniela; Osnes, Berge; Ottaviani, Cristina; Penninx, Brenda W J H; Ponzio, Allison; Poudel, Govinda R.; Reinelt, Janis; Ren, Ping; Sakaki, Michiko; Schumann, Andy; Sørensen, Lin; Specht, Karsten; Straub, Joana; Tamm, Sandra; Thai, Michelle; Thayer, Julian F.; Ubani, Benjamin; van der Mee, Denise J.; van Velzen, Laura S.; Ventura‐Bort, Carlos; Villringer, Arno; Watson, David R.; Wei, Luqing; Wendt, Julia; Westlund Schreiner, Melinda; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Weymar, Mathias; Winkelmann, Tobias; Wu, Guo‐Rong; Yoo, Hyun Joo; Quintana, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Understanding the association between autonomic nervous system [ANS] function and brain morphology across the lifespan provides important insights into neurovisceral mechanisms underlying health and disease. Resting‐state ...
    • Crossing the Antarctica: Exploring the Effects of Appetite-Regulating Hormones and Indicators of Nutrition Status during a 93-Day Solo-Expedition 

      Johnsen, Bjørn Helge; Brattebø, Guttorm; Phillips, Terry M.; Gjeldnes, Rune; Bartone, Paul T.; Monsen, Hans-Olav Neteland; Thayer, Julian F. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Future deep space astronauts must maintain adequate nutrition despite highly stressful, isolated, confined and dangerous environments. The present case-study investigated appetite regulating hormones, nutrition status, and ...
    • Executive functions in older adults with generalised anxiety disorder and healthy controls: Associations with heart rate variability, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and physical fitness 

      Sirevåg, Kristine; Stavestrand, Silje Haukenes; Specht, Karsten; Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Hammar, Åsa Karin; Molde, Helge; Mohlman, Jan; Endal, Trygve Bruun; Halmøy, Anne; Andersson, Eva; Sjøbø, Trond; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Thayer, Julian F.; Hovland, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Executive functions (EF) decline with age and this decline in older adults with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) may be influenced by heart rate variability (HRV), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and physical ...
    • Innovative approaches in investigating inter-beat intervals: Graph theoretical method suggests altered autonomic functioning in adolescents with ADHD 

      Kvadsheim, Elisabet; Fasmer, Ole Bernt; Fasmer, Erlend Eindride; Hauge, Erik Rønneberg; Thayer, Julian F.; Osnes, Berge; Haavik, Jan; Koenig, Julian; Adolfsdottir, Steinunn; Plessen, Kerstin J.; Sørensen, Lin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Cardiac inter-beat intervals (IBIs) are considered to reflect autonomic functioning and self-regulatory abilities and are often investigated by traditional time- and frequency domain analyses. These analyses investigate ...
    • Reduced anxiety in forensic inpatients after a long-term intervention with Atlantic salmon 

      Hansen, Anita Lill; Olson, Gina; Dahl, Lisbeth; Thornton, David Malcolm; Grung, Bjørn; Graff, Ingvild Eide; Frøyland, Livar; Thayer, Julian F. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-11-26)
      The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of Atlantic salmon consumption on underlying biological mechanisms associated with anxiety such as heart rate variability (HRV) and heart rate (HR) as well as a ...