Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Thingstad, Tron Frede"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Contrasting response to nutrient manipulation in Arctic mesocosms are reproduced by a minimum microbial food web model
Larsen, Aud; Egge, Jorun Karin; Nejstgaard, Jens Christian; Di Capua, Iole; Thyrhaug, Runar; Bratbak, Gunnar; Thingstad, Tron Frede (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-01-27)A minimum mathematical model of the marine pelagic microbial food web has previously shown to be able to reproduce central aspects of observed system response to different bottom-up manipulations in a mesocosm experiment ... -
Fractal hypothesis of the pelagic microbial ecosystem-can simple ecological principles lead to self-similar complexity in the pelagic microbial food web?
Våge, Selina; Thingstad, Tron Frede (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-12-01)Trophic interactions are highly complex and modern sequencing techniques reveal enormous biodiversity across multiple scales in marine microbial communities. Within the chemically and physically relatively homogeneous ... -
How trophic cascades and photic zone nutrient content interact to generate basin-scale differences in the microbial food web
Thingstad, Tron Frede (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In linear food chains, resource and predator control produce positive and negative correlations, respectively, between biomass at adjacent trophic levels. These simple relationships become more complex in food webs that ... -
Linking internal and external bacterial community control gives mechanistic framework for pelagic virus-to-bacteria ratios
Våge, Selina; Pree, Bernadette; Thingstad, Tron Frede (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-11)For more than 25 years, virus-to-bacteria ratios (VBR) have been measured and interpreted as indicators of the importance of viruses in aquatic ecosystems, yet a generally accepted theory for understanding mechanisms ... -
Micromonas versus virus: New experimental insights challenge viral impact
Ruiz Martinez, Eliana; Baudoux, Anne-Claire; Simon, Nathalie; Sandaa, Ruth-Anne; Thingstad, Tron Frede; Pagarete, António (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-05)Viruses have recurrently been hypothesized as instrumental in driving microbial population diversity. Nonetheless, viral mediated co-existence of r/kstrategists, predicted in the Killing-the-Winner (KtW) hypothesis, remains ... -
Nutrient pathways through the microbial food web: principles and predictability discussed, based on five different experiments
Thingstad, Tron Frede; Cuevas, Luis Antonio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-11-11)Although explanatory and predictive powers are 2 closely interconnected aspects of conceptual and mathematical models of complex systems, the two are not equivalent. The 2 aspects are discussed here for the microbial part ... -
Optimal defense strategies in an idealized microbial food web under trade-off between competition and defense
Våge, Selina; Storesund, Julia Endresen; Giske, Jarl; Thingstad, Tron Frede (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-07-07)Trophic mechanisms that can generate biodiversity in food webs include bottom-up (growth rate regulating) and top-down (biomass regulating) factors. The top-down control has traditionally been analyzed using the concepts ... -
Organic carbon and mineral nutrient limitation of oxygen consumption, bacterial growth and efficiency in the Norwegian Sea
Cuevas, Luis Antonio; Egge, Jorun Karin; Thingstad, Tron Frede; Töpper, Birte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-01-12)To evaluate the role of bacteria in the transformation of organic matter in subarctic waters, we investigated the effect of mineral nutrients (ammonia and phosphate) and organic carbon (glucose) enrichment on heterotrophic ... -
The Response of Heterotrophic Prokaryote and Viral Communities to Labile Organic Carbon Inputs Is Controlled by the Predator Food Chain Structure
Sandaa, Ruth-Anne; Pree, Bernadette; Larsen, Aud; Våge, Selina; Tøpper, Birte; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Thyrhaug, Runar; Thingstad, Tron Frede (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-08-23)Factors controlling the community composition of marine heterotrophic prokaryotes include organic-C, mineral nutrients, predation, and viral lysis. Two mesocosm experiments, performed at an Arctic location and bottom-up ... -
The role of mixotrophic protists in the biological carbon pump
Mitra, Aditee; Flynn, Kevin J.; Burkholder, Joann M.; Berge, Terje; Calbet, Albert; Raven, John A.; Granéli, Edna; Glibert, Patricia M.; Hansen, Per Juel; Stoecker, Diane K.; Thingstad, Tron Frede; Tillmann, Urban; Våge, Selina; Wilken, Susanne; Zubkov, Mikhail V. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-02-20)The traditional view of the planktonic food web describes consumption of inorganic nutrients by photoautotrophic phytoplankton, which in turn supports zooplankton and ultimately higher trophic levels. Pathways centred on ... -
An Unaccounted Fraction of Marine Biogenic CaCO3 Particles
Heldal, Mikal; Norland, Svein; Erichsen, Egil S.; Thingstad, Tron Frede; Bratbak, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-10-23)Biogenic production and sedimentation of calcium carbonate in the ocean, referred to as the carbonate pump, has profound implications for the ocean carbon cycle, and relate both to global climate, ocean acidification and ...