Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Tveito, Torill Helene"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Brief intervention, physical exercise and cognitive behavioural group therapy for patients with chronic low back pain (The CINS trial)
Harris, Anette; Moe, Trygve Fredrik; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Tangen, Tone; Lie, Stein Atle; Tveito, Torill Helene; Reme, Silje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-09)Background and Objective: Cognitive‐behavioural treatments (CBT) and physical group exercise (PE) have both shown promising effects in reducing disability and increasing work participation among chronic low back pain (CLBP) ... -
Cognitive Interventions and Nutritional Supplements (The CINS Trial): A Randomized Controlled, Multicenter Trial Comparing a Brief Intervention with Additional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Seal Oil, and Soy Oil for Sick-Listed Low Back Pain Patients
Reme, Silje; Tveito, Torill Helene; Harris, Anette; Lie, Stein Atle; Grasdal, Astrid; Indahl, Aage; Brox, Jens Ivar; Tangen, Tone; Hagen, Eli Molde; Gismervik, Sigmund Østgård; Ødegård, Arit; Frøyland, Livar; Fors, Egil Andreas; Chalder, Trudie; Eriksen, Hege Randi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)STUDY DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a tailored and manualized cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) or nutritional supplements of seal oil and soy oil had any ... -
Comparing two interdisciplinary occupational rehabilitation programs for employees on sick leave: a mixed-method design study protocol
Eftedal, Monica; Tveito, Torill Helene; Gensby, Ulrik; Islam, Kamrul; Lie, Stein Atle; Aasland, Gro E.; Kostveit, Svein; Jensen, Chris (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and common mental disorders (CMDs) are the most frequent reasons for long-term sick leave and work disability. Occupational rehabilitation programs are used to help employees ... -
Individual placement and support for young adults at risk of early work disability (the SEED trial). A randomized controlled trial
Sveinsdottir, Vigdis; Lie, Stein Atle; Bond, Gary R.; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Tveito, Torill Helene; Grasdal, Astrid; Reme, Silje Endresen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objectives: Individual placement and support (IPS) is an effective approach for helping people with severe mental illness gain employment. This study aimed to investigate if IPS can be effectively repurposed to support ... -
IQ and mental health are vital predictors of work drop out and early mortality. Multi-state analyses of Norwegian male conscripts
Lie, Stein Atle; Tveito, Torill Helene; Reme, Silje Endresen; Eriksen, Hege Randi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-07-06)Background: Disability benefits and sick leave benefits represents huge costs in western countries. The pathways and prognostic factors for receiving these benefits seen in recent years are complex and manifold. We postulate ... -
Protocol for the Cognitive Interventions and Nutritional Supplements (CINS) trial: A randomized controlled multicenter trial of a brief intervention (BI) versus a BI plus cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) versus nutritional supplements for patients with long-lasting muscle and back pain
Reme, Silje Endresen; Tveito, Torill Helene; Chalder, Trudie; Bjørkkjær, Tormod; Indahl, Aage; Brox, Jens Ivar; Fors, Egil; Hagen, Eli Molde; Eriksen, Hege Randi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-07-07)Background: Brief intervention programs are clinically beneficial, and cost efficient treatments for low back pain, when offered at 8-12 weeks, compared with treatment as usual. However, about 30% of the patients do not ... -
Protocol for the SEED-trial: Supported Employment and preventing Early Disability
Sveinsdottir, Vigdis; Tveito, Torill Helene; Bond, Gary R.; Grasdal, Astrid Louise; Lie, Stein Atle; Reme, Silje Endresen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-07-15)Background: Early withdrawal or exclusion from the labor market leads to significant personal and societal costs. In Norway, the increasing numbers of young adults receiving disability pension is a growing problem. While ... -
Room for everyone in working life? 10% of the employees – 82% of the sickness leave
Tveito, Torill Helene; Halvorsen, Asle; Lauvålien, Jarle V.; Eriksen, Hege Randi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2002)Aims: The aims of this project were to study the distribution of sickness leave in a population of Norwegian power company workers, and to characterise those with most sickness leave. Method: A survey was done in 13 power ... -
Sick Leave and Subjective Health Complaints
Tveito, Torill Helene (Doctoral thesis, 2007-01-06)The aims of this thesis were to identify risk factors for high levels of sick leave and investigate what – if anything – can be done to reduce sick leave. What is the role of “subjective health complaints”, coping, and ... -
Stop Sexual Harassment: A study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial in secondary schools in Norway
Slåtten, Hilde; Haugland, Bente Storm Mowatt; Bjørknes, Ragnhild; Fyhn, Tonje; Tveito, Torill Helene; Poteat, V. Paul; Breivik, Kyrre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: Sexual- and gendered harassment are normalised in many peer groups, yet their associations with mental health concerns among adolescents are well-established. School based interventions that prevent and reduce ... -
Systematic review of active workplace interventions to reduce sickness absence
Odeen, Magnus; Magnussen, Liv Heide; Mæland, Silje; Larun, Lillebeth; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Tveito, Torill Helene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Background: The workplace is used as a setting for interventions to prevent and reduce sickness absence, regardless of the specific medical conditions and diagnoses. Aims: To give an overview of the general effectiveness ... -
Work and mental complaints: are response outcome expectancies more important than work conditions and number of subjective health complaints?
Johnsen, Tone Langjordet; Indahl, Aage; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Tveito, Torill Helene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-06-24)Purpose Investigate the relative effect of response outcome expectancies, work conditions, and number of subjective health complaints (SHC) on anxiety and depression in Norwegian employees. Learned response outcome ...