Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Tywoniuk, Konrad"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Cone-Size Dependence of Jet Suppression in Heavy-Ion Collisions
Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Pablos Alfonso, Daniel; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The strong suppression of high-pT jets in heavy-ion collisions is a result of elastic and inelastic energy loss suffered by the jet multiprong collection of color charges that are resolved by medium interactions. Hence, ... -
Deep learning jet modifications in heavy-ion collisions
Du, Yi-lun; Pablos Alfonso, Daniel; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Jet interactions in a hot QCD medium created in heavy-ion collisions are conventionally assessed by measuring the modification of the distributions of jet observables with respect to the proton-proton baseline. However, ... -
Dynamical grooming of QCD jets
Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Soto-Ontoso, Alba; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-06)We propose a new class of infrared-collinear and Sudakov safe observables with an associated jet grooming technique that removes dynamically soft and large angle branches. It is based on identifying the hardest branch in ... -
Higher-order corrections to heavy-quark jet quenching
Blok, Boris; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-07-03)We calculate higher-order corrections to the quenching factor of heavy-quark jets due to hard, in-medium splittings in the framework of the BDMPS-Z formalism. These corrections turn out to be sensitive to a single mass ... -
Improved opacity expansion for medium-induced parton splitting
Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-30)We present a new expansion scheme to compute the rate for parton splittings in dense and finite QCD media. In contrast to the standard opacity expansion, our expansion is performed around the harmonic oscillator whose ... -
Jet quenching and effects of non-Gaussian transverse-momentum broadening on dijet observables
van Hameren, Andreas; Kutak, Krzysztof; Placzek, Wieslaw; Rohrmoser, Martin; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article, 2020)We study, at a qualitative level, production of jet pairs in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions. We propose a new framework for combining kT factorization and a formalism for in-medium propagation of jet particles that ... -
Jet Tomography in Heavy-Ion Collisions with Deep Learning
Du, Yi-lun; Pablos, Daniel; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Deep learning techniques have the power to identify the degree of modification of high energy jets traversing deconfined QCD matter on a jet-by-jet basis. Such knowledge allows us to study jets based on their initial, ... -
The Large Hadron–Electron Collider at the HL-LHC
Agostini, P.; Aksakal, H.; Alekhin, S.; Allport, P.P.; Andari, N.; Andre, K.D.J.; Angal-Kalinin, D.; Antusch, S.; Bella, LA; Apolinario, L.; Apsimon, R.; Apyan, A.; Arduini, G.; Ari, V.; Armbruster, A.; Armesto, N.; Auchmann, Bernhard; Aulenbacher, K.; Azuelos, G.; Backovic, S.; Bailey, I.; Bailey, S.; Balli, F.; Behera, S.; Behnke, O.; Ben-Zvi, I.; Benedikt, M.; Bernauer, J.; Bertolucci, S.; Biswal, S.S.; Blümlein, J.; Bogacz, A.; Bonvini, M.; Boonekamp, M.; Bordry, F.; Boroun, G.R.; Bottura, L.; Bousson, S.; Bouzas, A.O.; Bracco, C.; Bracinik, J.; Britzger, D.; Brodsky, S.J.; Bruni, C.; Brüning, O.; Burkhardt, H.; Cakir, O.; Calaga, R.; Caldwell, A; Calıskan, A.; Camarda, S.; Catalan-Lasheras, N.C.; Cassou, K.; Cepila, J.; Cetinkaya, V.; Chetvertkova, V.; Cole, B.; Coleppa, B.; Cooper-Sarkar, A.; Cormier, E.; Cornell, A.S.; Corsini, Roberto; Cruz-Alaniz, E.; Currie, J.; Curtin, D.; D’Onofrio, M.; Dainton, J.; Daly, E.; Das, A.; Das, S.P.; Dassa, L; de Blas, Blas; Rose, L. Delle; Denizli, H.; Deshpande, K.S.; Douglas, D.; Duarte, L.; Dupraz, K.; Dutta, S; Efremov, A.V.; Eichhorn, R.; Eskola, K.J.; Ferreiro, E.G.; Fischer, O.; Flores-Sánchez, O.; Forte, S.; Gaddi, A.; Gao, J.; Gehrmann, T.; Gehrmann-De Ridder, Ridder; Gerigk, F.; Gilbert, A.; Giuli, F.; Glazov, A.; Glover, N.; Godbole, R.M.; Goddard, B; Gonçalves, V.; Gonzalez-Sprinberg, G.A.; Goyal, A.; Grames, J.; Granados, E; Grassellino, A.; Gunaydin, Y.O.; Guo, Y.C.; Guzey, V.; Gwenlan, C; Hammad, A.; Han, C.C.; Harland-Lang, L.; Haug, S; Hautmann, F.; Hayden, D.; Hessler, J.; Helenius, I.; Henry, J.; Hernandez-Sanchez, J.; Hesari, H.; Hobbs, T.J.; Hod, N.; Hoffstaetter, G.H.; Holzer, B.; Honorato, C.G.; Hounsell, B.; Hu, N.; Hug, F.; Huss, Alexander; Hutton, A.; Islam, R.; Iwamoto, S.; Jana, S.; Jansova, M.; Jensen, E.; Jones, T.; Jowett, J.M.; Kaabi, W.; Kado, M.; Kalinin, D.A.; Karadeniz, H.; Kawaguchi, S.; Kaya, U.; Khalek, R.A.; Khanpour, H.; Kilic, A.; Klein, M.; Klein, U.; Kluth, S.; Köksal, M.; Kocak, F.; Korostelev, M.; Kostka, P.; Krelina, M.; Kretzschmar, J; Kuday, S.; Kulipanov, G.; Kumar, M.; Kuze, M.; Lappi, T.; Larios, F.; Latina, A.; Laycock, P.; Lei, G.; Levitchev, E.; Levonian, S.; Levy, A.; Li, R.; Li, X.; Liang, H.; Litvinenko, V.; Liu, M.; Liu, T.; Liu, W.; Liu, Y.; Liuti, S.; Lobodzinska, E.; Longuevergne, D.; Luo, X.; Ma, W.; Machado, M.; Mandal, S.; Mäntysaari, H.; Marhauser, F.; Marquet, C.; Martens, A.; Martin, R.; Marzani, S.; McFayden, J.; McIntosh, P.; Mellado, B.; Meot, F.; Milanese, A.; Milhano, J.G.; Militsyn, B.; Mitra, M.; Moch, S.; Najafabadi, M. Mohammadi; Mondal, S.; Moretti, S.; Morgan, T.; Morreale, A.; Nadolsky, P.; Navarra, F.; Nergiz, Z.; Newman, P.; Niehues, J.; Nissen, E.A.; Nowakowski, M.; Okada, N.; Olivier, G.; Olness, F.; Olry, G.; Osborne, J.A.; Ozansoy, A.; Pan, R.; Parker, B.; Patra, M.; Paukkunen, H.; Peinaud, Y.; Pellegrini, D.; Perez-Segurana, G.; Perini, D.; Perrot, L.; Pietralla, N.; Pilicer, E.; Pire, B.; Pires, J.; Placakyte, R.; Poelker, M.; Polifka, R.; Polini, A.; Poulose, P.; Pownall, G.; Pupkov, Y.A.; Queiroz, F.S.; Rabbertz, K.; Radescu, V.; Rahaman, R.; Rai, S.K.; Raicevic, N.; Ratoff, P.; Rashed, A.; Raut, D.; Raychaudhuri, S.; Repond, J; Rezaeian, A.H.; Rimmer, R.; Rinolfi, L.; Rojo, J.; Rosado, A.; Ruan, X.; Russenschuck, S.; Sahin, M.; Salgado, C.A.; Sampayo, O.A.; Satendra, K.; Satyanarayan, N.; Schenke, B.; Schirm, K.; Schopper, H.; Schott, M.; Schulte, D.; Schwanenberger, C.; Sekine, T.; Senol, A.; Seryi, A.; Setiniyaz, S.; Shang, L.; Shen, X.; Shipman, N.; Sinha, N.; Slominski, W.; Smith, S.; Solans, C.; Song, M.; Spiesberger, H.; Stanyard, J.; Starostenko, A.; Stasto, A.; Stocchi, A.; Strikman, M.; Stuart, M.J.; Sultansoy, S.; Sun, H.; Sutton, M.; Szymanowski, L.; Tapan, I.; Tapia-Takaki, D.; Tanaka, M.; Tang, Y.; Tasci, A.T.; Ten-Kate, A.T.; Thonet, P.; Tomas-Garcia, R.; Tommasini, D.; Trbojevic, D.; Trott, M.; Tsurin, I.; Tudora, A.; Cakir, I. Turk; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Vallerand, C.; Valloni, A.; Verney, D; Vilella, E.; Walker, D.; Wallon, S.; Wang, B.; Wang, K.; Wang, K.; Wang, X.; Wang, Z.S.; Wei, H.; Welsch, C.; Willering, G.; Williams, P.H.; Wollmann, Daniel; Xiaohao, C.; Xu, T.; Yaguna, C.E.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Yamazaki, Y.; Yang, H.; Yilmaz, A.; Yock, P.; Yue, C.X.; Zadeh, S.G.; Zenaiev, O.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, G.; Zhu, S.; Zimmermann, F.; Zomer, F.; Zurita, J.; Zurita, P. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Large Hadron–Electron Collider (LHeC) is designed to move the field of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) to the energy and intensity frontier of particle physics. Exploiting energy-recovery technology, it collides a ... -
Mapping collinear in-medium parton splittings
Dominguez, Fabio; Milhano, Jose; Salgado, Carlos; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Vila, Victor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-07)We map the spectrum of 1→2 parton splittings inside a medium characterized by a transport coefficient q^ onto the kinematical Lund plane, taking into account the finite formation time of the process. We discuss the distinct ... -
Medium-induced cascade in expanding media
Adhya, Souvik Priyam; Salgado, Carlos A.; Spousta, Martin; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Detailed insight into the interplay between parton energy loss and the way deconfined medium created in heavy-ion collisions expands is of great importance for improving the understanding of the jet quenching phenomenon. ... -
Medium-induced radiative kernel with the Improved Opacity Expansion
Barata, João; Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Soto-Ontoso, Alba; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We calculate the fully differential medium-induced radiative spectrum at next-to-leading order (NLO) accuracy within the Improved Opacity Expansion (IOE) framework. This scheme allows us to gain analytical control of the ... -
Midrapidity antiproton-to-proton ratio in pp collisons root s=0.9 and 7 TeV measured by the ALICE experiment
Aamodt, Kenneth; Abel, N; Abeysekara, U; Quintana, A. Abrahantes; Abramyan, A; Adamová, D; Aggarwal, MM; Rinella, GA; Agocs, AG; Salazar, SA; Ahammed, Z; Ahmad, A; Ahmad, N; Ahn, SU; Akimoto, R; Akindinov, A; Aleksandrov, D; Alessandro, B; Molina, RA; Alici, A; Avina, EA; Alme, Johan; Alt, T.; Altini, V; Altinpinar, S; Andrei, C; Andronic, A; Anelli, G; Angelov, V; Anson, C; Anticic, T; Antinori, F; Antinori, S; Antipin, K; Antonczyk, D; Antonioli, P; Anzo, A; Aphecetche, L; Appelshauser, SA; Arcelli, S; Arceo, R; Arend, A; Armesto, N; Arnaldi, R; Aronsson, T; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Asryan, A; Augustinus, A; Averbeck, R; Awes, TC; Aysto, J; Azmi, MD; Bablok, Sebastian Robert; Bach, M; Badala, A; Baek, YW; Bagnasco, S; Bailhache, R; Bala, R; Baldisser, A; Baldit, A; Ban, J; Barbera, R; Barnafoldi, GG; Barnby, LS; Barret, V; Bartke, J; Barile, F; Basile, M; Basmanov, V; Bastid, N; Bathen, B; Batigne, G; Batyunya, B; Baumann, C; Bearden, IG; Becker, B; Belikov, I; Bellwied, R; Belmont-Moreno, E; Belogianni, A; Benhabib, L; Beole, S; Berceanu, I; Bercuci, A; Berdermann, E; Berdnikov, Y; Betev, L; Bhasin, A; Bhati, AK; Bianchi, L; Bianchi, N; Bianchin, C; Bielcik, J; Bielcikova, J; Bilandzic, A; Bimbot, L; Biolcati, E; Blanc, A; Blanco, F; Blau, D; Blume, C; Boccioli, M; Bock, N; Bogdanov, A; Boggild, H; Bogolyubsky, M; Bohm, J; Boldizsar, L; Bombara, M; Bombonati, C; Bondila, M; Borel, H; Borisov, A; Bortolin, C; Bose, S; Bosisio, L; Bossu, F; Botje, M; Bottger, S; Bourdaud, G; Boyer, B; Braun, M; Braun-Munzinger, P; Bravina, Larissa; Bregant, M; Breitner, T; Bruckner, G; Brun, R; Bruna, E; Bruno, GE; Budnikov, D; Buesching, H; Buncic, P; Busch, O; Buthelezi, Z; Caffarri, D; Cai, X; Caines, H; Calvo, E; Camacho, E; Camerini, P; Campbell, M; Roman, VC; Capitani, GP; Romeo, GC; Carena, F; Carena, W; Carminati, F; Diaz, AC; Caselle, M; Castellanos, JC; Hernandez, JFC; Catanescu, V; Cattaruzza, E; Cavicchioli, C; Cerello, P; Chambert, V; Chang, B; Chapeland, S; Charpy, A; Charvet, JL; Chattopadhyay, S; Cherney, M; Cheshkov, C; Cheynis, B; Chiavassa, E; Barroso, VC; Chinellato, DD; Chochula, P; Choi, K; Chojnacki, M; Christakoglou, P; Christensen, CH; Christiansen, P; Chujo, T; Chuman, F; Cicalo, C; Cifarelli, L; Cindolo, F; Cleymans, J; Cobanoglu, O; Coffin, JP; Coli, S; Colla, A; Balbastre, GC; del Valle, ZC; Conner, ES; Constantin, P; Contin, G; Contreras, JG; Morales, YC; Cormier, TM; Cortese, P; Maldonado, IC; Cosentino, MR; Costa, F; Cotallo, ME; Crescio, E; Crochet, P; Cuautle, E; Cunqueiro, L; Cussonneau, J; Dainese, A; Dalsgaard, HH; Danu, A; Das, I; Dash, A; Dash, S; de Barros, GOV; de Caro, A; de Cataldo, G; de Cuveland, J; De Falco, A; De Gaspari, M; de Groot, J; De Gruttola, D; De Marco, N; De Pasquale, S; De Remigis, R; de Rooij, R; de Vaux, G; Delagrange, H; Delgado, Y; Dellacasa, G; Deloff, A; Demanov, V; Denes, E; Deppman, A; D'Erasmo, G; Derkach, D; Devaux, A; Di Bari, D; Di Giglio, C; Di Liberto, S; Di Mauro, A; Di Nezza, P; Dialinas, M; Diaz, L; Diaz, R; Dietel, T; Divia, R; Djuvsland, Øystein; Dobretsov, V; Dobrin, A; Dobrowolski, T; Donigus, B; Dominguez, I; Don, DMM; Dordic, Olja; Dubey, AK; Dubuisson, J; Ducroux, L; Dupieux, P; Majumdar, AKD; Majumdar, MRD; Elia, D; Emschermann, D; Enokizono, A; Espagnon, B; Estienne, M; Esumi, S; Evans, D; Evrard, S; Eyyubova, Gyulnara; Fabjan, CW; Fabris, D; Faivre, J; Falchieri, D; Fantoni, A; Fasel, M; Fateev, O; Fearick, R; Fedunov, A; Fehlker, Dominik; Fekete, V; Felea, D; Fenton-Olsen, B; Feofilov, G; Tellez, AF; Ferreiro, EG; Ferretti, A; Ferretti, R; Figueredo, MAS; Filchagin, S; Fini, R; Fionda, FM; Fiore, EM; Floris, M; Fodor, Z; Foertsch, S; Foka, P; Fokin, S; Formenti, F; Fragiacomo, E; Fragkiadakis, M; Frankenfeld, U; Frolov, A; Fuchs, U; Furano, F; Furget, C; Girard, MF; Gaardhoje, JJ; Gadrat, S; Gagliardi, M; Gago, A; Gallio, M; Ganoti, P; Ganti, MS; Garabatos, C; Trapaga, CG; Gebelein, J; Gemme, R; Germain, M; Gheata, A; Gheata, M; Ghidini, B; Ghosh, P; Giraudo, G; Giubellino, P; Gladysz-Dziadus, E; Glasow, R; Glassel, P; Glenn, A; Jimenez, RG; Santos, HG; Gonzalez-Trueba, LH; Gonzalez-Zamora, P; Gorbunov, S; Gorbunov, Y; Gotovac, S; Gottschlag, H; Grabski, V; Grajcarek, R; Grelli, A; Grigoras, A; Grigoras, C; Grigoriev, V; Grigoryan, A; Grigoryan, S; Grinyov, B; Grion, N; Gros, P; Grosse-Oetringhaus, JF; Grossiord, JY; Grosso, R; Guber, F; Guernane, R; Guerra, C; Guerzoni, B; Gulbrandsen, K; Gulkanyan, H; Gunji, T; Gupta, A; Gupta, R; Gustafsson, HA; Gutbrod, H; Haaland, Øystein Senneset; Hadjidakis, C; Haiduc, M; Hamagaki, H; Hamar, G; Hamblen, J; Han, BH; Harris, JW; Hartig, M; Harutyunyan, A; Hasch, D; Hasegan, D; Hatzifotiadou, D; Hayrapetyan, A; Heide, M; Heinz, M; Helstrup, Håvard; Herghelegiu, A; Hernandez, C; Corral, GH; Herrmann, N; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Hicks, B; Hiei, A; Hille, Per Thomas; Hippolyte, B; Horaguchi, T; Hori, Y; Hristov, P; Hrivnacova, I; Hu, S; Huang, Meidana; Huber, S; Humanic, TJ; Hutter, D; Hwang, DS; Ichou, R; Ilkaev, R; Ilkiv, I; Inaba, M; Innocenti, PG; Ippolitov, M; Irfan, M; Ivan, C; Ivanov, A; Ivanov, M; Ivanov, V; Iwasaki, T; Jacholkowski, A; Jacobs, P; Jancurova, L; Jangal, S; Janik, R; Jena, C; Jena, S; Jirden, L; Jones, GT; Jones, PG; Jovanovic, P; Jung, H; Jung, W; Jusko, A; Kaidalov, AB; Kalcher, S; Kalinak, P; Kalisky, M; Kalliokoski, T; Kalweit, A; Kamal, A; Kamermans, R; Kanaki, Kalliopi; Kang, E; Kang, JH; Kapitan, J; Kaplin, V; Kapusta, S; Karavichev, O; Karavicheva, T; Karpechev, E; Kazantsev, A; Kebschull, U; Keidel, R; Khan, MM; Khan, SA; Khanzadeev, A; Kharlov, Y; Kikola, D; Kileng, Bjarte; Kim, DJ; Kim, DS; Kim, DW; Kim, HN; Kim, J; Kim, JH; Kim, JS; Kim, M; Kim, SH; Kim, S; Kim, Y; Kirsch, S; Kisel, I; Kiselev, S; Kisiel, A; Klay, JL; Klein, J; Klein-Bosing, C; Kliemant, M; Klovning, Arne; Kluge, A; Knichel, ML; Kniege, S; Koch, K; Kolevatov, Rodion; Kolojvari, A; Kondratiev, V; Kondratyeva, N; Konevskih, A; Kornas, E; Kour, R; Kowalski, M; Kox, S; Kozlov, K; Kral, J; Kralik, I; Kramer, F; Kraus, I; Kravcakova, A; Krawutschke, T; Krivda, M; Krumbhorn, D; Krus, M; Kryshen, E; Krzewicki, M; Kucheriaev, Y; Kuhn, C; Kuijer, PG; Kumar, L; Kumar, N; Kupczak, R; Kurashvili, P; Kurepin, A; Kurepin, AN; Kuryakin, A; Kushpil, S; Kushpil, V; Kutouski, M; Kværnø, Henning; Kweon, MJ; Kwon, Y; La Rocca, P; Lackner, F; de Guevara, PL; Lafage, V; Lal, C; Lara, C; Larsen, Dag Toppe; Laurenti, G; Lazzeroni, C; Le Bornec, Y; Le Bris, N; Lee, H; Lee, KS; Lee, SC; Lefevre, F; Lenhardt, M; Leistam, L; Lehnert, J; Lenti, V; Leon, H; Monzon, IL; Vargas, HL; Levai, P; Li, X; Li, Y; Lietava, R; Lindal, Svein; Lindenstruth, V; Lippmann, C; Lisa, MA; Liu, Lijiao; Loginov, V; Lohn, S; Lopez, X; Noriega, ML; Lopez-Ramirez, R; Torres, EL; Løvhøiden, Gunnar; Soares, ALF; Lu, S; Lunardon, M; Luparello, G; Luquin, L; Lutz, JR; Ma, K; Ma, R; Madagodahettige-Don, DM; Maevskaya, A; Mager, M; Mahapatra, DP; Maire, A; Makhlyueva, I; Mal'Kevich, D; Malaev, M; Malagalage, KJ; Cervantes, IM; Malek, M; Malkiewicz, T; Malzacher, P; Mamonov, A; Manceau, L; Mangotra, L; Manko, V; Manso, F; Manzari, V; Mao, Y; Mares, J; Margagliotti, GV; Margotti, A; Marin, A; Martashvili, I; Martinengo, P; Hernandez, MIM; Davalos, AM; Garcia, GM; Maruyama, Y; Chiesa, AM; Masciocchi, S; Masera, M; Masetti, M; Masoni, A; Massacrier, L; Mastromarco, M; Mastroserio, A; Matthews, ZL; Matyja, A; Mayani, D; Mazza, G; Mazzoni, MA; Meddi, F; Menchaca-Rocha, A; Lorenzo, PM; Meoni, M; Perez, JM; Mereu, P; Miake, Y; Michalon, A; Miftakhov, N; Milano, L; Milosevic, Jovan; Minafra, Francesco; Mischke, A; Miskowiec, D; Mitu, C; Mizoguchi, K; Mlynarz, J; Mohanty, B; Molnar, L; Mondal, MM; Zetina, LM; Monteno, M; Montes, E; Morando, M; Moretto, S; Morsch, A; Moukhanova, T; Muccifora, V; Mudnic, E; Muhuri, S; Mueller, H; Munhoz, MG; Munoz, J; Musa, L; Musso, A; Nandi, BK; Nania, R; Nappi, E; Navach, F; Navin, S; Nayak, TK; Nazarenko, S; Nazarov, G; Nedosekin, A; Nendaz, F; Newby, J; Nianine, A; Nicassio, M; Nielsen, BS; Nikolaev, S; Nikolic, V; Nikulin, S; Nikulin, V; Nilsen, BS; Nilsson, Mads Stormo; Noferini, F; Nomokonov, P; Nooren, G; Novitzky, N; Nyatha, A; Nygaard, C; Nyiri, Agnes; Nystrand, Joakim; Ochirov, A; Odyniec, G; Oeschler, H; Oinonen, M; Okada, K; Okada, Y; Oldenburg, M; Oleniacz, J; Oppedisano, C; Orsini, F; Velasquez, AO; Ortona, G; Oskarsson, A; Osmic, F; Osterman, L; Ostrowski, P; Otterlund, I; Otwinowski, J; Øvrebekk, Gaute; Oyama, K; Ozawa, K; Pachmayer, Y; Pachr, M; Padilla, F; Pagano, P; Paic, G; Painke, F; Pajares, C; Pal, S; Pal, SK; Palaha, A; Palmeri, A; Panse, R; Papikyan, V; Pappalardo, GS; Park, WJ; Pastircak, B; Pastore, C; Paticchio, V; Pavlinov, A; Pawlak, T; Peitzmann, T; Pepato, A; Pereira, H; Peressounko, D; Perez, C; Perini, D; Perrino, D; Peryt, W; Peschek, J; Pesci, A; Peskov, V; Pestov, Y; Peters, AJ; Petracek, V; Petridis, A; Petris, M; Petrov, P; Petrovici, M; Petta, C; Peyre, J; Piano, S; Piccotti, A; Pikna, M; Pillot, P; Pinazza, O; Pinsky, L; Pitz, N; Piuz, F; Platt, R; Ploskon, M; Pluta, J; Pocheptsov, Timur; Pochybova, S; Lerma, PLMP; Poggio, F; Poghosyan, MG; Polak, K; Polichtchouk, B; Polozov, P; Polyakov, V; Pommeresche, Bjørn-Erling; Pop, A; Posa, F; Pospisil, V; Potukuchi, B; Pouthas, J; Prasad, SK; Preghenella, R; Prino, F; Pruneau, CA; Pshenichnov, I; Puddu, G; Pujahari, P; Pulvirenti, A; Punin, A; Punin, V; Putis, M; Putschke, J; Quercigh, E; Rachevski, A; Rademakers, A; Radomski, S; Raiha, TS; Rak, J; Rakotozafindrabe, A; Ramello, L; Reyes, AR; Rammler, M; Raniwala, R; Raniwala, S; Rasanen, SS; Rashevskaya, I; Rath, S; Read, KF; Real, JS; Redlich, K; Renfordt, R; Reolon, AR; Reshetin, A; Rettig, F; Revol, JP; Reygers, K; Ricaud, H; Riccati, L; Ricci, RA; Richter, Matthias; Riedler, P; Riegler, W; Riggi, F; Rivetti, A; Cahuantzi, MR; Røed, Ketil; Røhrich, Dieter; Lopez, SR; Romita, R; Ronchetti, F; Rosinsky, P; Rosnet, P; Rossegger, S; Rossi, A; Roukoutakis, F; Rousseau, S; Roy, C; Roy, P; Rubio-Montero, AJ; Rui, R; Rusanov, I; Russo, G; Ryabinkin, E; Rybicki, A; Sadovsky, S; Safarik, K; Sahoo, R; Saini, J; Saiz, P; Sakata, D; Salgado, CA; da Silva, RSD; Salur, S; Samanta, T; Sambyal, S; Samsonov, V; Sandor, L; Sandoval, A; Sano, M; Sano, S; Santo, R; Santoro, R; Sarkamo, J; Saturnini, P; Scapparone, E; Scarlassara, F; Scharenberg, RP; Schiaua, C; Schicker, R; Schindler, H; Schmidt, C; Schmidt, HR; Schossmaier, K; Schreiner, S; Schuchmann, S; Schukraft, J; Schutz, Y; Schwarz, K; Schweda, K; Scioli, G; Scomparin, E; Scott, PA; Segato, G; Semenov, D; Senyukov, S; Seo, J; Serci, S; Serkin, L; Serradilla, E; Sevcenco, A; Sgura, I; Shabratova, G; Shahoyan, R; Sharkov, G; Sharma, N; Sharma, S; Shigaki, K; Shimomura, M; Shtejer, K; Sibiriak, Y; Siciliano, M; Sicking, E; Siddi, E; Siemiarczuk, T; Silenzi, A; Silvermyr, D; Simili, E; Simonetti, G; Singaraju, R; Singh, R; Singhal, V; Sinha, BC; Sinha, T; Sitar, B; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Sitta, M; Skjerdal, Kyrre; Smakal, R; Smirnov, N; Snellings, R; Snow, H; Sogaard, C; Soloviev, A; Soltveit, HK; Soltz, R; Sommer, W; Son, CW; Son, H; Song, M; Soos, C; Soramel, F; Soyk, D; Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M; Srivastava, BK; Stachel, J; Staley, F; Stan, E; Stefanek, G; Stefanini, G; Steinbeck, T; Stenlund, E; Steyn, G; Stocco, D; Stock, R; Stolpovsky, P; Strmen, P; Suaide, AAP; Vasquez, MAS; Sugitate, T; Suire, C; Sumbera, M; Susa, T; Swoboda, D; Symons, J; de Toledo, AS; Szarka, I; Szostak, A; Szuba, M; Tadel, M; Tagridis, C; Takahara, A; Takahashi, J; Tanabe, R; Takaki, JDT; Taureg, H; Tauro, A; Tavlet, M; Munoz, GT; Telesca, A; Terrevoli, C; Thader, J; Tieulent, R; Tlusty, D; Toia, A; Tolyhy, T; de Matos, CT; Torii, H; Torralba, G; Toscano, L; Tosello, F; Tournaire, A; Traczyk, T; Tribedy, P; Troger, G; Truesdale, D; Trzaska, WH; Tsiledakis, G; Tsilis, E; Tsuji, T; Tumkin, A; Turrisi, R; Turvey, A; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Tydesjo, H; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Ulery, J; Ullaland, Kjetil; Uras, A; Urban, J; Urciuoli, GM; Usai, GL; Vacchi, A; Vala, M; Palomo, LV; Vallero, S; van der Kolk, N; Vyvre, PV; van Leeuwen, M; Vannucci, L; Vargas, A; Varma, R; Vasiliev, A; Vassiliev, I; Vasileiou, M; Vechernin, V; Venaruzzo, M; Vercellin, E; Vergara, S; Vernet, R; Verweij, M; Vetlitskiy, I; Vickovic, L; Viesti, G; Vikhlyantsev, O; Vilakazi, Z; Baillie, OV; Vinogradov, A; Wagner, Boris; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Zabrodin, Evgeny (Journal article, 2010)The ratio of the yields of antiprotons to protons in pp collisions has been measured by the ALICE experiment at root s = 0.9 and 7 TeV during the initial running periods of the Large Hadron Collider. The measurement covers ... -
Multi-partonic medium induced cascades in expanding media
Adhya, Souvik Priyam; Salgado, Carlos A.; Spousta, Martin; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Going beyond the simplified gluonic cascades, we introduce both gluon and quark degrees of freedom for partonic cascades inside the medium. We then solve the set of coupled evolution equations numerically with splitting ... -
Online data compression in the ALICE O\(^2\) facility
Richter, Matthias Rudolph; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa; Dordic, Olja; Eyyubova, Gyulnara; Hille, Per Thomas; Kolevatov, Rodion; Kværnø, Henning; Lindal, Svein; Løvhøiden, Gunnar; Milosevic, Jovan; Nilsson, Mads Stormo; Nyiri, Agnes; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Zabrodin, Evgeny; Alme, Johan; Bablok, Sebastian Robert; Djuvsland, Øystein; Fehlker, Dominik; Haaland, Øystein Senneset; Huang, Meidana; Kanaki, Kalliopi; Klovning, Arne; Larsen, Dag Toppe; Liu, Lijiao; Nystrand, Joakim; Øvrebekk, Gaute; Pommeresche, Bjørn-Erling; Skjerdal, Kyrre; Ullaland, Kjetil; Wagner, Boris; Helstrup, Håvard; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Kileng, Bjarte; Røed, Ketil; Pocheptsov, Timur Anatolievich; Altinpinar, Sedat; Røhrich, Dieter; Adamová, Dagmar; Aggarwal, Madan M.; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca; Ahammed, Zubayer; Ahn, Sang Un; Akindinov, Alexander; Aleksandrov, Dimitry; Alessandro, Bruno; ALICE, Collaboration (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The ALICE Collaboration and the ALICE O2 project have carried out detailed studies for a new online computing facility planned to be deployed for Run 3 of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Some of the main aspects ... -
Parton energy loss: new theoretical progress
Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The physics of jet quenching combines the dynamics of the QCD parton shower with bremsstrahlung radiation and decoherence processes induced by interactions with an underlying medium. Here we present a brief overview of the ... -
Precise description of medium-induced emissions
Isaksen, Johannes Hamre; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We study jet fragmentation via final-state parton splittings in the medium. These processes are usually calculated theoretically by invoking the large-Nc limit. In this paper we perform the first computation of a 1 → 2 ... -
Quenching effects in the cumulative jet spectrum
Takacs, Adam; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The steeply falling jet spectrum induces a bias on the medium modifications of jet observables in heavy-ion collisions. To explore this effect, we develop a novel analytic framework to study the quenched jet spectrum and ... -
Revisiting transverse momentum broadening in dense QCD media
Barata, João; Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Soto-Ontoso, Alba; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We reconsider the problem of transverse momentum broadening of a highly energetic parton suffering multiple scatterings in dense colored media, such as the thermal quark-gluon plasma or large nuclei. In the framework of ... -
System of evolution equations for quark and gluon jet quenching with broadening
Blanco, E.; Kutak, K.; Płaczek, W.; Rohrmoser, M.; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)We propose a system of evolution equations that describe in-medium time-evolution of transverse-momentum-dependent quark and gluon fragmentation functions. Furthermore, we solve this system of equations using Monte Carlo ... -
Tagging boosted hadronic objects with dynamical grooming
Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Soto-Ontoso, Alba (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)We evaluate the phenomenological applicability of the dynamical grooming technique, introduced by Y. Mehtar-Tani, A. Soto-Ontoso, and K. Tywoniuk [Phys. Rev. D 101, 034004 (2020)], to boosted W and top tagging at LHC ...