• ETH-Tight Algorithms for Finding Surfaces in Simplicial Complexes of Bounded Treewidth 

      Black, Mitchell; Blaser, Nello; Nayyeri, Amir; Vågset, Erlend Raa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Given a simplicial complex with n simplices, we consider the Connected Subsurface Recognition (c-SR) problem of finding a subcomplex that is homeomorphic to a given connected surface with a fixed boundary. We also study ...
    • Log Hochschild Homology of Categorical Products and Coproducts 

      Vågset, Erlend Raa (Master thesis, 2017-07-26)
      As the front page implies, this is a thesis about log Hochschild homology. Our primary goal will be to understand how the log Hochschild homology groups acts on products and coproducts in the category of commutative pre-log ...
    • Optimal Parameterized Algorithms for Solving NP-Hard Problems in Topology 

      Vågset, Erlend Raa (Doctoral thesis, 2024-11-22)
      Denne avhandlingen fokuserer på tre sentrale utfordringer innen algoritmisk topologi: homologibeliggenhetsproblemet, det minste omkransede kjedeproblemet og underflategjenkjenningsproblemet. Selv om disse problemene er ...
    • The parameterized complexity of finding minimum bounded chains 

      Blaser, Nello; Brun, Morten; Salbu, Lars Moberg; Vågset, Erlend Raa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Finding the smallest d-chain with a specific (d − 1)-boundary in a simplicial complex is known as the Minimum Bounded Chain problem (MBCd). MBCd is NP-hard for all d ≥2. In this paper, we prove that it is also W[1]-hard ...