Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Wæhle, Hilde Valen"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Adjusting team involvement: a grounded theory study of challenges in utilizing a surgical safety checklist as experienced by nurses in the operating room
Wæhle, Hilde Valen; Haugen, Arvid Steinar; Søfteland, Eirik; Hjälmhult, Esther (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-09-07)Background: Even though the use of perioperative checklists have resulted in significant reduction in postoperative mortality and morbidity, as well as improvements of important information communication, the utilization ... -
Causal Analysis of World Health Organization's Surgical Safety Checklist Implementation Quality and Impact on Care Processes and Patient Outcomes: Secondary Analysis From a Large Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in Norway
Haugen, Arvid Steinar; Wæhle, Hilde Valen; Almeland, Stian Kreken; Harthug, Stig; Sevdalis, Nick; Eide, Geir Egil; Nortvedt, Monica Wammen; Smith, Ingrid; Softeland, Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Objective: We hypothesize that high-quality implementation of the World Health Organization's Surgical Safety Checklist (SSC) will lead to improved care processes and subsequently reduction of peri- and postoperative ... -
Feasibility of implementing a surgical patient safety checklist: prospective cross-sectional evaluation
Harris, Kristin; Søfteland, Eirik; Moi, Asgjerd Litleré; Harthug, Stig; Ravnøy, Mette; Storesund, Anette; Jurmy, Elaheh; Skeie, Eli; Wæhle, Hilde Valen; Sevdalis, Nick; Haugen, Arvid Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background The World Health Organization’s Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021–2030 call for attention to patient and family involvement to reduce preventable patient harm. Existing evidence indicates that patients’ ... -
How does the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist fit with existing perioperative risk management strategies? An ethnographic study across surgical specialties
Wæhle, Hilde Valen; Haugen, Arvid Steinar; Wiig, Siri; Softeland, Eirik; Sevdalis, Nick; Harthug, Stig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background The World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist (SSC) has demonstrated beneficial impacts on a range of patient- and team outcomes, though variation in SSC implementation and staffʼs perception ... -
Impact of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist implementation on perioperative work and risk perceptions : A process evaluation by use of quantitative and qualitative methods
Wæhle, Hilde Valen (Doctoral thesis, 2020-02-14)Background: Human performance deficiencies account for a large proportion of adverse surgical events. The World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist (SSC) was launched to improve teamwork and patient outcome. ... -
Investigation of perioperative work processes in provision of antibiotic prophylaxis: a prospective descriptive qualitative study across surgical specialties in Norway
Harthug, Stig; Søfteland, Eirik; Haugen, Arvid Steinar; Sevdalis, Nick; Smith, Ingrid; Wiig, Siri; Aase, Karina; Wæhle, Hilde Valen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Abstract Objective: Surgical site infections are known postoperative complications, yet the most preventable of healthcare-associated infections. Correct provision of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis (SAP) is crucial. Use ... -
Validation of a Norwegian version of SURgical PAtient Safety System (SURPASS) in combination with the World Health Organizations' Surgical Safety Checklist (WHO SSC)
Storesund, Anette; Haugen, Arvid Steinar; Wæhle, Hilde Valen; Mahesparan, Ruby; Boermeester, Marja A.; Nortvedt, Monica Wammen; Softeland, Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-01-07)Introduction: Surgical safety checklists may contribute to reduction of complications and mortality. The WHO’s Surgical Safety Checklist (WHO SSC) could prevent incidents in operating theatres, but errors also occur before ...