Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Wilkerson, Brooke E"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Developing positional awareness in sustainability science: four archetypes for early career scientists working in an SDG world
Schrage, Jesse Benjamin; Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May; Wilkerson, Brooke E; Cusens, Jarrod; Fuller, Jessica Leyla (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Although the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a framework to guide and inform research at the interface between science and policy, engaging in sustainability science is not a value-free process and implies ... -
Modeling reverse auction-based subsidies and stormwater fee policies for Low Impact Development (LID) adoption: a system dynamics analysis
Wilkerson, Brooke E; Romanenko, Eduard; Barton, David Nicholas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Abstract Many urban areas around the world are facing increasing pressure on stormwater management systems due to urbanization and extreme weather events caused by climate change. Low impact development (LID), including ... -
Sustainability-oriented innovation: Improving problem definition through combined design thinking and systems mapping approaches
Wilkerson, Brooke E; Trellevik, Lars-Kristian Lunde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Abstract Sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) is receiving increased focus, as sustainability takes a more central role in business, development, and education arenas. SOI processes typically draw from design thinking ... -
Understanding Hydrologic, Human, and Climate System Feedback Loops: Results of a Participatory Modeling Workshop
Rajah, Jefferson K.; Atkins, Ashley E.P.; Tang, Christine; Bax, Kathelijne Pietie; Wilkerson, Brooke E; Fernald, Alexander G.; Langarudi, Saeed (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Groundwater depletion threatens global freshwater resources, necessitating urgent water management and policies to meet current and future needs. However, existing data-intensive approaches to assessments do not fully ...