Blar i Bergen Open Research Archive på forfatter "Wolter, Uwe Egbert"
An Approach to Flexible Multilevel Modelling
Macias, Fernando; Rutle, Adrian; Stolz, Volker; Rodriguez-Echeverria, Roberto; Wolter, Uwe Egbert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-07-12)Multilevel modelling approaches tackle issues related to lack of flexibility and mixed levels of abstraction by providing features like deep modelling and linguistic extension. However, the lack of a clear consensus on ... -
Composition of multilevel domain-specific modelling languages
Rodríguez, Alejandro; Macias Gomez de Villar, Fernando; Durán, Francisco; Rutle, Adrian; Wolter, Uwe Egbert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Multilevel Modelling (MLM) approaches make it possible for designers and modellers to work with an unlimited number of abstraction levels to specify their domain-specific modelling languages (DSMLs). To fully exploit MLM ... -
Consistency of Heterogeneously Typed Behavioural Models: A Coalgebraic Approach
Wolter, Uwe Egbert; König, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Systematic and formally underpinned consistency checking of heterogeneously typed interdependent behavioural models requires a common metamodel, into which the involved models can be translated. And, if additional system ... -
A Diagrammatic Logic for Object-Oriented Visual Modeling
Diskin, Zinovy; Wolter, Uwe Egbert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008-11-21)Formal generalized sketches is a graph-based specification format that borrows its main ideas from categorical and ordinary first-order logic, and adapts them to software engineering needs. In the engineering jargon, it ... -
A General Methodology for Internalising Multi-level Model Typing
König, Harald; Wolter, Uwe Egbert (Chapter, 2021)Multilevel Modelling approaches allow for an arbitrary number of abstraction levels in typing chains. In this paper, a transformation of a multi-level typing chain into a single all-covering representing model is proposed. ... -
Indexed and Fibred Structures for Hoare Logic
Wolter, Uwe Egbert; Martini, Alfio; Haeusler, Edward Hermann (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Indexed and fibred categorical concepts are widely used in computer science as models of logical systems and type theories. Here we focus on Hoare logic and show that a comprehensive categorical analysis of its axiomatic ... -
Indexed and fibered structures for partial and total correctness assertions
Wolter, Uwe Egbert; Martini, Alfio; Haeusler, Edward Hermann (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Hoare Logic has a long tradition in formal verification and has been continuously developed and used to verify a broad class of programs, including sequential, object-oriented, and concurrent programs. Here we focus on ... -
Logics of Statements in Context-Category Independent Basics
Wolter, Uwe Egbert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Based on a formalization of open formulas as statements in context, the paper presents a freshly new and abstract view of logics and specification formalisms. Generalizing concepts like sets of generators in Group Theory, ... -
Structural Operational Semantics for Heterogeneously Typed Coalgebras
König, Harald; Wolter, Uwe Egbert; Kräuter, Tim Oliver (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Concurrently interacting components of a modular software architecture are heterogeneously structured behavioural models. We consider them as coalgebras based on different endofunctors. We formalize the composition of these ...