Akten de hoppende ilddjævle. El Salt de Plens. Rejsen gennem ildhelvede der forbinder og fragmenterer fællesskab.
Master thesis
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- Master theses [252]
Catalanske festivaler har spillet en fundamental rolle i formingen af regionale og kulturelle identiteter, specielt gennem festivalerne kollektive akts performance. Siden 1980 har festivalerne opleved et boom i Djævle akter, som traditionelt set har blevet set på som måde at udtrykke utilfredshed med socio-politiske og religiøse aspekter. Dette studie fokuserer på den emblematiske festival, La Patum, som i 2005 blev indskrevet i UNESCO´s Inmaterialle Kulturarv, særligt de kollektive udøvelser af djævle akter, de såkaldte El Salt de Plens. Modsat tidligere studier diskuterer denne tese at djævle akterne fragmenterer fællesskab. Analyse af tidligere forsknings og etnografisk materiale indsamlet gennem feltarbejde og konference deltagelse viser at det divergente tolkning skyldes det teoretiske tilgang. En kronologisk oversigt over Djævleakten fra begyndelsen af Francos regime i 1939 til nutiden afdækker politisering og ritualiserings processer og fremstiller de deltagerne kollektive perspektiver på en måde, som tidligere studier har negliceret. Catalan festivals play a vital role in the formation of regional and cultural identity, especially through the festival´s collective Acts performances. Since 1980 the festivals have experienced a boom of Devil's Acts, which traditionally have been considered as expressing dissatisfaction with socio-political and/or religious issues. This study focuses on the emblematic festival, La Patum, which in 2005 got inscribed on UNESCO´s Representive List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, particularly on the collective exercise of its Devil's Act, the so-called El Salt de Plens (or the Bouncing Fire Devils). Contrary to previous studies, which nearly invariably present the Devil’s Act as a community unifier, this thesis argues that the Devil’s Act has a fragmentary effect on the community. Analysis of previous research and ethnographic material collected through field trips and conference participation shows that the reasons for the discrepancy are divergent theoretical approaches to ritual. A chronological overview of the status of the Devil’s Act from the beginning of the Franco regime in 1939 to the present reveals politicization and ritualization processes and exposes the collective perspectives of the performers in a way that previous studies do not sufficiently elucidate.