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dc.contributor.authorAlemi, Qais
dc.contributor.authorPanter-Brick, Catherine
dc.contributor.authorOriya, Spozhmay
dc.contributor.authorAhmady, Mariam
dc.contributor.authorQawi Alimi, Abdul
dc.contributor.authorFaiz, Hafizullah
dc.contributor.authorHakim, Nadia
dc.contributor.authorSami Hashemi, Sayed A
dc.contributor.authorAmin Manaly, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorNaseri, Roman
dc.contributor.authorParwiz, Khesraw
dc.contributor.authorJavid Sadat, Sayed
dc.contributor.authorZahid Sharifi, Mohammad
dc.contributor.authorShinwari, Zalmai
dc.contributor.authorAhmadi, Sayed Jafar
dc.contributor.authorAmin, Rohullah
dc.contributor.authorAzimi, Sayed
dc.contributor.authorHewad, Atal
dc.contributor.authorMusavi, Zeinab
dc.contributor.authorSiddiqi, Abdul Majeed
dc.contributor.authorBragin, Martha
dc.contributor.authorKashino, Wataru
dc.contributor.authorLavdas, Michalis
dc.contributor.authorMiller, Kenneth E
dc.contributor.authorMissmahl, Inge
dc.contributor.authorOmidian, Patricia A
dc.contributor.authorTrani, Jean-Francois
dc.contributor.authorvan der Walt, Sarah Kate
dc.contributor.authorSilove, Derrick
dc.contributor.authorVentevogel, Peter
dc.description.abstractBackground Four decades of war, political upheaval, economic deprivation and forced displacement have profoundly affected both in-country and refugee Afghan populations. Aims We reviewed literature on mental health and psychosocial well-being, to assess the current evidence and describe mental healthcare systems, including government programmes and community-based interventions. Method In 2022, we conducted a systematic search in Google Scholar, PTSDpubs, PubMed and PsycINFO, and a hand search of grey literature (N = 214 papers). We identified the main factors driving the epidemiology of mental health problems, culturally salient understandings of psychological distress, coping strategies and help-seeking behaviours, and interventions for mental health and psychosocial support. Results Mental health problems and psychological distress show higher risks for women, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities and youth. Issues of suicidality and drug use are emerging problems that are understudied. Afghans use specific vocabulary to convey psychological distress, drawing on culturally relevant concepts of body–mind relationships. Coping strategies are largely embedded in one's faith and family. Over the past two decades, concerted efforts were made to integrate mental health into the nation's healthcare system, train cadres of psychosocial counsellors, and develop community-based psychosocial initiatives with the help of non-governmental organisations. A small but growing body of research is emerging around psychological interventions adapted to Afghan contexts and culture. Conclusions We make four recommendations to promote health equity and sustainable systems of care. Interventions must build cultural relevance, invest in community-based psychosocial support and evidence-based psychological interventions, maintain core mental health services at logical points of access and foster integrated systems of care.en_US
dc.publisherCambridge University Pressen_US
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleAfghan mental health and psychosocial well-being: Thematic review of four decades of research and interventionsen_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2023 The Author(s)en_US
dc.source.journalBJPsych Openen_US
dc.identifier.citationBJPsych Open. 2023, 9 (4), e125.en_US

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Navngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal
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