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dc.contributor.authorBerchtold, Emanuel Patrik
dc.identifierGEO350 0 O ORD 2024 VÅR
dc.description.abstractDenne studien kombinerer geomorfologisk kartlegging med lichenometri og kjerneanalyse (røntgenfluorescens kjerneskanning, magnetisk susceptibilitet, makrofossilanalyse, radiokarbondatering) for å bestemme endringen av breutbredelsen i Bjellådalen, Austre Svartisen, Nord-Norge, siden den Lille Istid og lenger tilbake i Holocenen. Endringer i likevektslinjehøyden (ELA) bestemmes, og nyere og eldre glasifluviale og kolluviale prosesser undersøkes. Denne tilnærmingen er valgt for å få bevis for tidligere brevariasjoner. For å bestemme det regionale klimaet under den lille istid beregnes tidligere vinternedbør. Funnene viser at isbreen under den Lille Istiden nådde dalbunnen under sitt maksimum rundt 1744 CE. Dette gjenspeiles i en betydelig lavere likevektshøyde under den lille istid sammenlignet med i dag, samt en noe høyere vinternedbør. I store deler av Holocenen var det aktive glasiologiske og glasifluviale prosesser i dalen, noe som indikeres av morener og glasifluviale avsetninger. Kame-terrasser i ulike høyder på dalsidene, sammen med gamle overløpskløfter i den ytre delen av dalen, tyder på at breen i Bjellådalen og Blakkådalen har hatt fem tilbaketrekningsstadier. Det er også antydet at det fantes en smeltevannssjø i Bjellådalen i tidlig til midten av Holocenen. Ved å se på nabodalene til Bjellådalen ble det funnet forbindelser mellom de fem terrassene i Bjellådalen, fem terrasser i Røvassdalen og fem morener i Brundalen.
dc.description.abstractThis study combines geomorphological mapping with lichenometry and core analysis (X-ray fluorescence core scanning, magnetic susceptibility, macrofossil analysis, radiocarbon dating) to determine the change of the glacier extent in the valley of Bjellådalen, Austre Svartisen, northern Norway, since the Little Ice Age and further back in the Holocene. Changes in the equilibrium-line altitude (ELA) are determined, as well as recent and ancient glaciofluvial and colluvial processes are investigated. This approach is chosen to obtain evidence for past glacier variabilities. To determine the regional climate during the Little Ice Age, past winter precipitation is calculated. The findings show a LIA glacier advance reaching the valley bottom during its maximum around 1744 CE. This was mirrored by a significantly lower equilibrium-line altitude during the Little Ice Age compared to at present, as well as a slightly higher winter precipitation. Glaciological and glaciofluvial processes were active in the valley during a major part of the Holocene, indicated by moraines and glaciofluvial deposits. Moreover, Kame terraces detected on different altitudes on the valley sides, together with ancient overflow gaps in the outer part of the valley, indicate five retreat stages of the glacier present in Bjellådalen and the main valley Blakkådalen. It is also suggested that a glacier-dammed meltwater lake was present in Bjellådalen during the early to mid-Holocene. Looking at neighboring valleys to Bjellådalen, linkages between the five terraces in Bjellådalen, five terraces in Røvassdalen, and five moraines in Brundalen were found.
dc.publisherThe University of Bergen
dc.rightsCopyright the Author. All rights reserved
dc.subjectnorthern Norway
dc.subjectequilibrium-line altitude (ELA)
dc.subjectGlacier reconstruction
dc.subjectLittle Ice Age
dc.subjectglacier retreat stages
dc.subjectpast winter precipitation
dc.titleGlacier and climate reconstruction during the Holocene with focus on the Little Ice Age in Bjellådalen, Austre Svartisen, northern Norway
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.rights.holderCopyright the Author. All rights reserved
dc.description.degreeMasteroppgave i geografi

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