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dc.contributor.authorMohamed, Mohamed
dc.contributor.authorLl Collier, Richard E.
dc.contributor.authorHodgson, David
dc.contributor.authorGawthorpe, Robert Leslie
dc.contributor.authorShillington, Donna J.
dc.contributor.authorMuravchik, Martin
dc.contributor.authorSakellariou, Dimitris
dc.description.abstractThe value of deep-water sedimentary successions as reliable records of environmental change has been questioned due to their long response times and sediment pathways leading to complex responses to climatic change and tectonic signals over differing timescales. We studied the Gulf of Corinth, Greece, to test the value of deep-water stratigraphic successions as records of external controls on sediment flux in a setting with short response times and transport distances. The confinement of the rift basin allows for a near-complete accounting of clastic sediment volumes. The recent acquisition of high-resolution seismic reflection data, utilisation of International Ocean Discovery Programme Expedition 381 cores and a robust chronological framework, enable evaluation of the stratigraphy at a high temporal resolution. Combining borehole and high-resolution seismic reflection data, distinct seismic units can be correlated to multiple paleoenvironmental proxies, permitting quantification of sediment flux variation across successive glacial–interglacial cycles at ca. 10 kyr temporal resolution. Trends in average sediment flux since ca. 242 ka show ca. 2–9 times greater sediment flux in cooler glacials compared to warmer interglacial conditions. The Holocene is an exception to low sediment flux for the interglacials, with ca. 5 times higher rates than previous interglacials. The short and steep configuration of the Sythas canyon and its fan at the base of an active submarine normal fault results in deep-sea deposition at all sea-level stands. In contrast, adjacent canyon systems shut down during warm intervals. When combined with palynology, results show that periods of distinct vegetation re-organisation correlate to sediment flux changes. The temporal correlation of sediment flux to palynology in the Gulf of Corinth over the last ca. 242 kyr is evidence that variability of sediment supply is largely governed by climate-related changes in hinterland catchments, with sea-level and tectonics being second-order controls on sediment flux variability.en_US
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleSediment flux variation as a record of climate change in the Late Quaternary deep-water active Corinth Rift, Greeceen_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2024 The Author(s)en_US
dc.source.journalBasin Researchen_US
dc.relation.projectNorges forskningsråd: 308805en_US
dc.identifier.citationBasin Research. 2024, 36 (5), e12896.en_US

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