Browsing Department of Comparative Politics by Title
Now showing items 93-112 of 648
Dangerous Elections: Causes of Electoral Violence in Unconsolidated Regimes
(Master thesis, 2019-12-10)Most countries in the world today use elections as a method of transferring political power and bring legitimacy to ruling incumbents. However, some elections are marred by wide-spread electoral violence, a specific ... -
Dansk Folkepartis bastioner - sosialt marginaliserte, etniske konfliktsoner eller sosialt samhørige? En kvantitativ studie av Dansk Folkepartis kommunale oppslutning ved Folketingsvalget 2011
(Master thesis, 2013-11-19)The electoral success of right-wing populist parties in recent years has been widely studied by scholars of political science. However, their electoral success also varies significantly within countries. The aim of this ... -
The Dark Side of the Welfare State - Is the carceral state slowly replacing the welfare state?
(Master thesis, 2017-06-22)The overarching aim of this thesis is to explore whether traditional welfare politics and the politics of crime and punishment ought to be considered part of the same policy domain — the governance of social marginality. ... -
Dealing with the great unknown: A qualitative study on how representatives justify their decision-making
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02) -
Decent Work: Principles, policies and programmes of the International Labour Organisation
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-06-19) -
Decision-Shaping From the Outside: Measuring and explaining the degree of preference attainment in the EEA EFTA Comments
(Master thesis, 2020-08-21)The membership of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway in the European Economic Area (EEA) has often been suggested to entail a democratic deficit. These three European Free Trade Association (EFTA) members have to implement ... -
Decoding Legitimacy: Public Perceptions of AI-Assisted Decision-Making in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This master thesis addresses the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADM) systems in public decision-making. The study’s main objective is to investigate to what extent the use of AI ... -
Defining the playing field: A framework for analysing fairness in access to resources, media and the law
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-02)The playing field is a concept often used to describe level of fairness in electoral competition. With Levitsky and Way’s definition of the playing field as a case in point, this paper takes a critical look at existing ... -
Democratic Reflections : To what extent do representatives mirror their constituents, and how does it affect the challenges modern, representative democracy are facing?
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-02-18)This thesis addresses the important challenges that contemporary, representative democracies are facing, and shows how (better) representation can contribute to tackling them. In doing so, I limit the scope to one specific ... -
The Democratisation of Eastern Europe 1989-2004. A closer look at how Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria have handled the challenges of economic development, good governance, nationalism and xenophobia
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-06-23)In the period since the fall of communism in 1989-1991, Eastern Europe has gone through massive societal turmoil. This dissertation takes a closer look at how five East European countries, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary ... -
Demokrati for folket, men av hvem? – En casestudie av Bosnia Hercegovina for å forstå internasjonale aktørers påvirkning på demokratiseringsprosesser og demokrati
(Master thesis, 2018-12-15)This thesis seeks to develop a thorough understanding of international actors’ influence on democratization processes and democratic consolidation, by conducting a qualitative case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This ... -
Demokrati og uvitenhet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Denne artikkelen diskuterer først den såkalte «ignoranseinnvendingen» mot demokratiet som hevder at det store flertallet av velgere vet forsvinnende lite om politikk, og at epistokrati derfor er å foretrekke. Vi konkluderer ... -
Demokrati på arbeidsplassen. Demokratiske val og avgrensingar i den tilsetteeigde verksemda Kantega
(Master thesis, 2024-06-06)Democratic enterprises, businesses owned and controlled by employees, have been supported by Marxists, anarchists, social democrats, and democratic theorists for various reasons. The left and anarchists see them as an ... -
Demokratiet i Tsjekkia i perioden 2008 til 2023: Et robust demokrati eller begynnende avdemokratisering?
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03) -
Den femte Bølgen? En komparativ studie av den arabiske våren og demokratibølger
(Master thesis, 2012-06-07)I denne oppgaven har målet vært å forsøke og forklare hvorfor fenomen som den arabiske våren oppstår igjennom et strukturelt perspektiv. Oppgavens problemstilling er hvilke strukturelle faktorer forklarer transisjonsbølg ... -
Den koreanske chaebolen: En kvalitativ studie som undersøker økonomiske konglomeraters påvirkning på korrupsjon
(Master thesis, 2018-06-22)This thesis seeks to compare South Korea and Taiwan regarding the issue of corruption. Korea and Taiwan are both previous Japanese colonies; they share a strong military legacy; and both have recently experience rapid ... -
Den stille revolusjonen møter ungdommelig reaksjon
(Master thesis, 2020-08-28)En undersøkelse av politiske og verdimessige holdninger til landets yngste stemmeberettigete generasjoner sett i lys av Ronald Ingleharts teorier om “The silent revolution” -
«Den store demokratidebatten» – da og nå
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
Det norske arbeidsmarkedet, et likestillingsparadoks?
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02)Masteroppgaven utforsker hvorvidt det finnes noe hold i påstanden om at Norge er del av et «likestillingsparadoks». Ofte er dette illustrert ved å vise til at Norge er et av verdens mest likestilte land, samtidig som det ... -
Det personlige vinklingspress - En innholdsanalyse av norske og svenske avisers dekning av politiske valgkamper i tidsrommet 1953-1998
(Master thesis, 2004)Målet med oppgaven har vært å undersøke hvordan personfokuseringen har utviklet seg i norsk og svensk presse fra begynnelsen av 1950-tallet og fram til slutten av 1990-tallet. I tillegg har det blitt undersøkt hvordan den ...