Browsing Department of Comparative Politics by Title
Now showing items 140-159 of 639
Economic crises and the electoral resilience of dominant parties: A paired comparison of Mexico and Malaysia
(Master thesis, 2013-06-03)This thesis investigates the electoral resilience of dominant parties in electoral authoritarian regimes under conditions of economic crises. In the field of comparative politics, it is widely assumed that poor economic ... -
Economic Inequality and Political Power in Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-03-03)Så lenge demokratiske styreformer har eksistert har folk diskutert om økonomisk ulikhet undergraver det demokratiske idealet om politisk likhet. Har borgere med vidt forskjellige økonomiske ressurser i virkeligheten lik ... -
Economics, Politics and Young Males. Root Causes of Terrorism on the Aggregate Level in Europe
(Master thesis, 2015-06-01)The research question posed in this thesis is: what are the root causes of terrorism on the aggregate level in Europe. There is little convergence on the root causes of terrorism in the field of terrorism research, and ... -
Economy, territory, and identity: A Rokkanian analysis of Indigenous self-determination in Canada and Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Indigenous peoples throughout the circumpolar north have made significant progress in terms of securing self-determination through greater political autonomy. Although such change is important, it must be accompanied by ... -
Education at a standstill: how the consociational school of thought has perpetuated ethnic conflict in post-war Bosnia
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)This study set out to explore why the consociational prescription to have cultural autonomy in education contributes to perpetuating ethnic conflict instead of conflict resolving, in post-war societies like Bosnia and ... -
Effects of the Refugee Crisis on Perceptions of Asylum Seekers in Recipient Populations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article examines the effects of the refugee crisis on perceptions of asylum seekers. Previous research has demonstrated that asylum seekers are perceived in terms of deservingness—either as deserving refugees in need ... -
Effekten av autokratisering på økonomisk vekst. En analyse av regimeoverganger etter den kalde krigen
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)What impact does autocratization have on economic growth? This thesis examines this question by considering that autocratization has taken various forms since the Cold War, and resulted in different types of regime transitions ... -
Effekten av bistand - vellykket demokratipromotering eller olje til autokratiets maskineri?
(Master thesis, 2011-06-01)The primary aim of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the question: Which effect does aid have on democratization? The answer to this has been remarkably diverse, ranging from arguments regarding how aid ... -
Effektiv QUANGO for partnerskap i nord? en hypotesegenererende casestudie av Barentssekretariatets rolle i Barentssamarbeidet
(Master thesis, 2011-06-03)Formålet med denne casestudien har vært å beskrive hvilken rolle Barentssekretariatet spiller i Barentssamarbeidet, og hvorvidt Sekretariatets rolle har implikasjoner for det regionale og nasjonale politiske nivå på norsk ... -
Electoral Alliances in a Multilevel Perspective
(Master thesis, 2023-11-20)This thesis investigates the strategic dynamics of Electoral Alliances (EAs) in multilevel electoral systems, focusing on Western European democracies. EAs, defined as joint party lists, can be a critical tool for political ... -
Electoral competition after party splits
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)While party splits are a relatively frequent phenomenon in many new and established democracies, the systematic empirical research on electoral competition after schisms is limited. The analysis of more than 200 splits ... -
Eleven som demokratisk medborger En kvalitativ studie av demokrati- og medborgerskapsforståelsen hos videregående elever
(Master thesis, 2022-06-22)The research questions for this thesis seeks to understand more about high school pupils understanding of democracy and citizenship and to see if this understanding changes after the pupils participates at an educational ... -
The Empire Strikes Back. Historical Legacies and Democratic Political Culture in Ukraine
(Master thesis, 2018-06-16)This study investigates how Ukraine’s geographical patterns of democratic political culture are shaped by historical legacies from long defunct empires and states. The thesis’ focus is on what has been called a “natural ... -
An Empirical Evaluation of Explanations for Political System Support
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The literature that examines cross-national satisfaction with democracy seeks to discover a set of predictors that are associated with evaluations of regime performance. The most common way of examining the determinants ... -
En analyse av tendenser i politisk journalistikk i Norge - belyst gjennom Juul- og Snøhvit-saken.
(Master thesis, 2003)Hvor kan den politiske presse i Norge sies å befinne seg per i dag? Med dette som grunnlag har jeg undersøkt og analysert sentrale og definerende sider ved den politiske journalistikken for bedre å kunne forstå hvilken ... -
En brikke i puslespillet - Strategiske aktørers vurderinger av trusler og sårbarheter
(Master thesis, 2022-11-21)This thesis seeks to gain an understanding regarding what threats and vulnerabilities strategic actors in the maritime domain see as most relevant, both towards themselves and more generally in society. A secondary research ... -
En fremtid under overvåking- Hvordan Norges forhold til EU vises i implementeringsprosessen rundt Datalagringsdirektivet.
(Master thesis, 2013-06-02)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg hvordan Norges forhold til EU vises i debatten om Datalagringsdirektivet. -
«En kamp mellom stridende interesser»: Analyse av dommeradferd i økonomiske saker for Norges Høyesterett 1963-2014
(Master thesis, 2015-06-02)The purpose of this thesis is to examine how case-level factors influence judicial behavior in civil economic cases on the Norwegian Supreme Court. While much is known about how justices' individual characteristics influence ... -
“En komparativ studie av Økonomisk og Demokratisk utvikling i utvalgte Afrikanske Oljestater” “-eller Gråt mitt elskede Afrika”
(Master thesis, 2019-07-06)Study of democratic development in African petrostates after decades of strong economic growth. A look into the impact of democracy after decades of economical growth in the Sub-Saharan region. -
En kvalitativ analyse av demokratikvaliteten i Russland fra 1991-2009
(Master thesis, 2009-09-21)As the Soviet Union collapsed and Russia got independent, a transition to democracy started. Despite a democratic constitution, in which democratic institutions are included, the process stagnated and started reversing in ...