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Hardstyret held fram. Ein etterrøknad i strukturelle vilkòr for framvoksteren av nye slag autoritære regime i Sentral-Asia etter uppløysingi av Sovjetsamveldet
(Master thesis, 2009-05-20)Denne masteruppgåva presenterer etnonasjonal demografisk samansetnad og innkomor frå eksport av råvareressursar som dei avgjerande strukturelle vilkòri for framvoksteren av nye autoritære regimeslag i dei sentralasiatiske ... -
Hele laget? En kvalitativ studie av mangfold blant tillitsvalgte i Fagforbundet
(Master thesis, 2023-06-15)Fagforbundet har over 407 000 medlemmer på laget sitt. En del av Fagforbundets identitet er at det er bygget opp av medlemmer med svært ulik bakgrunn. Medlemmene kommer fra rundt 200 ulike yrker i både privat og offentlig ... -
Heller filantropi enn demokrati. Statoils CSR i utlandet.
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)Multinasjonale selskaper opplever stadig høyere forventninger til å ta ansvar for sosial og politisk utvikling i de landene de opererer i. Statoil, som er i ferd med å utvide sin virksomhet i land utenfor Norge, har satt ... -
Hierarchies of Representation: The Re-distributive Effects ofGender and Youth Quotas
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This article investigates how paired electoral quotas re-distribute parliamentary seats between majority and minority groups. Focusing on gender and youth quotas, we use the concept of Hierarchies of Representation to ... -
A High Court Plays the Accordion: Validating Ex Ante Case Complexity on Oral Arguments
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)While high courts with fixed time for oral arguments deprive researchers of the opportunity to extract temporal variance, courts that apply the “accordion model” institutional design and adjust the time for oral arguments ... -
History matters. A comparative analysis of historical legacies and post-communist corruption
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)This thesis investigates the empirical relationship between historical legacies and post-communist corruption. A common argument in the post-communist corruption literature is that the current problems of corruption should ... -
Hit ‘em where it hurts: Measuring and testing the impact of economic nonviolent strategies on democratization
(Master thesis, 2019-06-29)The literature on nonviolent political action has found that nonviolence far outpaces violence when it comes to winning political conflicts. Yet which actions nonviolent movements may perform to achieve success has rarely ... -
Hizbollahs utvikling fra fundamentalistisk motstandsbevegelse til en markant aktør i sivilsamfunnet og politisk parti. Libanon 1982 - 2000
(Master thesis, 2015-05-25)Hizbollah ble etablert i 1982, og fremstod for offentligheten i 1985. Organisasjonen utviklet seg fra å være en fundamentalistisk gerilja og motstandsbevegelse mot Israels okkupasjon av Libanon, til å bli en politisk, ... -
Homofili og Politikk. En komparativ analyse av verdiendringer og meningskoalisjoner bak vedtaket av partnerskapsloven i Danmark og Norge
(Master thesis, 2000)Oppgaven stiller spørsmålstegn ved hvilke faktorer som lå til grunn for den politiske viljen til å vedta partnerskapslovgivning i Danmark og Norge. Fokus ligger særlig på å avdekke hvilke verdier som lå til grunn for ... -
Horizontal and vertical spill-over in multilevel electoral systems
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)A multilevel electoral system perspective reveals several ways in which electoral spill-over may occur. Vertical spill-over may be top-down from the national to the regional level or can be bottom-up from the regional to ... -
Horizontal Reciprocal Radicalization. A comparative analysis of two cases in a Norwegian context
(Master thesis, 2017-12-13)In 2006, Roger Eatwell introduced the concept of “Cumulative Extremism”, after he observed violent clashes between radical right- and radical Islamist groups in Britain. In 2012, their sister groups, Profetens Ummah and ... -
Hovudstaden som terrormål: Kva faktorar bidreg til angrep mot statens hjerte?
(Master thesis, 2013-06-03)Problemstillinga i denne oppgåva er: I kva grad har terrorangrepa i perioden 1998-2011 vore retta mot ein stats hovudstad, og kva variablar forklarer hovudstadsangrep? Hovudhypotesen i oppgåva er at fleirtalet av angrepa ... -
How African countries respond to fake news and hate speech
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)While scholars have already identified and discussed some of the most urgent problems in content moderation in the Global North, fewer scholars have paid attention to content regulation in the Global South, and notably ... -
How and Why Parties Respond to Membership Decline: The Case of the SPD and the CDU
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)A dominant assumption in the existing literature on party organisation in Western Europe holds that parties acquiesce in membership decline because modern campaigning is capital- rather than labour-intensive. This article ... -
How do Global Capital Flows Affect Economic Growth? Unlocking the Puzzle via a Meta-Regression Analysis of Existing Studies
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Due to the various empirical and theoretical perspectives of capital flows and management techniques’ effects on economic growth, the thesis asks: “How do Global Capital Flows Affect Economic Growth?”. The relationship ... -
How Do Political Parties Capture New Democracies? Hungary and North Macedonia in Comparison
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Recent democratic backsliding in Eastern Europe challenges the optimism of two decades of scholarship on post-communist democratization. The most severe form of backsliding—state capture by ruling parties—has occurred in ... -
How do trade unions contribute to democratisation?
(Master thesis, 2015-11-20)The Tunisian General Labour Union was one of the members of the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet, this year's Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The quartet was awarded the prize for its contribution to the democratic process ... -
How Elite Politicization of Terror Impacts Sympathies for Partisans: Radical Right versus Social Democrats
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The populist radical right is frequently engaged in intense political and normative conflict with their political opponents. Does this have a spillover effect on citizens’ sympathies for populist radical right voters and ... -
How Populism and Polarization Affect Europe’s Liberal Democracies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In recent years, two phenomena have put Europe’s liberal democracies under strain: populism and polarization. The rise of populist parties, the increasing radicalization of publics and political discourse, as well as the ... -
How prediction markets help us understand events‘ impact on the vote in US Presidential Elections
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)In this paper we argue that pre-election polls and prediction markets reflect two different processes which, by analyzing them together, can help us understand if and how key events which occur during an election campaign ...