Browsing Department of Comparative Politics by Title
Now showing items 11-30 of 636
Affordable Care Act- for better or for worse? - En liten oppsummering
(Master thesis, 2017-06-29)Helse som menneskerettighet er ikke konstitusjonelt forankret i USA, men Obama, som mange presidenter før han satte helse som menneskerettighet på den politiske dagsordenen. Det var hans viktigste innenrikspolitiske ... -
Afrikansk samarbeid i regionale mellomstatlege institusjonar.
(Master thesis, 2009-05-20)The thesis deals with interstate cooperation in African regional institutions, and poses the question: What characterizes African interstate cooperation as opposed to regional cooperation in other world regions. Institutional ... -
All about the money? A cross-national study of parties’ relations with trade unions in 12 western democracies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article examines political parties’ approach to trade unions and the role of private and public party finance in contemporary democracies. We suggest that both unions’ direct donations and states’ party finance regimes ... -
Alle piler peker opp En vekstkurveanalyse av kvinner i de høyeste domstolene
(Master thesis, 2019-12-18)Cross-sectional time-series analysis of women’s representation in states’ legislatures has a rich tradition within social sciences. The same cannot be said about women’s representation on the highest courts. This thesis ... -
Allies and traitors : Vice-presidents in Latin America
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Vice-presidents in Latin America have often been at the centre of political turbulence. To prevent conflicts within the executive, most Latin American countries have therefore put in place formulae to elect presidents and ... -
Amerikansk bruk av etterretningskontraktører - En utfordring for de statlige kjerneoppgavene og voldsmonopol?
(Master thesis, 2019-07-02)Bruken av etterretningskontraktører i den amerikanske forsvarssektoren har siden angrepene 11. september 2001 hatt en voldsom oppblomstring. Manglende ressurser, store personellkutt og tungrodd byråkrati er noe av forklaringen ... -
An economic explanation to welfare state attitudes: a multilevel analysis of 21 European countries
(Master thesis, 2021-07-23) -
An Islamic liberation of Afghan women? A study of the legitimacy of different frameworks for the promotion of women’s rights in Afghanistan
(Master thesis, 2019-08-27)This thesis addresses the question of what constitutes the basis rights of Afghan woman, in the area of matrimonial law. By covering the narratives of gender promotion in Afghanistan, with the aim to examine the effectiveness ... -
Approaching the boundary problem: Self-determination, inclusion, and the unpuzzling of transboundary conflicts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In recent decades, decisionmakers have increasingly faced conflicts juxtaposing demands for self-determination and inclusion. Political theorists term this juxtaposition “the boundary problem.” They have offered normative ... -
Arctic governance: Understanding the geopolitics of commercial shipping via the Northern Sea Route
(Master thesis, 2015-06-02)The purpose of this study is to examine the implications of the development of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) with regard to governance in the Arctic. This topic is of importance as Arctic waters are getting bluer, more ... -
Are Candidate Evaluations Less Susceptible to Partisan Bias than Party Evaluations?
(Master thesis, 2020-08-28)According to the personalization hypothesis, voters’ attention is shifting away from collective entities like political parties to individual candidates. As attitudes towards candidates are growing more consequential in ... -
Are citizens responsive to interest groups? A field experiment on lobbying and intended citizen behaviour
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The ability to mobilise public opinion is central to interest group politics. Yet, whether and how groups succeed in swaying the public remains inconclusive. The article assesses this by conducting a field experiment in ... -
Arven etter … Konsekvensene av arveavgiftens opphevelse på formuesulikheten i Norge
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)What are the redistributive consequences of removing the inheritance taxation? With persistently high levels of wealth inequality, there are arguments suggesting that inheritance tax could serve as an effective instrument ... -
Assessing Contradictions: Methodological Challenges when Mapping Symbolic Boundaries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In this article, we address the methodological question of making sense of contradictions in sociological analysis. Focusing on the scholarly debate about generating and interpreting data on symbolic boundaries – the ways ... -
Asylum recognition rates in the EU - Do procedural differences matter?
(Master thesis, 2021-07-02) -
Asylum seekers in the machinery of the state: administrative capacity vs. preferences. Recognition rates in EU member states
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Studies have sought to explain variation in protection recognition rates between EU member states with, however, limited explanatory power. Surprisingly, few have contemplated the role of the administration, despite it ... -
Attitudes to public spending on environmental risk reduction: the role of temporal and spatial distance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Climate change is often perceived as a distant threat affecting people in distant places and the far future. Such perceptions could dampen public willingness to spend on climate change mitigation. We contribute to the ... -
Authoritarian or Simply Disillusioned? Explaining Democratic Skepticism in Central and Eastern Europe
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Survey research has revealed that post-communist citizens are skeptical towards democracy. Despite a substantial body of literature that has researched the origins and determinants of these attitudes, consensus has not yet ... -
Avoiding a natural resource curse? The impact of administrative efficiency on Colombian municipalities’ fiscal effort
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The term ‘paradox of the plenty’ was coined to describe an often-found inverse relationship between royalty revenue and economic development. The main causal mechanism is thought to be a substitution effect whereby governments ...