Browsing Department of Comparative Politics by Title
Now showing items 31-50 of 633
«Baajh vaeride årrodh! – La fjella leve!»: En rammeanalyse av verdikonflikten mellom «grønn økonomi» og minoriteters rett til kulturutøvelse
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)On 11th February 2023, young Norwegian activists together with the Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg occupied Norway ́s Oil & Energy Ministry. This marked 500 days since the Norwegian Supreme Court had found ... -
Balancing budgets. Political explanations of central government’s budget balance
(Master thesis, 2010-06-02)This thesis tries to identify which political and societal factors influence central governments' fiscal balance. It conducts the analysis using the statistical technique longitudinal multilevel models. 46 electoral ... -
Balancing the thin line between political and ecological protest, A Study of the Shies Protest
(Master thesis, 2021-08-18) -
Baltic Corporatist Arrangements. A Comparative Analysis of Tripartite Arrangements in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
(Master thesis, 2003)The subject of this thesis is the development of tripartite arrangements between representatives of the trade union organisations, the employers’ organisations and the government or the state bureaucracy in Estonia, Latvia ... -
Banebrytande eller unødvendig komplisert bistand? Ein casestudie av eit heilskapleg norsk bistandsprosjekt i Malawi
(Master thesis, 2023-11-20)Ein av dei største norske bistandsinvesteringane i Malawi er utdanningssatsinga "Joint Programme for Girls Education", eit fellesprogram som tek form som eit samarbeid på landnivå mellom UNICEF, UNFPA og WFP. Programmet ... -
«Barnevernet vil de ha fullstendig fjernet» En studie av årsaker til mistillit til barnevernet
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02)This study examines what underlies critical attitudes towards the Norwegian child protection service (CPS) by using quantitative methods and survey data. The CPS`s mandate is to ensure that children in Norway who live under ... -
Between a Rock and a Hard Place. The Islamic Council of Norway and the Challenge of Representing Islam in Europe
(Doctoral thesis, 2020)In several European countries the authorities have sought to institutionalize and regulate the Islamic or Muslim presence in their countries through Islamic Representative Councils (IRCs) that can function as interlocutors ... -
Between communism and democracy: why postcommunist regimes get "stuck in transition"
(Master thesis, 2010-11-19)The transitions from communist rule throughout Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have resulted in high regime diversity among the postcommunist regimes. Which factors may explain these differences in the political ... -
Between Europeanism and Nativism: Exploring a Cleavage Model of European Public Sphere in Social Media
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The European Union’s common public sphere project dates back to the 1960s and relies on Europeanisation through the gradual eradication of communication boundaries between its member countries. However, it is evident by ... -
Beyond Proximity: Consequentialist Ethics and System Dynamics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Consequentialism is a moral philosophy that maintains that the moral worth of an action is determined by the consequences it has for the welfare of a society. Consequences of model design are a part of the model lifecycle ... -
Bistand for utvikling. Effekten av handelsrelatert bistand på økonomisk utvikling i land sør for Sahara
(Master thesis, 2015-06-02)The aim of this thesis is to study the relationship between Aid for Trade, and economic development in sub-Saharan Africa. The research question is: Does trade related aid has a positive direct effect on economic development ... -
Blessing or Curse for Congruence? How Interest Mobilization Affects Congruence between Citizens and Elected Representatives
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This article examines the role of interest mobilization in strengthening or weakening congruence between elected representatives and citizens on EU policy issues. It argues that the relationship between public opinion, ... -
Bompengeopprøret i Rogaland. Hets, truslar og bompengar
(Master thesis, 2020-08-28)Målet med denne oppgåva var å få økt kunnskap om bompengeopprøret som tok stad frå hausten 2018 til våren 2019 i Rogaland. Problemstillinga forsøkjer og gje eit svar på kva som gjorde at debattklimaet i bompengesaken vart ... -
Brent jord: langsiktige politiske konsekvenser av nedbrenning og tvangsevakuering i Nord-Troms og Finnmark
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Høsten 1944 iverksatte den tyske okkupasjonsmakten operasjon «Nordlicht», også kjent som «den brente jords taktikk». De materielle ødeleggelsene og de menneskelige omkostningene var enorme. Selve ødeleggelsene og operasjonen ... -
Brexit 2016. En empirisk analyse av populistiske trender, historie og kultur.
(Master thesis, 2020-08-28)Background and objectives: In June of 2016 a small majority in the United Kingdom (UK) voted to leave the European Union (EU). This is referred to as Brexit. The purpose of this thesis is to attempt to understand Brexit ... -
A broad alliance of civil society organizations on climate change mitigation: political Strength or legitimizing support?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)One hundred and one very different organizations joined together prior to the election for the Norwegian parliament in 2013 in order to make climate change mitigation the most important issue in the election campaign. The ... -
Brød eller sirkus? En tidsserieanalyse av TV-debatters innflytelse på partioppslutning i stortingsvalgkampen 2005
(Master thesis, 2007)Problemstillingen i denne masteroppgaven er om politikeres opptredener i TV-debatter har effekt på partiers oppslutning i norske stortingsvalgkamper. Bakgrunnen for temaet er analyser som viser at valgkamper blir viktigere ... -
Building Trust in Brussels: Lobbying Strategies of Nordic Interest groups
(Master thesis, 2020-08-28)In their pursuit of influencing EU institutions and decision-makers, Nordic interest groups face the choice of directly contacting the decision-makers or generating pressure indirectly through mobilizing and/or changing ...