Browsing Department of Comparative Politics by Title
Now showing items 308-327 of 639
Introduction: The Russian welfare state in a time of economic stagnation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This Special Issue is devoted to Russia’s welfare state during the years of economic stagnation that began in 2013. Twelve experts assess social conditions and reforms in poverty, labor market, pension, housing and education ... -
Investigating the Salience of Liberalism in US Economic Foreign Policy: An analysis of the CHIPS Act of 2022
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This paper examines the extent to which liberalism has become less salient in US economic foreign policy post-2017. The direction of US foreign policy has been a topic of extensive debate among scholars and analysts through ... -
Is boycott the best way to participate ? A study of the possible democratizing effects of election boycotts in the Arab world: 1990-2010
(Master thesis, 2011-06-01)This thesis aims to determine if election boycott is a sound strategy if the opposition in Arab states aspires democratization. No scholars have conducted research focusing on this specific subject up to date, despite the ... -
Is Europe’s right wing turn due to immigration? Empirical evidence from Italy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Immigration has unquestionably gained importance in Italian public opinion over the past few years; but what has been its effect on politics? Building on a recent trend in literature, this paper appraises the effect of ... -
Is Nonterritorial Autonomy Wrong for Indigenous Rights? Examining the ‘Territorialisation’ of Sami Power in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Nonterritorial autonomy (nta) decouples governance of ‘people’ and ‘place’, allowing demographically submerged minorities to protect their cultural – but not territorial – interests. Indigenous peoples are often submerged ... -
Is There a Switch in Accent for the Heavenly Chorus? Explaining differences in interest group preference attainment in the European Union’s climate action policies
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Over the past five years, there has been an increase in national and supranational efforts to combat climate change. The European Union’s (EU) ambitious climate initiative, the European Green Deal (EUGD), remains the Union’s ... -
Is this a men’s world? On the need to study descriptive representation of women in lobbying and policy advocacy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)How well are women represented in the world of political advocacy? Despite the important role of interest groups in modern democracies, the demographic composition of the interest group community remains a blind spot in ... -
"It's not about winning, it's about participating". Uncovering the determinants of regional participation in the policy-making structures of the European Union
(Master thesis, 2011-05-28)This thesis seeks to uncover which factors determine regional participation in European Union policy-making structures. It does so by conducting a multiple regression analysis of 233 regions from all the 27 member-states ... -
Just a matter of power? Explaining EU Member States’ commitment to Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
(Master thesis, 2020-08-28)The EU Member States have generally been reluctant towards a common European security and defence policy, and previous attempts of such inter-state cooperation have been perceived as unsuccessful. Yet, the new European ... -
Kampen mot Roe vs. Wade - en casestudie av «Ja til livet»-bevegelsen og «Initiative 26» i Mississippi
(Master thesis, 2013-06-03)In this case study I analyze the pro-life movement in the United States with the research question: How does the American pro-life movement operate, and what is the basis for their work? With this as a point of departure ... -
Kan mikroinvesteringer i landbruket bidra til empowerment for malawiske kvinner?
(Master thesis, 2023-12-01) -
Kan rasjonelle teorier forklare utfallet av stridigheter internt i politiske parti? En analyse av Arbeiderpartiets behandling av Statoil-saken i lys av rasjonelle teorier.
(Master thesis, 2003)Kan rasjonelle teorier forklare utfallet av stridigheter i politiske parti? I denne oppgaven har jeg valgt å se nærmere på striden rundt spørsmålet om Statoil skulle bli delprivatisert eller ikke, og i tillegg få andeler ... -
Kenya Parliament: From rubberstamp to transformative legislature
(Master thesis, 2012-06-07)Constitutions play crucial role as they are the long-term contracts between those ruled and the rulers that specify the conditions on which power is to be exercised. More importantly, legislatures are an institution of ... -
Kjønnseffekter i norske politiske skandaler
(Master thesis, 2018-06-13)There have never been more women in Norwegian politics, and never has there been as many political scandals. Does gender have an impact on what type of scandals a politician gets involved in or the type of strategy the ... -
«Knivintifadaen», en casestudie av voldsbølgen i Israel og de okkuperte palestinske territoriene høsten 2015 og våren 2016.
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02)Studien utforsker Israels håndtering av palestinsk egen-initiert soloterrorisme, og er en casestudie av voldsbølgen i Israel og de okkuperte palestinske områdene i 2015-2016, som ofte benevnes «knivintifadaen». Oppgaven ... -
Korrupsjon i Norge: Hva kan domfellelser fortelle oss?
(Master thesis, 2019-12-03)Corruption has received increased attention from scholars and international organizations over the last 25 years. They have emphasized the importance of reducing corruption because of its detrimental consequences to society. ... -
Kosmopolitt eller seg selv nærmest? Om klesproduksjon, menneskerettigheter og samvekst i nettverk
(Master thesis, 2016)I denne oppgaven har jeg redegjort for teori relatert til globalisering, multinasjonale selskaper og CSR. Videre har jeg gått gjennom litteratur om menneskerettigheter, særlig relatert til næringslivet. Dessuten er Helds ... -
Kva er samanhengen mellom demokratisk tilbakegang økonomisk vekst? Om den kortsiktige effekten av demokrati på økonomisk vekst i land med demokratisk tilbakegang
(Master thesis, 2012-11-20)SAMANDRAG Denne oppgåva undersøker i kva grad demokratisk tilbakegang heng saman med økonomisk vekst og kva kortsiktig effekt dette har. Tidlegare forsking har funne signifikant samanheng mellom auka demokrati og økonomisk ... -
Kvinnepolitikk. Kvinner, kvinneinteresser og kvinnepolitikk i Framstegspartiet, 1985-2009: ein studie av veljarar, medlemmar, landsmøtedelegatar, leiing og partiprogram.
(Master thesis, 2010-06-03)This thesis is about women politics in the Norwegian Progress Party (Framstegspartiet, FrP) from 1985 to 2009. Many have studied women politics, women friendly politics, women interests and women representation before, but ... -
Kvinner i norsk topp-politikk 1945-2002. En studie av kjønnsspesifikke rekrutteringsmønstre i Storting og Regjering
(Master thesis, 2003)Oppgaven gir en oversikt over integrasjonen av kvinner i norsk topp-politikk mellom 1945 og 2002. Kvinnelige topp-politikere har fått mye oppmerksomhet i media de siste tiårene, men andelen kvinner blant statsrådene og ...