Browsing Department of Comparative Politics by Title
Now showing items 328-347 of 635
Leaping into the unknown: Comparing, testing, and applying methods of predicting elections
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-05-11)The purpose of this dissertation is to compare, test, and apply methods of predicting election outcomes. It discusses the premises of the predictions and what kind of information is gathered and processed to form expectations ... -
Legacy and survival: Civil society under dictatorship and the survival of post-authoritarian democracies
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)Why do some democracies fail while others survive? Much research has shown that a vibrant and strong civil society is important for democratic performance and survival. At the same time, the legacy of certain traits and ... -
Legislators, organizations and ties: understanding interest group recognition in the European Parliament
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)What explains Members of European Parliament's (MEPs’) decisions to recognize some interest groups as relevant policy actors? Addressing this question is fundamental for understanding the role of political elites in shaping ... -
The Legitimacy of Representation: How Descriptive, Formal, and Responsiveness Representation Affect the Acceptability of Political Decisions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)We examine how descriptive representation, formal representation, and responsiveness affect the legitimacy of political decisions: Who are the representatives, how are they selected, what is the outcome of the decision-making ... -
Lehman Brothers - A Casualty of Constructive Ambiguity?
(Master thesis, 2009-10-05)This thesis seeks to explain the US Government's role in the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. It asks why Lehman did not find a solution in the market before it was too late, and why the Government did not ... -
Lek eller læring? En kvalitativ studie om somaliske foreldrenes opplevelse av skole-hjemsamarbeid
(Master thesis, 2020-08-29)Sammendrag Dette er en masteroppgave om demokratibygging ved Universitet i Bergen. Den er en kvalitativ undersøkelse av somaliske foreldres perspektiv på skole-hjem samarbeid. Problemstillingen er: Hvordan opplever somaliske ... -
Like problem - ulike valg. En studie av Norges nei til heroinassistert behandling i lys av Sveits sitt ja
(Master thesis, 2013-11-20)Most countries in the world have problems related to drug use. The use of heroin especially have from the 1960s and onwards led to gatherings of drug addicts in public spaces (often referred to as open drug scenes), overdose ... -
Litigating the Right to a Healthy Environment. Assessing the Policy Impact of "The Mendoza case"
(Master thesis, 2010-06-03)This thesis enquires into the policy consequences of the Mendoza case, a public interest litigation case in Argentina, in which several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the National Ombudsman demanded action from ... -
Living in a material world: political funding in electoral authoritarian regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Master thesis, 2011-05-27)This thesis investigates the role of political funding in two electoral authoritarian regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa. The issue of political funding has been investigated thoroughly in developed democracies in the West, but ... -
Lobbying on Behalf of God: Religious Interest Groups and the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
(Master thesis, 2003)The purpose of this dissertation is to ascertain the role and effect religious interest groups have on the policy process in the United States. The study looks at the Association of Christian Schools International, the ... -
Local climate adaptation - Identifying opportunities and challenges for using climate knowledge in municipal decision making
(Master thesis, 2020-08-28)The usability of climate knowledge for decision makers has proved problematic. The often discussed usability gap occurs because of a discrepancy of what climate scientist perceive to be useful information and what decision ... -
Local Ownership in Funding mechanisms’ Support to Civil Society Organizations’ Peacebuilding efforts
(Master thesis, 2021-06-15)With the purpose of delivering “clarity through specificity” (Uphoff and Cohen 1980), this thesis explores the vaguely defined concept of local ownership in the area of international funding mechanisms support to “local” ... -
Lokalavisens betydning for lokaldemokratiet
(Master thesis, 2021-11-23)I denne oppgaven undersøker jeg hvilken betydning de minste lokalavisene i Norge har for lokaldemokratiet i kommunene de dekker. Spørsmålet jeg ønsket å besvare i oppgaven er: «Er det forskjell i kvaliteten på demokratiet ... -
"Lord, here comes the flood": Investigating the chains of climate change discourses in Kiribati
(Master thesis, 2012-06-04)This thesis is aimed at uncovering the chains of climate change discourses in Kiribati. Building a theoretical and analytical framework from literature on accountability and responsiveness, I separate between four dimensions ... -
Macroeconomy and macropartisanship: Economic conditions and party identification
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)“It's the economy stupid”—is the phrase that captures the ubiquity of economics in determining election outcomes. Nevertheless, while several studies support the premise of economic voting, a constant critique of valence ... -
The Making and Unmaking of the Politics of Exceptionality. Studying Processes of Securitisation and Desecuritisation in the Orange and Okavango River Basins
(Master thesis, 2006)This study acknowledges the shortcomings of, on the one side, keeping the concept ofsecurity in international relations limited and confined to state protection by military meansfrom perceived internal and/or external ... -
Making the government accountable: rethinking immigration as an issue in the European Union
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In the last decades, European countries have experienced two relevant waves of immigration. These ‘immigration shocks’ have contributed to increase dramatically public attention on immigration issues but also to structure ... -
Makt og innflytelse eller resultat av symbolpolitikk? En studie av kommunale ungdomsråd og deres følelse av innflytelse
(Master thesis, 2022-06-22)Sammendrag I 2019 trådte store deler av den nye kommuneloven i kraft. Dette innebar blant annet at det ble lovpålagt for alle norske kommuner å ha et ungdomsråd, for å sikre unges medvirkning i saker som angår dem. I denne ... -
Maktfordeling og beslutningsprosesser i flernivåstyringssystem: En analyse av kommunesammenslåingsprosessen mellom Ballangen, Hamarøy, Narvik og Tysfjord.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne oppgaven tar for seg en kommunesammenslåingsprosess hvor Tysfjord kommune er hovedaktøren. Temaet i oppgaven er hvordan interessekonflikt og ulikt maktforhold påvirker politiske beslutningsprosesser på lokalt, regionalt ...