Browsing Faculty of Law by Title
Now showing items 427-446 of 2626
Commitment Decisions within EU and EEA Competition Law – A Threat to Judicial Review and Effective Private Enforcement?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Artikkelen omhandlar vedtak om avhjelpande tiltak etter artikkel 9 i Rådsforordning 1/2003 og artikkel 9 i protokoll 4, kapittel 2 av ODA. Temaet er nærare bestemt desse vedtaka si rolle i handhevinga av EU og EØS-konkur ... -
Comparative insights on courts and court proceedings during the pandemic
(Chapter, 2023) -
Comparative international litigation and climate change: A case study on access to justice in adaptation matters
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
Comparative spots on the law of lease
(Håkonarmål, Chapter, 2005) -
Comparing Experiences of Constitutional Reforms to Enshrine the Right to Water in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru: Opportunities and Limitations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this paper we compare recent efforts towards the constitutionalization of the right to water in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru to understand the opportunities and limitations related to the attempts to enhance access to ... -
Competition law through an Ordoliberal Lens
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Ordoliberalism is a German school of economic thought that advocates regulation of the free market economy based on a set of state-imposed rules guaranteed by the economic constitution, to impose a competitive order in ... -
Competition on the merits in liberalised electricity markets: a regulatory reading of AG Rantos’ Opinion in Servizio Elettrico Nazionale
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Concealment, Credibility and the Construction of the Sexual Minority Refugee
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-06-06)I denne avhandlingen kobles to av de sentrale debattene angående rett til flyktningstatus på grunnlag av seksuell orientering: spørsmålet om «hemmelighold» og spørsmålet om «troverdighet». Historisk sett har en av de største ... -
Condictio indebiti og vindikasjon: Om tilbakebetalingskrav etter læren om condictio indebiti kan være vindikasjonskrav.
(Master thesis, 2023-05-10)Oppgaven tar for seg spørsmålet om tilbakebetalingskrav etter læren om condictio indebiti etter sin art kan være vindikasjonskrav, og for hvilke tilfeller av feilbetalinger vindikasjon kan være aktuelt. -
Consequences under International Humanitarian Law for Civilians Who Take a Direct Part in Hostilities
(Master thesis, 2011-12-12) -
Constitutions and Criminal Law Reform
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-12-23)In 2014, a major revision of the Norwegian Constitution was carried out, the momentum being the 200th jubilee of the Constitution and of Norway’s independence in 1814. This was the first major revision of the Norwegian ... -
Constructing Criminal Insanity: The roles of Legislators, Judges and Experts in Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10)This article provides a discussion about criminal insanity regulation in Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands, with a focus on the roles of legislators, judges and experts in the concretisation of the legal meaning of criminal ... -
Contractual Protection of Confidential Business Information: In Norwegian Employment- and Business Contracts
(Master thesis, 2013-01-29)Confidential information can be one of the most valuable assets in a business. By avoiding the disclosure of such information, companies are able to maintain their competitive advantage. The main purpose of this thesis is ... -
Covid-19-forskriften, karantene og karantenehotell i lys av de europeiske menneskerettighetene
(Master thesis, 2021-12-10) -
Criminal insanity in Bulgaria and Norway: Analysing the prospect of a common approach
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article raises the question of the prospect of a common approach to mentally ill offenders in Europe, through a comparative discussion of the criminal insanity rules and systems in Norway and Bulgaria. The underlying ... -
Criminal Insanity, Psychosis and Impaired Reality Testing in Norwegian Law
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)How mental disorder relates to criminal insanity is a contested matter. Norway has a tradition of using a ‘medical model’ for the definition of criminal insanity that is unique in an international perspective. According ... -
Criminal justice and detention
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)This chapter evaluates the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Articles Art. 37 and 40) in the policy and practice of detention of children within the Norwegian criminal justice system. It covers ... -
Custody Mediation in Norwegian Courts. A Conglomeration of Roles and Processes
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this article, I critically examine the judicial settlement scheme in custody and contact cases in Norway. The scheme is called mediation by the legislator, but it takes place as an integrated part of preparatory hearings ... -
Cyberangrep. Grunnlag for erstatning for tredjepersons tap?
(Master thesis, 2018-12-10)Oppgaven drøfter spørsmålet om erstatning for tredjepersons tap, og hvordan retningslinjene gitt i Høyesterett kan anvendes på to konstruerte eksempler på cyberangrep. Den gir en kronologisk fremstilling av rettspraksis ...