Browsing Department of Informatics by Title
Now showing items 101-120 of 979
Classification of protein structures
(Master thesis, 1999-12) -
Classification of quadratic APN functions with coefficients in F2 for dimensions up to 9
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Almost perfect nonlinear (APN) and almost bent (AB) functions are integral components of modern block ciphers and play a fundamental role in symmetric cryptography. In this paper, we describe a procedure for searching for ... -
Classifying and Measuring Student Problems and Misconceptions
(Norsk informatikkonferanse, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)In this paper we report on an attempt to classify student problems and mistakes, and measuring the frequency of particular problems in a firstsemester programming course. We also propose a scheme for annotating student ... -
Clique-Based Neural Associative Memories
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-11-15)Auto-associative memories store a set of patterns and retrieve them by resorting to a part of their contents. This thesis focuses on developing and extending a type of associative memories relying on a sort of coded neural ... -
Close Relatives of Feedback Vertex Set Without Single-Exponential Algorithms Parameterized by Treewidth
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Cut & Count technique and the rank-based approach have lead to single-exponential FPT algorithms parameterized by treewidth, that is, running in time 2^𝒪(tw)n^𝒪(1), for Feedback Vertex Set and connected versions of ... -
Cluster Editing with Overlapping Communities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Cluster Editing, also known as correlation clustering, is a well-studied graph modification problem. In this problem, one is given a graph and allowed to perform up to k edge additions and deletions to transform it into a ... -
Clustering to Given Connectivities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)We define a general variant of the graph clustering problem where the criterion of density for the clusters is (high) connectivity. In Clustering to Given Connectivities, we are given an n-vertex graph G, an integer k, and ... -
Co-Degeneracy and Co-Treewidth: Using the Complement to Solve Dense Instances
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Clique-width and treewidth are two of the most important and useful graph parameters, and several problems can be solved efficiently when restricted to graphs of bounded clique-width or treewidth. Bounded treewidth implies ... -
Code-based cryptography: A superficial introduction
(Master thesis, 2018-10-06)This thesis provides an overview of some known post-quantum cryptography schemes with special attention given to code-based schemes. It also discusses some challenges that may arise trying to implement a McEliece-like ... -
Coding for DNA-based Storage Systems
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-05-24)DNA-basert lagring, eller lagring av brukerdata i deoksyribonukleinsyre (DNA) tråder, kan teoretisk gi dramatisk høyere lagringskapasitet og lagringsrobusthet sammenlignet med dagens lagringsteknologier. Flere småskalaek ... -
Coding for passive RFID communication
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-08-31)This dissertation elaborates on channel coding for reliable communication in passive RFID systems. RFID applications have been developed and used widely. Since a passive RFID tag has no power requirements, passive RFID has ... -
Coding for Privacy in Distributed Computing
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-04-21)I et distribuert datanettverk samarbeider flere enheter for å løse et problem. Slik kan vi oppnå mer enn summen av delene: samarbeid gjør at problemet kan løses mer effektivt, og samtidig blir det mulig å løse problemer ... -
Coherence for Monoidal Groupoids in HoTT
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)We present a proof of coherence for monoidal groupoids in homotopy type theory. An important role in the formulation and in the proof of coherence is played by groupoids with a free monoidal structure; these can be represented ... -
Coherent Conformational Degrees of Freedom as a Structural Basis for Allosteric Communication
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-12-08)Conformational changes in allosteric regulation can to a large extent be described as motion along one or a few coherent degrees of freedom. The states involved are inherent to the protein, in the sense that they are visited ... -
Colluding Tags Attack on the ECC-based Grouping Proofs for Rfids
(Chapter, 2012)Recently, a new privacy-preserving elliptic curve based grouping proof protocol with colluding tag prevention( CTP) has been proposed. The CTP protocol is claimed to be resistant against colluding tags attacks in which the ... -
Combing a Linkage in an Annulus
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)A linkage in a graph 𝐺 of size 𝑘 is a subgraph 𝐿 of 𝐺 whose connected components are 𝑘 paths. The pattern of a linkage of size 𝑘 is the set of 𝑘 pairs formed by the endpoints of these paths. A consequence of the ... -
Combining Aspect-Oriented and Strategic Programming
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-01)Properties such as logging, persistence, debugging, tracing, distribution, performance monitoring and exception handling occur in most programming paradigms and are normally very difficult or even impossible to modularizewith ... -
Community curation of bioinformatics software and data resources
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The corpus of bioinformatics resources is huge and expanding rapidly, presenting life scientists with a growing challenge in selecting tools that fit the desired purpose. To address this, the European Infrastructure for ... -
Community Detection in Complex Networks
(Master thesis, 2017-06-20) -
Community Detection in Social Networks
(Master thesis, 2015-05-01)Social networks usually display a hierarchy of communities and it is the task of community detection algorithms to detect these communities and preferably also their hierarchical relationships. One common class of such ...