Blar i Department of Informatics på tittel
Viser treff 369-388 av 1002
Going Far from Degeneracy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)An undirected graph $G$ is $d$-degenerate if every subgraph of $G$ has a vertex of degree at most $d$. By the classical theorem of Erdös and Gallai from 1959, every graph of degeneracy $d>1$ contains a cycle of length at ... -
Going Far From Degeneracy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09-06)An undirected graph G is d-degenerate if every subgraph of G has a vertex of degree at most d. By the classical theorem of Erd\H{o}s and Gallai from 1959, every graph of degeneracy d>1 contains a cycle of length at least ... -
Gold functions and switched cube functions are not 0-extendable in dimension n > 5
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In the independent works by Kalgin and Idrisova and by Beierle, Leander and Perrin, it was observed that the Gold APN functions over \(\mathbb {F}_{2^5}\) give rise to a quadratic APN function in dimension 6 having maximum ... -
Graph Algebras and Derived Graph Operations
(Journal article, 2023)We revise our former definition of graph operations and correspondingly adapt the construction of graph term algebras. As a first contribution to a prospective research field, Universal Graph Algebra, we generalize some ... -
A Graph Feature Auto-Encoder for the Prediction of Unobserved Node Features on Biological Networks
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background Molecular interaction networks summarize complex biological processes as graphs, whose structure is informative of biological function at multiple scales. Simultaneously, omics technologies measure the variation ... -
Graph modification problems: Beyond the known boundaries
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-11-17) -
Graphical Computing Solution for Industrial Plant Engineering
(Master thesis, 2017-06-21)When preparing an engineering operation on an industrial plant, reliable and updated models of the plant must be available for correct decisions and planning. However, especially in the case of offshore oil and gas ... -
Grein. A New Non-Linear Cryptoprimitive
(Master thesis, 2013-12-10)In this thesis, we will study a new stream cipher, Grein, and a new cryptoprimitive used in this cipher. The second chapter gives a brief introduction to cryptography in general. The third chapter looks at stream ciphers ... -
Grid induced minor theorem for graphs of small degree
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)A graph H is an induced minor of a graph G if H can be obtained from G by vertex deletions and edge contractions. We show that there is a function f (k, d) = O(k10 +2d5 ) so that if a graph has treewidth at least f (k, d) ... -
Guaranteeing Resource Bounds for Component Software
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)Component software is software that has been assembled from various pieces of standardized, reusable computer programs, so-called components. Executing component software creates instances of these components. For several ... -
Guarding the First Order: The Rise of AES Maskings
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We provide three first-order hardware maskings of the AES, each allowing for a different trade-off between the number of shares and the number of register stages. All maskings use a generalization of the changing of the ... -
Hard Mathematical Problems in Cryptography and Coding Theory
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-04-28)In this thesis, we are concerned with certain interesting computationally hard problems and the complexities of their associated algorithms. All of these problems share a common feature in that they all arise from, or have ... -
Hardware architecture of Dillon's APN permutation for different primitive polynomials
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Cryptographically strong functions used as S-boxes in block cyphers are fundamental for the cypher’s security. Their representation as lookup tables is possible for functions of small dimension. For larger dimensions, this ... -
Hash functions in Cryptography
(Master thesis, 2008)This thesis is concerned with giving both an overview of the application of hash functions in cryptography and a presentation of today's standard cryptographic hash functions. Cryptographic hash functions are a valuable ... -
Hashfunksjoner for bruk i Digitale Signaturer
(Master thesis, 1995) -
Hierarchical clusterings of unweighted graphs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)We study the complexity of finding an optimal hierarchical clustering of an unweighted similarity graph under the recently introduced Dasgupta objective function. We introduce a proof technique, called the normalization ... -
A Hierarchical Splitting Scheme to Reveal Insight into Highly Self-Occluded Integral Surfaces
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)In flow visualization, integral surfaces are of particular interest for their ability to describe trajectories of massless particles. In areas of swirling motion, integral surfaces can become very complex and difficult to ... -
High-Dimensional Bayesian Network Inference From Systems Genetics Data Using Genetic Node Ordering
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Studying the impact of genetic variation on gene regulatory networks is essential to understand the biological mechanisms by which genetic variation causes variation in phenotypes. Bayesian networks provide an elegant ... -
High-performance design patterns for modern Fortran
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)This paper presents ideas for using coordinate-free numerics in modern Fortran to achieve code flexibility in the partial differential equation (PDE) domain. We also show how Fortran, over the last few decades, has changed ... -
High-Resolution Mapping of Forest Structure From SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery Using Deep Learning
(Master thesis, 2022-11-21)