Browsing Department of Informatics by Title
Now showing items 435-454 of 982
Interactive Visualization of Streaming Data with Kernel Density Estimation
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011)In this paper, we discuss the extension and integration of the statistical concept of Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) in a scatterplotlike visualization for dynamic data at interactive rates. We present a line kernel for ... -
Interactively illustrating polymerization using three-level model fusion
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-10-14)Background: Research in cell biology is steadily contributing new knowledge about many aspects of physiological processes, both with respect to the involved molecular structures as well as their related function. Illustrations ... -
Interaksjon og Søk i Dynamic Presentation Generator
(Master thesis, 2010-06)Denne oppgaven handler om hvordan interaksjon og søk kan integreres i Dynamic Presentation Generator. Dette innholdshåndteringssystemet benytter seg av presentasjonsmønstre, en ide som går ut på å skille struktur og innhold. ... -
Interaktive bridgetjenester for Internett og Mobil
(Master thesis, 2008)Denne rapporten presenterer utviklingen av to forskjellige systemer til bruk i forbindelse med kortspillet bridge. Det første systemet er et web-basert administrasjonssystem for bridge-turneringer, mens det andre systemet ... -
Interfacing concepts: Why declaration style shouldn't matter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-09-17)A concept (or signature) describes the interface of a set of abstract types by listing the operations that should be supported for those types. When implementing a generic operation, such as sorting, we may then specify ... -
Interpolation-based Decoding of Nonlinear Maximum Rank Distance Codes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In this paper, we formulate a generic construction of MRD codes that covers almost all the newly found MRD codes. Among those MRD codes, we particularly investigate the encoding and decoding of a family of nonlinear MRD ... -
Introduction to total dominator edge chromatic number
(Journal article, 2022)We introduce the total dominator edge chromatic number of a graph G. A total dominator edge coloring (briefly TDE-coloring) of G is a proper edge coloring of G in which each edge of the graph is adjacent to every edge of ... -
Invariants for EA- and CCZ-equivalence of APN and AB functions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)An (n,m)-function is a mapping from \({\mathbb {F}_{2}^{n}}\) to \({\mathbb {F}_{2}^{m}}\). Such functions have numerous applications across mathematics and computer science, and in particular are used as building blocks ... -
Investigating Streamless Sets
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)In this paper we look at streamless sets, recently investigated by Coquand and Spiwack. A set is streamless if every stream over that set contain a duplicate. It is an open question in constructive mathematics whether the ... -
Investigating the Limitations of Java Annotations for Input Validation
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)Recently Java annotations have received a lot of attention as a possible way to simplify the usage of various frameworks, ranging from persistence and verification to security. In this paper we discuss our experiences in ... -
Is there a Tornado in Alex's Blood Flow? A Case Study for Narrative Medical Visualization
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Narrative visualization advantageously combines storytelling with new media formats and techniques, like interactivity, to create improved learning experiences. In medicine, it has the potential to improve patient understanding ... -
IsoTrotter: Visually Guided Empirical Modelling of Atmospheric Convection
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Empirical models, fitted to data from observations, are often used in natural sciences to describe physical behaviour and support discoveries. However, with more complex models, the regression of parameters quickly becomes ... -
J2ME Bluetooth programming
(Master thesis, 2004) -
JASPAR 2014: An extensively expanded and updated open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-01)JASPAR ( is the largest open-access database of matrix-based nucleotide profiles describing the binding preference of transcription factors from multiple species. The fifth major release greatly ... -
K-Core Decomposition with CUDA
(Master thesis, 2020-12-18) -
K-packing and K-domination on tree graphs
(Master thesis, 2004) -
Kernel(s) for Problems with No Kernel: On Out-Trees with Many Leaves
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009)The {\sc \(k\)-Leaf Out-Branching} problem is to find an out-branching, that is a rooted oriented spanning tree, with at least \(k\) leaves in a given digraph. The problem has recently received much attention from the ... -
Kernelization for Spreading Points
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We consider the following problem about dispersing points. Given a set of points in the plane, the task is to identify whether by moving a small number of points by small distance, we can obtain an arrangement of points ... -
Kernelization of Graph Hamiltonicity: Proper H-Graphs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We obtain new polynomial kernels and compression algorithms for Path Cover and Cycle Cover, the well-known generalizations of the classical Hamiltonian Path and Hamiltonian Cycle problems. Our choice of parameterization ... -
Kernelization of Vertex Cover by Structural Parameters
(Master thesis, 2015-08-03)In the NP-complete problem Vertex Cover, one is given a graph G and an integer k and are asked whether there exists a vertex set S ⊆ V (G) with size at most k such that every edge of the graph is incident to a vertex in ...