Waterhouse, Robert M.; Adam-Blondon, Anne-Françoise; Balech, Bachir; Barta, Endre; Ying Shi Chua, Physilia; Di Cola, Valeria; Heil, Katharina F.; Hughes, Graham M.; Jermiin, Lars S.; Kalaš, Matúš; Lanfear, Jerry; Pafilis, Evangelos; Palagi, Patricia M.; Papageorgiou, Aristotelis C.; Paupério, Joana; Psomopoulos, Fotis; Raes, Niels; Burgin, Josephine; Gabaldón, Toni (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
Biodiversity loss is now recognised as one of the major challenges for humankind to address over the next few decades. Unless major actions are taken, the sixth mass extinction will lead to catastrophic effects on the ...