Blar i Department of Chemistry på tittel
Viser treff 392-411 av 464
Solvolytic lignin degradation in an alcohol / formic acid medium - Analysis of the reaction system and products by means of kinetic modelling and chemometrics
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-10-04)Lignocellulosic biomass has been identified as an abundant renewable resource to produce sustainable alternatives for conventional fossil fuels for the transport sector as well as selected bio-materials and chemicals. ... -
Source and fate of ultra-short-chain PFAS in AFFF-impacted water and biota
(Master thesis, 2024-06-24) -
Spin Crossover in a Hexaamineiron(II) Complex: Experimental Confirmation of a Computational Prediction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-01-06)Single crystal structural analysis of [Fe^II(tame)_2]Cl_2⋅MeOH (tame=1,1,1‐tris(aminomethyl)ethane) as a function of temperature reveals a smooth crossover between a high temperature high‐spin octahedral d^6 state and a ... -
Spørsmål i en kjemilærebok: en studie av potensialer for dybdelæring på videregående skole
(Master thesis, 2019-07-30)Denne studien omhandler dybdelæring og hvordan dybdelæring kan se ut i praksis. Studien tar utgangspunkt i en revidert utgave av kjemi 1 bok, og analysen av tre tillegg fra denne boken danner hovedgrunnlaget i oppgaven. ... -
Stabilisation of Tyrosine Hydroxylase in Nanoparticles for Enzyme Replacement Therapy
(Master thesis, 2012-02-27)The aim of this thesis has been to characterise nanoparticles (NPs) to which tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) was attached, as a preliminary step in their evaluation to be used for an enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) for Parkinson's ... -
Static and dynamic studies of foam and foam-oil interactions
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-11-03) -
Steric Factors on Unsymmetrical O-hydroxyaryl N- Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands Prevailing the Stabilization of Single Stereoisomer of Bis-Ligated Titanium Complexes
(Journal article, 2017)Bis-ligated titanium(IV) metal complexes supported by bidentate unsymmetrical o-hydroxyaryl-substituted N-heterocyclic carbene ligands were synthesized and structurally identified. While the direct addition of the doubly ... -
Stirred and non-stirred lignin solvolysis with formic acid in aqueous and ethanolic solvent systems at different levels of loading in a 5-L reactor
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Lignin polymer is biologically and chemically stable and requires highly vigorous conditions for de-polymerization, and subsequent stabilization of the monomeric conversion products to prevent re-polymerization and char ... -
A strategy for low cost, effective surfactant injection
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-05)Ideally, in a chemical flooding process, one would like to inject a surfactant solution that has good solubility at the relevant conditions, ultralow interfacial tension (efficient oil mobilisation) and low loss of surfactant ... -
Structure of POPC Lipid Bilayers in OPLS3e Force Field
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)It is crucial for molecular dynamics simulations of biomembranes that the force field parameters give a realistic model of the membrane behavior. In this study, we examined the OPLS3e force field for the carbon−hydrogen ... -
Structure-Activity-Relationship-Aided Design and Synthesis of xCT Antiporter Inhibitors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The xCT antiporter is a cell membrane protein involved in active counter-transportation of glutamate (outflux) with cystine (influx) over the human cell membrane. This feature makes the xCT antiporter a crucial element of ... -
A study of ring-opening reactions of some di- and trihalogenated cyclopropanes
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-03-21) -
Studying lipid interactions of specific myelin proteins using nanoscaled model membrane-mimics and nanoparticles
(Master thesis, 2018-12-11)The nervous system is a complex and highly specialized network, where rapid conduction of nerve impulses over large distances is required for correct functioning of vertebrate nervous system. Saltatory conduction of ... -
Surface lattice engineering for fine-tuned spatial configuration of nanocrystals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Hybrid nanocrystals combining different properties together are important multifunctional materials that underpin further development in catalysis, energy storage, et al., and they are often constructed using heterogeneous ... -
SuspensionFeeding Benthic Species’ Physiological and Microbiome Response to Salmon Farming and Associated Environmental Changes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Caged salmon farming is increasingly undertaken in water bodies with strong hydrodynamics where hard and mixed substrate habitats are more prevalent. Yet, these structurally complex and heterogeneous habitats support diverse ... -
Syntese av Ag-nanopartikler i mikroemulsjoner; kontrollere morfologi ved å variere mikroemulsjonsparametere, reaktanter og stabilisatorer
(Master thesis, 2014-09-30)I denne oppgaven har hovedfokuset vært å undersøke hvorvidt Ag-nanopartikler kan fremstilles i et W/O mikroemulsjonsystem bestående av AOT og dekan. Effekten av å variere ulike parametere som vann-til- surfaktantforhold, ... -
Syntese og analyse av noen tris-(3-karbetoksypropyl) sulfoniumsalter [S(CH2CH2C(O)OH)3]+[X]-
(Master thesis, 2003)Følgende sulfoniumsalter er syntetisert; Tris-(3-karbetoksypropyl)sulfoniumklorid, [S(CH2CH2C(O)OH)3]+Cl-, Tris-(3-karbetoksypropyl)sulfoniumbromid, [S(CH2CH2C(O)OH)3]+Br- og Tris-(3-karbetoksypropyl)sulfoniumnitrat, ... -
Synthesis and characterization of synthetic and biopolymer hydrogels
(Master thesis, 2019-09-04)Hydrogels are widely researched for biomedical applications such as drug delivery. The tunable properties of hydrogels, in terms of swelling, mechanical properties and mesh size, make them prime candidates for this ... -
Synthesis and Functionalization of Periodic Mesoporous Silica
(Master thesis, 2008)Different periodic mesoporous silica materials have been synthesized in order to investigate the topic of size-selective heterogeneous catalysis. SBA-1, SBA-2, SBA-16, and MCM-41 were synthesized. The cagelike SBA-1 and ... -
Synthesis and Method Development of Silver N-Heterocyclic Complexes as Cytotoxic Agents
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-09-16)Imidazol er ein verdifull heterosyklisk ringstruktur som ein mellom anna finn i naturprodukt, i legemidlar og som ligandar i katalysatorar innan homogen katalyse. Fokuset i denne avhandlinga er på syntese av forskjellege ...