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Bayesian and frequentist computation with application to data from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-04-25)In chapter 1, the field of statistics is discussed in general terms. Then, Bayes’ theorem is presented together with the posterior distribution. Finally, we consider maximum likelihood estimation and its relation to ... -
A Bayesian Lasso based sparse learning model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The Bayesian Lasso is constructed in the linear regression framework and applies the Gibbs sampling to estimate the regression parameters. This paper develops a new sparse learning model, named the Bayesian Lasso Sparse ... -
Bayesian Variational Methods in Carbon Storage Monitoring
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-01-19)This thesis explores the use of deep learning and variational inference in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) monitoring. It consists of an introductory part and three scientific papers. The first chapter introduces CCS and ... -
Begrepsforståelse i matematikkfaget
(Master thesis, 2014-05-30)Intensjonen med denne oppgaven er å kunne gi en vurdering av hvilke matematiske basiskunnskaper elevene som begynner på videregående har og gi noen forslag til hva som kan gjøres for å forbedre undervisningen -
Beskrivelse av skoleforsøket: Lagring av CO2 under havbunnen
(Working paper, 2010-03-04) -
Binary time series classification with Bayesian convolutional neural networks when monitoring for marine gas discharges
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-19)The world’s oceans are under stress from climate change, acidification and other human activities, and the UN has declared 2021–2030 as the decade for marine science. To monitor the marine waters, with the purpose of ... -
Black-Litterman portfolio allocation using Local Gaussian Correlation
(Master thesis, 2024-04-27) -
Blanda modellar i R
(Master thesis, 2006-11-21) -
Block preconditioners for mixed-dimensional discretization of flow in fractured porous media
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this paper, we are interested in an efficient numerical method for the mixed-dimensional approach to modeling single-phase flow in fractured porous media. The model introduces fractures and their intersections as ... -
Boundary-value problems and shoaling analysis for the BBM equation
(Master thesis, 2012-02-20)In this thesis we study the BBM equation u_t+u_x+ \frac{3}{2}uu_x - \frac{1}{6} u_{xxt}= 0 which describes approximately the two-dimensional propagation of surface waves in a uniform horizontal channel containing an ... -
Brain solute transport is more rapid in periarterial than perivenous spaces
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Fluid flow in perivascular spaces is recognized as a key component underlying brain transport and clearance. An important open question is how and to what extent differences in vessel type or geometry affect perivascular ... -
Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Minimum Spanning Tree
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-11)In this paper, we propose a minimum spanning tree-based method for segmenting brain tumors. The proposed method performs interactive segmentation based on the minimum spanning tree without tuning parameters. The steps ... -
Brauer groups of bielliptic surfaces and classification of irregular surfaces in positive characteristic
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-05-27)In this work we tackle three problems about surfaces. In Part I (Chapter 2) we study the Brauer groups of bielliptic surfaces in characteristic zero. More precisely, given a bielliptic surface X, we give explicit ... -
Brauer Groups of Bielliptic Surfaces and Twisted Derived Equivalences
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-08-30)This thesis focuses on two interrelated projects. The first project concerns the study of bielliptic surfaces, their Brauer groups and the pullback maps from their Brauer groups to those of their canonical covers. We prove ... -
Bridging the ensemble Kalman filter and particle filters: the adaptive Gaussian mixture filter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)The nonlinear filtering problem occurs in many scientific areas. Sequential Monte Carlo solutions with the correct asymptotic behavior such as particle filters exist, but they are computationally too expensive when working ... -
Brill–Noether general K3 surfaces with the maximal number of elliptic pencils of minimal degree
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)We explicitly construct Brill–Noether general K3 surfaces of genus 4, 6 and 8 having the maximal number of elliptic pencils of degrees 3, 4 and 5, respectively, and study their moduli spaces and moduli maps to the moduli ... -
Brill–Noether theory of squarefree modules supported on a graph
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-05)We investigate the analogy between squarefree Cohen- Macaulay modules supported on a graph and line bundles on a curve. We prove a Riemann–Roch theorem, we study the Jacobian and gonality of a graph, and we prove Clifford’s ... -
Bruk av algoritmisk tenkning og programmering som stillas for å understøtte læringsarbeidet i matematikk: Om opplevd mestring og mestringsklima i klasserommet.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Mestring er et begrep som har blitt løftet fram med Fagfornyelsen og LK20. Dette prosjektet har gått ut på å undersøke mestringsklima i klasserommet og elevenes mestringsopplevelse når de arbeidet med mine egenutviklede, ... -
Bruk av matematikkens historie i matematikkundervisningen - En kilde til motivasjon?
(Master thesis, 2016-11-21)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg bruk av matematikkens historie i matematikkundervisning. Jeg har selv en bakgrunn som matematikklærer i videregående skole gjennom drøyt 15 år, og for meg personlig har matematikkens historie ...